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How many days of school will you have completed by xmas?

How many school days will you have finished by xmas?  

264 members have voted

  1. 1. Same as title post

    • Less than 70
    • 71-75
    • 76-80
    • 81-85
    • 86-90
    • 91-95
    • More than 95
  2. 2. How many days do you school each year

    • Less than 165
    • 165-170
    • 171 to 180
    • 181-190
    • 191-200
    • 201-210
    • 211-220
    • More than 220

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I don't usually count days. :001_smile:


But, this year my Ker places one popsicle stick in a jar for each school day. When we get to the 100th day, we will :party: . We will stop right at about day 70.




ETA: I should clarify that we won't stop schooling at Day 100; but my youngers will do lots of 100 day activities!

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We do at least 180 days - sometimes it takes us a bit longer to finish what I have planned for the year. We started this year in August and we'll have finished 17 weeks by the time we take our Christmas break. A few days off here and there so we've done around 80-85 days.

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We do 180 days per school year and my goal is to reach day 90 by Christmas. My youngest daughter will be right around there when we take our break but the other three will be around day 70-80. Three of my kids were very sick over October and November which took out a good couple of weeks of school. My plan is to have our last day Dec. 21 and start back up on Jan. 2. It's not a long break but at this point we need to keep our momentum going.


Elise in NC

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I voted "81-90," but I actually think it's closer to 100; I haven't counted in a while. I do count days that aren't traditional bookwork days, such as swimming/outside activities in the summer for PE or history/science field trips. I think I voted for "201-210" days for the year, but it might be more. I'm required to do 180, and at last count, I think I figured out that we should hit that around April-ish, but we'll continue doing schoolwork until we finish the bookwork I want us to finish (which last year was sometime in May, so we had five or six weeks off before starting again, which was perfect).

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We should have exactly 75 done. We will most likely take the whole week of Christmas off, but may do a day or two after Christmas since we probably will be off on New Years Day. We just took a full 2 weeks off for Thanksgiving and a Disneyworld vacation, so we wont take too much time off for Christmas. My daughter didn't come back from this long break too well.


I don't know how many total days we will do since this is our first year, but it has to be at least 185.

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I answered the questions and then read your post.... I don't actually count days. But I have my schedule made out for the year and we'll finish Week 17 before Christmas so I counted it that way. We also have 180 day years (36 weeks).

We also don't take off much for Christmas. Maybe 2-3 days. I just don't see the point in any more than that. We've just been off for a week+ for our musical, so my priorities are just different - I want breaks when I know we'll be busy, not in the least planned out part of our year. :) We don't travel for Christmas, we stay home, my DH is working half a day, and then we're driving 10 minutes to my ILs house. :)

Sorry if I skewed the poll!

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