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Thinning thick, coarse hair with thinning shears?


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Does this work? My mother is insisting that I do this with DD7's coarse, curly hair and is telling DD7 she'll take her if I don't. I've read that it can actually make really thick hair more difficult to deal with because it creates layers of hair at different lengths, which makes everything fluffier.


I'm at a loss as to how to help DD7 with her hair otherwise. It doesn't smooth down into any semblance of a pattern, no matter what I put in it. She seems to have all different textures of hair, all on one head. It's very difficult to brush (and I know I'm supposed to use a wide-toothed comb, but I can't get any comb through, and it makes her scream--I think the comb pulls bigger chunks than the brush does). I pretty much use only conditioner on it, but then she gets a horrible build-up underneath that makes everything worse and I have to use a stripping shampoo. We have to brush in front of the TV (for the distraction), and it takes at least 20 minutes every time. I don't see how she'll ever learn to brush it herself :(


So I would love for the thinning to work, but I'm skeptical. We need to get haircuts next week, so I'm debating having it done. Can anyone weigh in? (On any of this?!)



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I would talk to a very experienced hair stylist that also has experience with thick hair. If I remember correctly, a friend of mine with thick hair had her hair ruined when a stylist was too enthusiastic using thinning shears. They can make your hair frizz if used incorrectly.

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I own thinning shears and use them on my head. They make a world of difference. However, you have to know how to use them. The way I do it is to not close the shears all the way and never use them on the top layer of hair. I have very thick curly hair and can often fill a small bathroom trash can with the frizz I remove in one cutting. I'm 45 and I remember my mom using them on me as a child, so I've been safely doing it for years. Maybe check youtube, surely there is a video out there somewhere. It always makes my hair flatter. I also cut my own hair, and my hair is so curly it would hide a lot of mistakes.

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You know, it's crazy. There are zillions of products to make one have thicker and fuller hair. Everyone thinks they want thick full hair. Well, I have that and it's hard to deal with! My 10 year old has quite a mop on his head too. We are like shaggy camels with a bad hair day around here.


Shaggy camels, I like that. Ds has apparently inherited my hair as well. When it's super short it's not so bad, but he likes it a little longer.

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Take your dd to a Diva Stylist!!!! They deal with curly hair. I went to a traditional salon forever. I have VERY thick hair. My stylist kept thinning out my hair and straightening it. I HATE my hair! I couldn't ever get it right. I went to a Diva stylist and she showed me how to wear my hair curly!!! I have a few months to go before it will be perfect - I have to let those stupid layers grow out. My current stylist told me that thinning shears are HORRIBLE for curls!!!!


Don't do it until you have an appointment with someone who knows curly hair and teaches you and your dd how to work WITH her hair and not against it (ie - straightening it every day).

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I've have it done and I wouldn't do it again. It seemed to work well, but as my hair grew and I had further trims, it got really fuzzy - like Brillo pad fuzzy. Dd has difficult textured hair. I wouldn't do conditioner only if you are having buildup problems. However, I would only comb it wet while the conditioner is still in it, starting 1 inch from the bottom and then moving up about an inch or half-inch at a time. Then rinse it carefully without disturbing it too much. As you dry it, NEVER rub it dry, but squeeze it or wrap a towel around it. Then, while it is wet, comb it through again using the same procedure. The point of starting from the bottom is to prevent the tangles from accumulating. This way, it doesn't hurt those tender scalps - nor do you rip the hair. If you let it air dry, don't touch it or play with it too much or it will fuzz too much. If you do dry it, use a diffuser and don't move it too much or it will fuzz. I usually use a small amount of conditioner (like the size of a pea) as a finisher to cut the fuzz. For my daughter, on days between washings, she wears it up in a ponytail or she wets it down. If we brush it on non-washing days, I brush it much like how I wet-comb it - starting at the bottom and working my way up an inch at a time.

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Take your dd to a Diva Stylist!!!! They deal with curly hair. I went to a traditional salon forever. I have VERY thick hair. My stylist kept thinning out my hair and straightening it. I HATE my hair! I couldn't ever get it right. I went to a Diva stylist and she showed me how to wear my hair curly!!! I have a few months to go before it will be perfect - I have to let those stupid layers grow out. My current stylist told me that thinning shears are HORRIBLE for curls!!!!


Don't do it until you have an appointment with someone who knows curly hair and teaches you and your dd how to work WITH her hair and not against it (ie - straightening it every day).

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I'm a licensed cosmetologist, also the owner of thick curly hair, and mom of two girls with thick curly hair.


PUT THE THINNING SHEARS DOWN! Unless you have short, shoulder- or chin-length hair, don't do it!


The thinning shears will make the hair thinner- as in, less hairs. BUT you will still have thick hair at the scalp. The short hairs can make the rest of the hair stand up and look fuller. This was a trick we used in the 80s- the shorter hairs supported the longer hair- making that Rock Star Video Vixen Hair for guys and gals.


Remember: thinning shears just give you less of what you already have- and in a less-controlled cut, as well.


It might actually work miracles your *first* time you thin it. Here's the tricky part: You can never again thin exactly the same hairs you did the first time. So now you thin new hairs- which are short. You have some of the grown-out thinned hairs from the first time, and then the ends- or your 'regular' length hair. Eventually you will end up with wispy thin ends, medium-middles, and bushy roots.


My advice: Learn to work with the hair you have. I cannot wear my hair the way I want to. I can force my hair into submission, but it;s more time & effort than I want to invest. So I wear it the way it wants to be.


Look for curly-hair people that look GREAT- find out who their stylist is. The right haircut and styling products can truly make a world of difference. On days where my curly-girl puts the right products in her hair she looks like she has a different head of hair- and gets tons of compliments. Some days she just wears a braid, and other days we take an hour to straighten it.

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Goodness, I wish my mother had taken me to get my hair thinned when I was little! I didn't know it was an option until I was grown and paying for my own haircuts. EVERY stylist who has ever put their hands in my hair comments on how thick it is. Having it thinned every time I get my hair cut is the only way it is manageable!


Having said that, my hair is only wavy and not curly, and I don't have bushy roots. Thinning it makes it lay a lot better for me. I'd definitely consult a good stylist. It's good that you are helping her with this now so that when she is old enough that she is more self-conscious of her looks you will have tried some things and know what works for her.

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