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I Have Lost 61 Pounds!!!!!

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I had to post this, because I am so proud of myself!!! I have talked about this in response to something else before--in Feb, I found out I had diabetes--I am quite overweight, and that woke me up. I decided, for myself, and for my daughter, to get with it. I have completely changed my whole lifestyle. I have given up my beloved junk food, I eat so healthily, and am happy with it, I feel like a new person! I ruptured 2 discs in my back nearly 2 years ago, and had gotten to the point where I could barely walk down the aisle of a grocery store, now I can walk nearly a mile and a half with my dogs!!!


This isn't a diet, it is a life change! I drink a ton of water, have given up diet soda (my fave thing!!), cook everything (also because of money, but health too), have always been vegetarian, and have finally tried a ton of veggies I'd never tried before. I can sit on the floor and get up from it now, and feel so much younger and healthier!


I'm just a happy, happy person, and had to share! I still have a good 60-80 lbs to go, at least, but I know I can do it, and know I won't put it back on. This is for good :D.

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Congratulations! That's such a great, inspiring story.


My dad was diagnosed w/ pre-diabetes right before he died (of heart disease at 49), & my sis & I have been talking about the implications for us. We know that we need to be healthier before it becomes an issue.


Not that we've followed through w/ that. We just know we should. :001_huh:

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Wow, congrats! I'm so happy for you! I'm trying to lose weight (but I can't get past the Mexican food cravings). I am working out a few times a week, so I know I'm getting healthier. I think in my case I'm right at that line where if I gain much more I'm going to start having problems so I know I need to get on down there. It's just so hard with all this food around us isn't it.

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Congratulations! That's such a great, inspiring story.


My dad was diagnosed w/ pre-diabetes right before he died (of heart disease at 49), & my sis & I have been talking about the implications for us. We know that we need to be healthier before it becomes an issue.


Not that we've followed through w/ that. We just know we should. :001_huh:


Aubrey, I am so sorry about your dad! My twin brother developed diabetes in his twenties, from some meds he took for his mental illness (he is schizophrenic, chronic). He also has serious heart disease and this made it much worse. He didn't take care of it, and a few years ago had a massive heart attack, they tried a triple bypass, and succeeded with a double (they didn't think he would make it with any). He has horrible diabetes, really high cholesterol and serious heart disease.


I think that is why this so woke me up. My last doctor had gotten really nasty about my weight. A year before this she said I had diabetes but she wouldn't do anything until I lost 20 lbs., so I just didn't believe her, thought she was trying to get me to lose weight, which I'd be trying to do for years, and couldn't. I switched dr's in Feb, which is how I found out. My sugar was 300, my cholesterol, in a year, had gone from 110 to 280 (everyone in my fam has high cholesterol, I was the only one who didn't, & I've always been really careful about that, and I'm vegetarian!), my potassium was so low, from the diabetes, my new dr. said I would have been dead in 2 months if I hadn't come in--which is why I had no symptoms of the diabetes, no thirst, no frequent urination, etc.


Diabetes can effect different minerals and vitamins, effects your heart, your cholesterol, so much more. If your dad had it, you should get screened for it--so much better to know. And if you are pre, a few precautions can keep you from getting it, or stave it off that much longer.


I know I sound bizarre, but, for me, I consider it a godsend, I don't think I ever would have gotten it together otherwise. Knowing what my brother has gone through, it terrified me into action, and all I have to think of is my daughter, and the life I want with her, and how much she needs me, and I can keep going, and going.


I'm sure you don't need to go that far. Just take the test. Always better to know than not :).

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I had to post this, because I am so proud of myself!!! I have talked about this in response to something else before--in Feb, I found out I had diabetes--I am quite overweight, and that woke me up. I decided, for myself, and for my daughter, to get with it. I have completely changed my whole lifestyle. I have given up my beloved junk food, I eat so healthily, and am happy with it, I feel like a new person! I ruptured 2 discs in my back nearly 2 years ago, and had gotten to the point where I could barely walk down the aisle of a grocery store, now I can walk nearly a mile and a half with my dogs!!!


This isn't a diet, it is a life change! I drink a ton of water, have given up diet soda (my fave thing!!), cook everything (also because of money, but health too), have always been vegetarian, and have finally tried a ton of veggies I'd never tried before. I can sit on the floor and get up from it now, and feel so much younger and healthier!


I'm just a happy, happy person, and had to share! I still have a good 60-80 lbs to go, at least, but I know I can do it, and know I won't put it back on. This is for good :D.


The last time I went to my doctor, she told me I needed to lose weight. I was discouraged about it, but have I lost any? No, in fact I've gained 15 lbs more! So when I got on the scale recently, and weighed 150, I was really frustrated. And do you think there's any chance I'll go back to that doctor at this weight? Forget it. I started walking every day. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I'm getting stronger and my pants are getting looser, so I'm going to hang in there, and keep walking. Hearing your story encourages me that it can be done. Good for you!!

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I recently joined the WTM Sparkpeople group that was mentioned in this thread and have started to lose weight & exercise too. In fact, I bought a pedometer today!! I even posted "before" pictures on my SparkPage -- hopeful the progress/after pictures will keep me going!

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