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I loved CHristmas Eve service tonight and I love my presents


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Christmas Eve service was so nice. I really liked it- can't say I necessarily enjoyed it since our sermon was about children and mentioned children in Syria, Newtown, etc. BUt I did love that we ended the service with Silent NIght in three languages- started by a member singing it in Korean, then we sang in English, than the music director sang it in German and like the original was played, the only accompagnment was the guitar. BUt the music was altogether so nice.


I got an enameled dutch oven, two new big cookbooks that I believe I will love, 2 new bird feeders, and lots of cds- all that I am sure I will love. Oh, and I am getting a chest freezer too but that hasn't arrived yet. PLus my son got me my own nice big box of dark chocolates.


What about every one else?

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Haha...I am hoping to convince the family to open gifts later tonight. That way we can still sleep in like we like, and make it to family gathering on time instead of LATE! We've never opened on Christmas Eve before, and we always feel rushed on Christmas day to open, enjoy, clean up and get to the family "thing". I hope they buy it. I bought my own gifts, so I know I will like them: one new Steve Madden purse, one deep red garnet & diamond halo ring, and Bath & Body Works shower gels!! :)

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We didn't go to Christmas Eve service because I'm still recovering from all the kids being sick all week, plus I am still sick myself, plus we had my parents over today for Christmas Dinner (a day early). I did miss going, since we usually do go. Oh well, perhaps next year.


We'll open our presents in the morning, but I already know what I'm getting from my husband, children, and parents:

  • A pretty pink robe
  • A pretty lavender night gown
  • A lovely red plaid night gown (to match my daughter's night gown)
  • A fleecy jacket
  • A juicer (hand-press)
  • Headphones (can you tell my husband wanted a new pair, LOL?)
  • Tiny perfumes

I have everything I need, except a new house. Who wants to get me that for Christmas? ;)

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We just finished wrapping gifts at about 12:30. We had to miss the Christmas celebration on DH's side and the Christmas Eve service with them due to the flu hitting our house. Finally feeling like I am not on my deathbed anymore, feeling much much better but sad we missed it tonight.


:grouphug: :grouphug: We were all sick here this past week. Yes, deathbed is an apt description. Hope you feel better soon! Merry Christmas!

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Very nice! I got the trainer monitor watch thingy I wanted for dh. You know - keeps distance, heart rate, speed, etc. I did not love my church's service this year, I'm sorry to admit. For starters, we went on Saturday; my church gives tickets to avoid everyone coming at once, which is usually good, but we procrastinated. By the time I went to reserve our seats, there were none left for Monday or Sunday services.

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We didn't go to Christmas Eve service this year either. They use to have a kids service at 5:00 and then we went out for Chinese, and looked at lights. they moved the service this year to 6:45, and we just didn't feel like working around it. Plus, older dd doesn't take well to change, sometimes. especially when it's a 'tradition'. So we skipped church, still went out for Chinese and looked at lights.

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