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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning, we reached the top of the "hump" and it's all downhill from here. . .


My list:


Clean the kitchen


Laundry, laundry, laundry


School - Today's "specials" are History/Lit and Logic seminars with ds15; Science with dd10


Chiropractor for all of us. Dd10 has been complaining that she needs to go.


Package and mail my dad's 91st birthday present. Don't forget a card!


Check on a couple of things for my dd's 11th birthday.


Library day today.


Oh, and I guess I'd better feed people here.


Latin tutor tonight.


Oh yeah - get the check in the mail so that if they call I can say "the check is in the mail".


What are you up to today? We can do it!

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I tackled most of the laundry on Monday, now I just have to finish the last few loads


Clearing the kitchen counters is the biggest project today. Our homeschool/playroom/my office room is currently being remodeled so EVERYTHING is getting dumped in the kitchen.


Also need to run to walmart with the little monsters ;)

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meals, school


a load of laundry, vacuum stairs (apparently a dog hair magnet)






plan Christmas eve and Boxing Day menus (we do Chinese for Christmas), and make general holiday shopping list


maybe bake some cookies

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I'm in Jean. Per my comments yesterday - I need to be uber productive the next five days with everything. Personal and work. Of course I also have three holiday parties to go to so that will cut into my productive time.


Here we go!



Nothing at all yet completed



Must Do:

Tea store


Buy present for my sisters

Call KSUnEm office

Call Murphy

Clean kitchen

MoPE File

Update contact list


Finish paperwork on my retirement plan


Want to get done:

Meal plan for Christmas party

Sew badges on DD's uniform

Update file

Buy brown thread

Call for party reservation 1

Look at info for party reservation 2

Make dinner reservations for Friday

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Going for an easy day here.....I have a horrible sounding cough, but don't feel bad otherwise....never ran a fever. Trying to determine if it's going to pass or if I need to go to the doctor.


~dropped ds off with the "great grandparents" so he can help decorate their house.

~picked up 40 pounds of ground beef. will need to weigh it into two pound packages, seal it in our FoodSaver, and freeze for later use.

~ordered a couple Christmas presents online; worked on list to give to my mom for the kids

~fed the kids lunch (still need to get something for myself)


Still to do:

~take dd15 to Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

~pick up "daycare child" at preschool 12:45pm

~pick up ds from great-grandparents

~make cookies to take to church this evening

~take kids Christmas caroling at local nursing home and then back to church for cookies & hot cocoa


~relax, relax, relax.

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Are you feeling better today, Jean?


On the plan today:


Linens need to be laundered


I've done a few more digi scrap layouts this morning. I'm getting closer to catching up every day!


Clean my house this morning.


Work this afternoon.


Drop off a a few spare linens and a sleeping bag at my friend's charity.


Start baking tonight for our party on Saturday.


Make grocery list for tomorrow.


And the one I'm dreading most, call my good friend who just found out he has Stage IV cancer. I don't want to do it. I don't want to cry through the phone call. But, I need to reach out to him. He's hurting and scared. My heart aches for him and his family. He's got a girlfriend and their 2yo daughter. Cancer sucks! All of my woes seem so trivial right now. Not even worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things.

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Another crazy busy week (had 2 weeks of dd17's play, now 2 weeks of dd12's Nutcracker):


~finish school. DONE

~run to RiteAid to replace dd12's mascara that's gone missing. DONE

~drop dd12 at the studio; they have to drive to the children's hospital for a performance. DONE

~grocery shopping at 2 stores. DONE


~finish decorating house

~prep dinner DONE

~finish writing some science Olympiad study flashcards

~pick up dd12 unless someone else gets home first. DONE

~check gift list

~order some more gifts

~make an appt for a haircut

~stand over dd17 while she writes the very last supplemental essay for her college applications. DONE!!!!!!!

~do the next section in AoPS Algebra before tomorrow (I'm so behind...). DONE

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I woke up this morning to a broken TV and one of the dogs had had the squirts all over the back deck, and the old one had it all over her elbows. How does this happen??


So today:

Do some writing with DS

Finish his math

Call TV repair places and price new ones

Figure out which dog is sick, give pumpkin and probiotics

Pull together cleaning supplies, sheets, blankets and clothes for the new house cleaning spree this weekend

Call utility companies to have them turn stuff over to our name.

Find a decent electrician

Buy paint samples for the colors we have agreed on and see if we still like them in person

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Jen, you're having a day like the one I'm having, though I have different issues. I feel like I'm being pecked to death by ducks. And that "Mom's button pushing" is an Olympic sport and my kids are medalists. And if dd10 calls me a "grump-a-lump" one more time, she will find out just how "grump-a-lumpish" I can be!


But I'm still plowing ahead:


Dishwasher is running.

Ds just got done with yesterday's logic and is now starting in on today's.

Dd is reading her science book.

The check is in the mail.

Dd has an appointment with the retinal specialist.


I'm going to finally get my bed made and will finish up in the kitchen before checking back here.

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Bed is made. :hurray:


Kitchen is sparkling. :hurray:


Dd is moving on to one-on-one work with me.


Ds is moving on to Geometry.


I'm going to quick switch laundry around before I sit down with dd.


That must feel great :)


You all are some mighty busy women!


My agenda for today is to get some holiday gifts done and research next year's curricula choices (science and history). We're on a school break, but will start up again in about six weeks.

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Noonish check-in:


Ds didn't finish geometry but is taking his lunch break.

Dd got hurt during Japanese class because she was roughhousing and wouldn't settle down when I told her to. Sigh.

I got my dad's card done and his present wrapped - in wrapping paper and in packaging material and ready to mail.

Ds is now switching laundry around for me.

Dd is grumping about having to clip her nails. Poor baby.

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Laundry is slowly getting there. - Found out that the cat peed on my bed :cursing: so now I have my whole bedding set to wash


School with Pre-k done

School with 2nd grader almost done


Kitchen still a disaster.


Walmart got pushed over to tomorrow because I'm going out for dinner/drinks with friends tonight and leaving early to get some Christmas shopping done.

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And the one I'm dreading most, call my good friend who just found out he has Stage IV cancer. I don't want to do it. I don't want to cry through the phone call. But, I need to reach out to him. He's hurting and scared. My heart aches for him and his family. He's got a girlfriend and their 2yo daughter. Cancer sucks! All of my woes seem so trivial right now. Not even worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things.


((HUGS)) I'm sorry about your friend.

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2nd load of laundry all washed and dried. I know that compared to some of you that is nothing, but I try to do two loads a day. :hurray:


Library stuff is ready to go out the door.


Mail to take to the post office is ready to go out the door. Unfortunately I live in such a small city that we don't have a post office - which is a royal pain in the you-know-what.


We leave in 30 min. for the chiropractor (and library and post office in next city over plus the grocery store for dinner which will be their "chicken meal deal".)


Dh has totally derailed ds from his school by pulling him off of school to do computer repair. :smash: Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it.


Dd and I are going to get math done before the chiropactor.

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I managed to pack another load of non school books

Put money on the pike pass

Called two utilities


Bought broom and cleaning supplies for the new house

Got a new dog bed, which we had to take away after 5 minutes because the old dog had poop on her feet, it is now washing.

Used an entire roll of paper towels and 4 swifter pads to clean the floor because the door to backroom blew shut and there was liquid poo everywhere.


Now I am boiling rice and making a packing list.



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