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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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Salad- I like all of the toppings and a little of the lettuce










this weekend I've been trying not to stress about money, teenagers, or being friendless in La La land for going on 2 years.

I went to church today and learned about Zechariah's prophecy, and now I'm finishing up Sunday dinner. Pot Roast, sweet potatoes, creamed spinach, and a double layer yellow cake with vanilla buttercream frosting.


The color of my blankets are ivory, chocolate, and a soft blue. :001_smile:

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Good afternoon, Doll!


My favorite salad toppings are avocado, onions and cheddar cheese. Yes, very fattening.


This weekend I am catching on up on all my book reviews, getting them written and scheduled. Six done, two more to go. Short but sweet!


Blankets are navy blue.

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Good afternoon!


What are your favorite salad toppings? I'm not a big salad person, but my favorite would be any kind of fruit or berry.


What have you been up to this weekend? I've spent the last three days coddling my very stressed 18-year-old nephew. He's about to start his first finals week with two exams tomorrow. In between making sure he's stocked up on chocolate and index cards, I've been Christmas shopping online and contemplating throwing a New Year's party.


Today's random question: What color are the blanket(s) on your bed? Black and white print.

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I suppose I'd better answer my own questions. . .


What are your favorite salad toppings? red onions, sunflower seeds, cucumbers, hard boiled eggs,


What have you been up to this weekend? Too much. Yesterday was Zumba, the opening of our new library so that finally I don't have to drive one city over to go to the library, baking 8 doz. chocolate chip cookies with dd10 (half for a baking order for her business, half for church). Today was church, lunch out for dd10's birthday and now vegging. Later we'll let her open her presents.


Today's random question: What color are the blanket(s) on your bed? green and blue

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Good Afternoon Hive!


Tonight we're having a salad bar. What are your favorite salad toppings?


What have you been up to this weekend?


Today's random question: What color are the blanket(s) on your bed?




Good evening! The kids just got to bed and I'm sitting down at the computer for the first time today!


Salad bar toppings: shredded cheese, croutons, sunflower seeds, dressing, (plus the obvious vegetables that would be in the salad!)


We've had a super busy, productive, fun weekend. I am not ready for Monday though! Friday we had a family day (no school, no work). We got a lot done, after sleeping in a bit later than usual and having a nice breakfast. Friday evening, I went to a women's "Christmas by Candlelight" tea at church. Saturday, my oldest & youngest daughters danced in the Christmas parade, while the rest of us watched with friends. Afterwards, I went to a dance company Christmas party with my oldest. The girls even went caroling through nearby neighborhoods. Saturday night, I had to work. Today was the Christmas Cantata at church, followed by Sunday School and a quick trip to the grocery store. After lunch, we picked up dh's car from our mechanic. It now has a new clutch ($400)...Merry Christmas! On our way home, we bought a Christmas tree. This is our first live tree in 15 years. Apparently we're missing a piece from our artificial tree...a replacement wouldn't get here in time, so we decided to go with a live tree. The kids had a blast picking it out---I'm not sure if we'll be able to go back to artificial after this! This evening, I led crafts at church for the 2nd & 3rd graders. My dd15 cooked dinner and had it all ready when I got home. After dinner, we listened to Christmas music while decorating the tree and eating Christmas truffles. The kids are now in bed and dh and I are exhausted. Time for some tv and an early bedtime for us tonight!


Tan and dark brown.

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I love avocado on my salad, along with tiny grape tomatoes.


This weekend I tried to do some Christmas shopping- bought a few things but still have several things to buy. Set up the tree, decided adding ornaments was too much work, so we went to a movie instead.


Fun fact: we don't own any blankets. None. I'm a quilter and we have plenty of quilts but no blankets. The quilt currently on our bed is dark Civil War era reproduction prints...with a wool batting inside it to keep us warm. It snowed today- the kids will probably start using two quilts.

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Evening, Jean!


I love crumbled bacon and cheese on my salad. That makes it less healthy but very yummy!


Yesterday we had our annual open house for the holidays. We had great fun even though we really didn't have a good turnout. Sickness and busy schedules kept some people away. The new game was a hit with adults and kids alike and everyone loved the food. We always enjoy the company.


Today, I finished up house sitting for my friends and went Christmas shopping with my mom. We had a good time together and I finished up almost all of my Christmas shopping. I came home and wrapped most of them, too. Mom and I decided to get my dad's one a day desk calendar. We picked out Ripley's Believe it or Not. It'll stay at Mom's and the boys will update it when they are over. They loved sharing the calendar with Papa and it'll be a nice and not too painful reminder of my dad.


I have a huge, thick comforter that serves as our only blanket. It's brown, beige and cream. Cordoroy! I love, love, love it!

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I like to make my salads like this:

I chop up into small bits the following items - avocado, cucumber, tomato (sometimes, if I have it), green onions, apple or persimmon. Then, I mix Good Seasons Italian Dressing in with it, along with feta cheese and sunflower seeds. Then I put all that on a bed of baby spinach or romaine lettuce. Delicious!


Uh, what were the other questions? I got so caught up in making my virtual salad I forgot.


Oh ok. Got the other questions.

This weekend: Got together with some old old friends of ours. The two other couples and us only see each other once a year when we go out together at Christmas time. The rest of the year we're just swamped. But, we do this once a year. It's great. We talk and laugh. Never missed a beat.


Color of my blanket: light green.

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