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How much time does your 10 yr. old spend on each subject ?


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I do think it depends a lot on the kid, but... My dd10:

  • 45 minutes reading, sometimes it's assigned, sometimes choice. Occasionally I have her start a WWS lesson for the last 15mins.
  • 15 minus memory work and pray about 15 minutes.
  • 30 mins language arts such as spelling or WWS (MWF) or 30mins foreign language (T/Th)
  • 15 mins recess/snack
  • 45 mins math - We do a lesson, then she does the exercise. Sometimes we do two lessons, or we might play a math game or something. She also sometimes does drill or practice a word problem. Occasionally we finish two lessons in 20mins and then call it quits for math
  • 1hr history (M/W) or science (Th/F)
  • She usually has about 1hr of additional independent work to do, which includes practicing flute, finishing some reading, doing a bit of additional history/science work, or finishing up a WWS lesson.

We also do a flute lesson each week, and she attends a literature group meeting for 2hrs/week.

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Math - 90 min (his choice)

Writing - 45-60 min

Grammar, Lit, Vocab, Spelling - 60-90 min

Latin - 30min

Spanish - 15-20min

History - 90min 3x/week

Science - 90min 3x/week


The above includes all assigned reading, including lit selections. He often reads for pleasure, but I don't count that. I also don't count electives & co-ops as "school time".

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it varies depending on his attitude for the minute. He just turned 11 so perhaps all that is behind us, ROFL!


Bible 3x 30 min

Geography daily 15 min

Logic daily 15 min


math daily 1 hr

grammar daily 30 min(unless it's the writing day and then 45 min)

spelling daily 15 min


history- we vary here. can be one long day or several short days. the readings make this long...so really no idea how much time

science daily 30 min


reading- depends on the book. daily- 10min-30 min assigned reading. daily 30-45min free reading


on a bad day math can be 2 hours. Grammar and spelling an hour each. Good days are listed above. It's my positive hope.

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LOL, I see several comments about attitude! It makes me feel I am not alone.


We have gotten less structured with history, and already were with science. But there is a certain average amount of time spent on those things nonetheless. Times are hard to say. Sometimes we might spend 2 hours on math and a little less on something else.


Latin (Prep) avg. 20-40 minutes per day

Spelling: 10 minutes

Reading literature and informal discussion (discussion once or twice/week): 30-60

Math: 45

Writing: 30-45 average (was WWS, now a break working on reports and creative writing)

History and Science alternate for maybe 4 hours each week, usually more science than history.

Grammar: about one hour per week, maybe a little more (3 lessons)

Geography studies (worktext form, Memoria Press) and Christian Studies once per week: less than an hour?

Music practice 45 minutes per day

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Math: up to an hour (sometimes even longer) but it varies because I schedule 2 pages per day, rather than a time requirement

Everything else (grammar, writing, English, logic, spelling): probably averages 15-20 minutes each, depending on the day

Science and history: usually about half an hour; we do these together as a group


He does all his independent reading on his own whenever he wants. I've never timed it but he likes reading and does some every day and gets through usually 1-3 books per week.


We spend a few minutes daily on memorization and he practices piano every day, probably 15-20 minutes.


Compared to a lot of people, we spend considerably less time on most things, but it's working for us and the time spent increases a little each year.

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Thank you for all your responses ~ with the new year I am trying to figure out if we need to readjust our time - it always seems that compared to other home educators in our area we spend more time on school. But looking over the responses here it seems that we are pretty much on target.



If your ds has a problem with a subject do you add more time and subtract time from other subjects or just add time ?

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I don't really time either, but math takes her 45-60 minutes and reading also takes up a lot of time. The rest of LA and logic gets done very quickly compared with those first two subjects. We go 4 full days and one "fun" day per week from 9-3, sometimes less. I start by 9 so she can get ready for gymnastics by 3, because she has to be out the door by 3:45. Latin also takes her a while.

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  • 1 month later...

Are these times one lesson per day for most of you? If I sat my 9-year-old daughter down for an hour of math, she might be able to get 2 or 3 lessons done, depending on the topic and how many problems. (We use Math Mammoth.) For grammar, I set her a timer for 20 minutes a couple weeks ago, and she did 4 lessons of GWG! Do you think this is just because she does most of her work independently, so we're taking out the instruction portion?

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Are these times one lesson per day for most of you?
Our day is by lessons for the most part. I do have a time schedule, however if a lesson is completed earlier then free time is earned. My 12yo and 10yo's day looks like this:


Spelling/Handwriting/Grammar - 1.5 hours (I allotted extra time so they would not rush, especially with Spelling)

Latin - 15 min

Horizons (math warm-up) - 15 min

Math - 1 hour

History - 1 hour

Science - 1 hour

Writing - 30 minutes

Literature - 30 minutes


We do every subject every day.

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My 10 yr old has an erratic schedule because of electives at school and ballet, and she does some subjects 2 or 3 times per week... but if I add everything up and divide by five school days it comes out like this:


Math -- 90 min.

Writing & Grammar -- 25 min.

History -- 60 min.

Science -- 30 min.

Latin -- 15 min.

(Electives at school* -- 60 min)


*Art, Singing, Computer Science, Creative Writing

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