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I hereby apologize for having complained about Prince last year...

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I was just thinking how I liked Tom Petty. He was good. Not wild, not theatrical, not flashy to be sure, but he is authentic in his sound.


I hate flashy stage shows. I think it hides the music (which some "artists" need).


I knew the songs. I sang along. I smiled.


Maybe that is the true sign that I'm getting old. I don't need to be wowed. I just want to hear the words and appreciate the music. :o



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Well, I can't disagree with you about appreciating a good musician, but to be honest, Petty made it big almost an entire decade after we were already identified with popular music... that's why we feel old... even the baby boomer music is after our time! LOL


I just thought Petty was a little laid back for Superbowl entertainment. There was a time when you could count on Superbowl half time to be exciting and memorable. Something that made you want to stand up and dance and sing along, and talk about the next day. Petty is good, but he's head music. About as exciting as Jackson Browne :). There should be an element of showmanship at this event, imo...


The riff at the end was pretty good, though.

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now that was entertaining! He looked so bad that I actually felt sorry for him. Tom Petty was sweet, and I thought the stage and lights were nice---course I grew up watching sports before rock and roll had taken over as the background music to sporting events...member that? I still can't get over how my fuddy-duddy dad will watch games even with weird rock(or worse) music playing in the background. I need organ music in the background for it to feel like real sports to me...ala the fabulous forum in the 70's. I am so old.

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LOL... yes I can do without that, thank you... but I remember her brother's perforomance in the early 90s. Unbelievable, audience participation and all... and U2s after 9/11. You know, they just don't have to be so nervous after the Janet Jackson affair and play it quite so safe... the best shows have usually had performers that all ages could identify (not just those who know what an 8 track is! LOL)

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(I told my husband that you know you're getting old when you're a little too old to appreciate the band that was brought in to appeal directly to the old folks)


LOL! We like Tom Petty. I thought it was a nice change too. Something my kids could watch without worry. Although, we mostly watched the Antique show on PBS.

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I do think Tom Petty is pretty laid back for a Super Bowl half-time show. But I love him - it's the only time I can remember actually wanting to watch the half-time show!


He looks so old, though. What's up with that? I haven't aged a day since the 80's...;)



:Me either, Denise. Though, to be honest, Tom Petty was and always will be a face for radio.

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I was just thinking how I liked Tom Petty. He was good. Not wild, not theatrical, not flashy to be sure, but he is authentic in his sound.


I hate flashy stage shows. I think it hides the music (which some "artists" need).


I knew the songs. I sang along. I smiled.


Maybe that is the true sign that I'm getting old. I don't need to be wowed. I just want to hear the words and appreciate the music. :o




...nice that we had no*wardrobe malfunctioning* this time. Just good old-fashioned music.

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...nice that we had no*wardrobe malfunctioning* this time. Just good old-fashioned music.


Amen! And a halftime show that my kids could watch -- and enjoy, 'cause they're the coolest kids ever -- was worth the "old fart" factor. I also thought the commercials were a little toned down this year, which was nice.


I'm not gettin' old because of the music. I'm gettin' old because I actually care whether stuff is appropriate for my children to see. Give me live music without crappy lip-synching and hypo-tech tracks where you don't even know who's playing what or if anyone's playing anything at all. Boring is relative.

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My 10yo dd loves Tom Petty. Go figure! I thought he sounded great. Even though he wasn't very exciting, I thought he really seemed like he was loving what he was doing. He's one of those musicians who just purely loves it and I like that. :)


Plus, I could mill around and do stuff while he sang and I didn't feel like I'd miss much visually. LOL!!

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I also agree with you, Robin (although I didn't complain about Prince last year ;) )


We could have just put in a Tom Petty CD (if we had one), and shut the TV off during halftime. There was nothing visual about his act; no "show" at all.


That's what I thought...no show at all. We were bored and flipped channels during half time.

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