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What should we ask for? Paris.


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My dad is heading to Paris next month, and would like me to give him a list of things I would like him to bring back. We do not study/plan to study French, so I am not in need of books or language supplements. Any ideas what we should ask for? He will be flying into the U.S.

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The Louvre has a really nice children's museum shop, including a section of English-language books. More suited for younger children than teenagers. I'd be asking for macarons and marrons glacees for myself. If your kids are crafty, there is a great store called Loisir et Creation (there's one in Passy) that has fun things. Nature et Decouverte is also a fun store that has more nature/sciency things. I think that both of these stores have items that you would not find easily in the States (could be wrong, it's been a while since I lived in the US). If he's there during the sales, he could (if he were brave enough) get pajamas and undies etc at Petit Bateau. Great quality. Might be easier if he just takes you along to help him shop!

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Coins and other money.


Subway tickets.




Photos or postcards of French Landmarks:

--Louvre: entrance and traditional part

--Eiffel Tower

--Arc de Triomphe

--Notre Dame

--the Sorbonne

--artists painting and selling their wares in public



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I agree that the children's museum shop at the Louvre is great. If he can get a couple of nice books there, he wouldn't have to try to find a bookstore with a good selection. If he can get to a bakery the day he leaves (or maybe the day before if he as a fridge), I would want a box of macaroons. Next time my DH goes to France, he will return with plenty of this one raspberry red wine vinegar from the plain old grocery store. Gosh, I miss that stuff. lol

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