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DD has a fever..


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of 101.8. BLAH! There is a nasty, nasty flu going around here and a pretty bad virus. What can I do at this point to keep everyone from getting sick and her from getting sicker. We already do raw milk and I was planning on going to get some EmergenC in a bit. Anything else?? We leave for my parents house in 10 days and I don't want to miss Christmas! If this is a bad illness it's possible that with 6 of us it could take awhile for it to get through everyone.

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Okay. :)


For the sick one, Oscillococcinum is great if it's the actual flu. You can get it in any pharmacy. If you can't find it just ask the pharmacist to show you where the 'stuff that helps with the flu and starts with an O'. Here's what the box looks like. http://www.childrens...ids-pellets.jpg Beyond that, yes... just let the fever do its job. Fevers begin burning viruses at 102. That's the magic number. A cool rag, a tepid bath, light clothing.


As for the rest of you, Vitamin C and D (which is sounds like you are doing already). I have a supply of surgical face masks at my house too, just in case. Keeps us from breathing in the floating particles and touching our noses and mouths. I only bring them out when I absolutely have to, however. Because I'm sure we look like a bunch of crazies! :p You could probably pick these up at a pharmacy too, although I buy mine online.


God luck! I hope she feels better and that everyone else stays healthy!

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That's the same bug we've all been through. . . . if it's what we had, it's fever 36 hours, then coughing and congestion. Once the fever's gone, you're no longer contagious. 5 out of 7 of us had it.


We leave in about 10 days, also! So I guess I'm no help, but lots of sympathy.

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Thanks for the advice! The flu going around here is NASTY. People are sick for like 8+ days. I'm hoping since we eat a pretty clean diet that we can avoid a lot of that. We'll see. Maybe it's just a little touch of something and nothing serious. I'm going to call the dr but I know they're going to want me to come in and get her Tamiflu. I'm not going anywhere near a dr's office right now!!

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My daughter had the flu last month. It was brutal. 104 temp for 3 days. Two of her teachers had it and both ended up in the ER or urgent care. I made everyone keep at least 6 feet away from her (no joke). I had my kids wipe down doorknobs, toilets, light switches, keyboards, phones, remotes etc with Lysol wipes at least every couple of days. No one in the house got sick but her. Good luck! (Excuse the underline, for some reason it will only type that way, along with no line spaces. Ugh).

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Okay so what's the deal with tamiflu? The ped said to make an appointment in the morning if she's still sick and they'll give her tamiflu. What does it really do? If there anything I can take at home? I don't want to take all the kids in to the dr's office. I think we'll be begging for some kind of sickness if I drag them all in there.

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Sambucol, pronto. Seriously it only helps if you take it right away. My son came down with a high fever in the waiting room while waiting for his well visit check two years ago. He was fine when we walked in the building and looked super sick by the time we got back for the check up (104 fever). Doc tested for flu and he was positive for swine flu. He said he'd be sick for a week. We were moving 24 hours away in four days. We gave him and the rest of the family sambucol. He had it 3 days and nobody else got it. We've used it for stomach bugs since and it definitely shortens the duration,

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Sambucol, pronto. Seriously it only helps if you take it right away. My son came down with a high fever in the waiting room while waiting for his well visit check two years ago. He was fine when we walked in the building and looked super sick by the time we got back for the check up (104 fever). Doc tested for flu and he was positive for swine flu. He said he'd be sick for a week. We were moving 24 hours away in four days. We gave him and the rest of the family sambucol. He had it 3 days and nobody else got it. We've used it for stomach bugs since and it definitely shortens the duration,



Where can it be purchased?

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Where can it be purchased?


I would like to know more about it, too! :) Is it a preventative, or something you take as soon as you start having symptoms? I saw it online, and apparently there are both liquid and tablet versions -- is one form better than the other?



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Okay so what's the deal with tamiflu? The ped said to make an appointment in the morning if she's still sick and they'll give her tamiflu. What does it really do? If there anything I can take at home? I don't want to take all the kids in to the dr's office. I think we'll be begging for some kind of sickness if I drag them all in there.



I have only used tamiflu once with one child. It stopped the flu dead in its tracks. The other 3 all had confirmed flu. Ds started running a fever. I took him in within 24 hours since I knew what it was. It was confirmed. He started tamiflu and never got any sicker. His flu consisted of a slight fever. No other symptoms developed. I would use it again. (No one has had the flu since that time.)

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My son has had a cough for 13 days and a fever for 10 days--between 100 and 102. No one else in the family has been affected. None of us have ever been sick for this long.


Not sure why I'm responding, other than we're all very bemused around here at this lengthy sickness.

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Bone broth(preferably organic) is good when sick. Fruit juice in moderation can help keep the blood glucose levels up during a fever. Apple Cider Vinegar (I prefer Braggs with the Mother) 2-3 times a day can help boost the immune system. I take mine with honey in a small glass of water, however apple juice helps cut the vinegar taste. Vitamins C and D, but I think you said you were already doing that.


In my house, we use Young Living essential oils. Everyone gets a drop of Thieves each morning and evening to boost the immune system, and more when sick. When we have company or someone in the house is sick we diffuse Thieves all day long. It kills the germs and viruses in the air and helps keep it from spreading. When someone is coming down with something, or really sick, I use the heavy hitters Oregano and Thyme. We end up smelling like a pizza parlor, but I've been able to knock out colds in 24 hours.

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Okay so what's the deal with tamiflu? The ped said to make an appointment in the morning if she's still sick and they'll give her tamiflu. What does it really do? If there anything I can take at home? I don't want to take all the kids in to the dr's office. I think we'll be begging for some kind of sickness if I drag them all in there.



My dd just got a positive flu test today. Her dr. Advised against tamiflu, because she said it makes the symptoms worse before they got better, and the average recovery period was only a day shorter than riding it out without antivirals.

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