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Any scrapbookers here doing Project Life next year?


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I just ordered the Cobalt kit and am pretty pysched. I use to be a really hardcore scrapbooker but i havent done much lately at all, and my stash is pretty minimal now (well, compared to what it was!) I was looking through the old scrapbooks of my kids and it is so wonderful to have those memories written down, so I hope I can keep up with PL.


Anyone else?

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I absolutely love Project Life!! 2013 will be my 3rd year doing it. I have never kept up with any scrap booking like I have with this!


This week with my "down" time I completely finished my 2012 album!! I had about 3 months to catch up on and did it in a few short hours!!


Here are my project life blog posts if anyone is interested. :)



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I just ordered the Cobalt kit and am pretty pysched. I use to be a really hardcore scrapbooker but i havent done much lately at all, and my stash is pretty minimal now (well, compared to what it was!) I was looking through the old scrapbooks of my kids and it is so wonderful to have those memories written down, so I hope I can keep up with PL.


Anyone else?



Me!! LOVE Project Life. I used the Cobalt kit for 2012, so I'm just finishing it up. I can't say enough about it, I love it so much. It is my second year doing it but for 2011 I used Creative Memories pic folio albums because I didn't find out about PL in time to order it.


For next year I chose the Clementine kit. I chose it mostly because I love the cards that look like those old "via airmail" envelopes LOL!


I also make annual digital books, but PL is sort of like my picture journal. Plus I can keep all my memorabilia, ticket stubs, etc in my PL album that I can't keep in my digital books.


I have a photography blog which is a bit neglected and this year I am hoping to post my weekly PL layouts.


You will love PL!

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I have not heard of Project Life, but I'm a big scrapper. I did paper when I only had 2 kids, now that we have more I have switched to digital so there is less mess. I have done Blurb books from our blog and I usually make my own layouts in my photo program and then do a Shutterfly book with those.

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Did you know about the Studio Calico monthly kits for Project Life?




I am thinking of joining. Unfortunately, January is sold out and there is a waiting list, but we can join for the rest of the months.



cocoadaisy.com also has a PL kit,monthly I think. I am already subbed to Scrapbook Generations, so I dont want to do another.

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I also used to be a big time scrapper but haven't for several years. For the past couple of years I have been the mentor for some 4Hers and taught them the basics and let them use my supplies. In November I was asked to be the 4H scrapbook leader for the county- 13 clubs in all. I will be hosting scrapbooking afternoons once a month as well as having one on one time with some kids in our club. I decided to agree to be the leader because I knew it would force me to get back into scrapbooking and would get to take time for it without feeling guilty. Our first get together is next month and I am looking forward to it.

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Oooh! I hadn't heard of Project Life, but I may have to look into it! I love scrapbooking, but just haven't had the time in the past couple of years. Some of the moms in my hs circle keep saying we'd like to arrange a day or even a weekend-long event, but nothing has materialized yet. We just can't seem to get everyone's schedules to work out!


So, Becky Higgins, tell me more about this.......(off to check out the website!)

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I haven't scrapbooked in years. I have wonderful scrapbooks of my two oldest children. Nothing of the other three. :crying:


I just looked over at the digital version and WOW! In about two hours I've made a 2012 yearbook of all my Instagram pics on my phone on that site. SO easy and quick! Thank you! :hurray:


I'm in for 2013. My goal is an average of one page per week.

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Elise it should be really fun. Which kit appeals to you the most?


Well to be honest I liked them all! My favorite (right now) is probably Amber. I also liked Clementine and Cobalt and... :drool5:


It is kind of hard to see the cards in detail on the website but from what I read they seem to be high quality card stock.


Elise in NC

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I used the Amber kit in 2011, last year I used Clementine, and this year I'm leaning towards Olive. I can't wait for the kits to become available on amazon!!!


I'm so really excited about her new baby and childhood kits!! I have a brother and sil expecting their first and going to get them the baby edition. I would love to buy 3 myself and go back and do better with all our baby pictures, but not sure about that yet. :)


By the way, if y'all aren't following Becky's blog, I really enjoy it a lot! Obviously a lot is about project life, but she shares a lot about her own memory keeping, her kids and how she does stuff. :) gives me lots of great ideas!!

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I love PL!! I used to feel so guilty about not having time to scrapbook anymore. That is totally gone! Even with having a baby, buying a house and putting this house on the market, I was able to keep 2012 current all year. That is freaking amazing to me!! I did a photo a day unless it was a big week (kid birthday, holiday, etc.) and then the whole layout is dedicated to that event.


If you haven't watched her video "Get Organized with Kids' Stuff" WATCH IT NOW!!! I have all of my kids papers and artwork sorted and I'm slowly but surely getting all the past years out of the plastic box and into books!! And as soon as we get settled into our new house, I'm going to buy the Girl Baby kit and the Neutral Baby kit and get baby books done for my youngest girls.


Yeah, I'm a fan :laugh:!

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I'm watching her "Getting Kids Stuff Organized" video right now. This really makes me want to redo albums since I don't have a cohesive way. My older kids have paper 12x12 (that have now fallen apart because they have looked through them so much so I at least need to change the binders), then I started doing digital 8x8, I only did their first year in an individual scrapbook, etc. For those who have various albums or scrapbooks, have you ever thought about going back and making them all more cohesive somehow? I know Ali Edwards did this. Maybe it's seeing all of Becky Higgins' albums so neat and all the same that makes me want to do this. LOL

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I used to do lots of scrapbooking and I love looking at my books, but I've had trouble finding the time and space in the last few years. I tried digital, but I really like doing paper scrapbooks and it's more of an art project for me. I'm hoping to get my photos and supplies organized this year and get some done. I'll have to check out PL.

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I'm watching her "Getting Kids Stuff Organized" video right now. This really makes me want to redo albums since I don't have a cohesive way. My older kids have paper 12x12 (that have now fallen apart because they have looked through them so much so I at least need to change the binders), then I started doing digital 8x8, I only did their first year in an individual scrapbook, etc. For those who have various albums or scrapbooks, have you ever thought about going back and making them all more cohesive somehow? I know Ali Edwards did this. Maybe it's seeing all of Becky Higgins' albums so neat and all the same that makes me want to do this. LOL


I had to let that go. I did work using stacy julians system for a while, but to be honest, it would be waaaay too much work to go through and reorg everything. I have 15 albums full of layouts. I might make them a bit more chronological lol. I dont even mind that i am missing 2 1/2 years when i stopped scrapping. I still have the photos, printed, but it is unlikely i will go back and scrap them all. I find it is better to just let go and not try to make it a full time job. I scrap what i want, when i want. It works out fine.

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I used to do lots of scrapbooking and I love looking at my books, but I've had trouble finding the time and space in the last few years. I tried digital, but I really like doing paper scrapbooks and it's more of an art project for me. I'm hoping to get my photos and supplies organized this year and get some done. I'll have to check out PL.


I did digi for a couple of years too, but prefer paper. I am hoping project life will get be back to taking photos and keeping memories!

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Thanks to everyone here, I just spent 60+ bucks on the Cobalt kit! Ugh!

You people should work on commission! :wink:


Are you starting with 2013? Or the school year? Christmas?


I got the cobalt kit too! I am starting with either today or tomorrow. Wont get kit til wednesday, but will be taking photos! So excited!

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You can do it for this year or take old pictures that you've never done anything with and create an album. :)


I have been starting at the new year since I started project life and have been finishing my albums "on time" meaning I have finished albums for 2011 and 2012!! I never thought I would be able to say that!!


I am thinking of taking her new baby kits and going back to organize my kids baby pictures but haven't bought any of them yet.



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I am waiting on mine. it should arrive today. I have been taking pictures. How do you guys print your pics? Do edit and order online, do you pick them up at a local store or have them sent to you?


I used to print everything at home when i was a hardcore scrapper. But now at i want it to be more quick and easy, i pload them and get them developed online. I usually use shutterfly, but i want to be ale to get mine more quickly, at least initially when i am not behind yet, lol, so i will choose walgreens or cvs. I know their photos arent that great, but for the moment that is okay. I can upload them and get them within one hour.

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I'm taking photos everyday, then just running to Target to print off a week's worth at a time. For a larger batch, I'll use Shutterfly. I think I'm going to get a Turquoise kit to put my Disney photos in...the colors look like they would go well.


I've done my title page and last page, and I'm developing photos tomorrow for the first week of my Amber album. Woo hoo!


If you want to see some very cool Project Life ideas...search Project Life on Pinterest!

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I'm taking photos everyday, then just running to Target to print off a week's worth at a time. For a larger batch, I'll use Shutterfly. I think I'm going to get a Turquoise kit to put my Disney photos in...the colors look like they would go well.


I've done my title page and last page, and I'm developing photos tomorrow for the first week of my Amber album. Woo hoo!


If you want to see some very cool Project Life ideas...search Project Life on Pinterest!


I took Becky's class last year and someone asked her if she was coming out with a Disney kit. She said she wasn't BUT she said that one of the cores coming out at CHA (next week!!) would look great with Disney pictures. Primary colors, maybe?? Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up.

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I took Becky's class last year and someone asked her if she was coming out with a Disney kit. She said she wasn't BUT she said that one of the cores coming out at CHA (next week!!) would look great with Disney pictures. Primary colors, maybe?? Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up.


I'll keep my eyes open!! Thanks!

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