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7/23 Runners check in!!

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So, after two terrible days running, today was GREAT!!!! I think that the week off did make it hard for a couple days. But, today, the weather was wonderful (65 with a slight breeze off the lake and sunny) and I was able to run 3.5 miles (my time was limited this morning) and I could've gone on!


I was SO upset after yesterday's run when I had to stop and walk a few times. It just felt like two steps backward after working so hard! I'm SOOO encouraged today!


So, how was everyone else's run???

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Jen, you're doing such a great job! Do you have a running plan you're following, or are you just pushing yourself to go farther or faster?


Last night I was *almost* pain free. This morning, my right lower-back hurts again. I'm thinking about just going out and taking a walk anyway. Don't know when I'll be able to run again, but when I do, I'll be starting the Prevention Plan from the beginning :glare: I might move more quickly through it, but I'm starting over from scratch.

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Jen, you're doing such a great job! Do you have a running plan you're following, or are you just pushing yourself to go farther or faster?


Last night I was *almost* pain free. This morning, my right lower-back hurts again. I'm thinking about just going out and taking a walk anyway. Don't know when I'll be able to run again, but when I do, I'll be starting the Prevention Plan from the beginning :glare: I might move more quickly through it, but I'm starting over from scratch.


Did you hurt your back running?


I walked 2.5 miles with dh this morning. Might run some at the park when I take ds to swim. The walk with dh is nice...we get so much talking done at 6:00 a.m. that way.

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I went out thinking I was just doing my run with the extra loop. Today though, I had to take a out and back path as well. Let me tell you using the rest room with a dog is no fun! t least he's not as freaked out as he was the first time it happened. :001_huh:


A good run though. 3.1 miles in 33 minutes, average pace of under 11. Not too bad for a slow lady. :tongue_smilie:

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Did you hurt your back running?


I walked 2.5 miles with dh this morning. Might run some at the park when I take ds to swim. The walk with dh is nice...we get so much talking done at 6:00 a.m. that way.


Frankly, my dear.....(sorry, I couldn't help myself!), I hurt my back while leaning forward to type something on my laptop :glare:


I know it would be much more glamorous had I hurt it, oh, running a marathon or something. Even training for a half mary......but no. I was typing. Dangerous sport, that.

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I went out thinking I was just doing my run with the extra loop. Today though, I had to take a out and back path as well. Let me tell you using the rest room with a dog is no fun! t least he's not as freaked out as he was the first time it happened. :001_huh:


A good run though. 3.1 miles in 33 minutes, average pace of under 11. Not too bad for a slow lady. :tongue_smilie:


*high five* for you!!!! :party:

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Jen, you're doing such a great job! Do you have a running plan you're following, or are you just pushing yourself to go farther or faster?


Last night I was *almost* pain free. This morning, my right lower-back hurts again. I'm thinking about just going out and taking a walk anyway. Don't know when I'll be able to run again, but when I do, I'll be starting the Prevention Plan from the beginning :glare: I might move more quickly through it, but I'm starting over from scratch.


I'm so glad to see you're starting to feel better!!! Please take it easy! I bet when you start running again, you'll get back into the groove faster than you think!


I don't have a plan. I'm just pushing myself to go a bit farther a few times/week. I am running one of the longer legs of the marathon relay and I need to get my mileage up so I don't embarass myself. I don't think I'm going to be working much on speed - I'll focus now on distance. Thank you for being a cheerleader for me!!


I walked 2.5 miles with dh this morning. Might run some at the park when I take ds to swim. The walk with dh is nice...we get so much talking done at 6:00 a.m. that way.


That's so nice!! I'm looking forward to the time when my kids are old enough I can leave them and walk with dh!! Check back in tonight and let us know how your run/walk goes!!


IA good run though. 3.1 miles in 33 minutes, average pace of under 11. Not too bad for a slow lady. :tongue_smilie:


That's awesome!!! Congrats!

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You ladies have inspired me to start running again. How does one get out of shape so fast? I used to mountain bike and run regulary, but the last 6mo or so have pretty much done nothing. I did 2.40mi in 31 minutes. These are treadmill miles though so I feel like I'm cheating.

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Great job, Jennifer! This is really going to help me to know that just because I have a bad day or two, doesn't mean that the next day can't be good. Way to go.


I'm not running today. I'm working the 3x/week plan plus we have tae kwon do tonight. If I run today, I'll be useless at tkd. Besides, my one calf is really tight after my 25 minute run yesterday. I don't usually have that problem.

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You ladies have inspired me to start running again. How does one get out of shape so fast? I used to mountain bike and run regulary, but the last 6mo or so have pretty much done nothing. I did 2.40mi in 31 minutes. These are treadmill miles though so I feel like I'm cheating.


Join on in. I'm pretty new to running, so I'm impressed with the 2.4 mile, treadmill or not.

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But I got to tell you you're killing me with guilt for missing yesterday. I worked all day and then decided to take the kids to the lake because we had sun (after a few days of rain).


But I'm hitting the road today. My running partner works so we're not meeting until 4:30 p.m. It's a gorgeous day and I'm tempted to go this morning but we'll see.


I'll post tonight.

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Did eliptical again at the gym, 30 minutes, a little over two miles, will swim if it doesn't rain!

I have this little routine, take the pool test to the pool store next to the gym, and refillable chlorine jugs, while I work out, they take care of it for me.


I'm going to start a new thread about my pool maintenance.

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You guys are all such an inspiration to me! I walked/ran another 2.5 at the park while ds was at swim. Tomorrow is his last day until after Labor Day, so I have to get a new plan. There is a closer park and I think ds can bike there while I walk/run.


I did the 2.5 at the park in about 35 minutes. My total for the day about 5 miles. There is a lady whose dd is in swim with ds and she has 3 other kids...ages about 1, 2 and 4. She pushes ALL THREE in a stroller around that track and walks as fast as I do. She was a runner BC though. She quit after 2 rounds, and I did 4, but she only quit because her kids were fussy...not because she was tired. :glare:


And yes, it is nice that we can leave ds sleeping while we walk. We live in the middle of the block of a cul-de-sac street so we feel it is safe to leave him sleeping (or whatever, but he is always sleeping at 5:30 a.m.) while we walk up and down our street 3 times.

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You guys are all such an inspiration to me! I walked/ran another 2.5 at the park while ds was at swim. Tomorrow is his last day until after Labor Day, so I have to get a new plan. There is a closer park and I think ds can bike there while I walk/run.


I did the 2.5 at the park in about 35 minutes. My total for the day about 5 miles. There is a lady whose dd is in swim with ds and she has 3 other kids...ages about 1, 2 and 4. She pushes ALL THREE in a stroller around that track and walks as fast as I do. She was a runner BC though. She quit after 2 rounds, and I did 4, but she only quit because her kids were fussy...not because she was tired. :glare:


And yes, it is nice that we can leave ds sleeping while we walk. We live in the middle of the block of a cul-de-sac street so we feel it is safe to leave him sleeping (or whatever, but he is always sleeping at 5:30 a.m.) while we walk up and down our street 3 times.


Ya know, you just might be on to something here. I wonder if running twice a day would be a good thing for me. I typically go out early in the morning, but I almost always feel like going again in the afternoon. So why not? Even if I did, say, two miles in the morning then one more mile in the afternoon. Hmmmm.....

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Twice a day - if you can find the time (I know I can't!) - is great! Experienced runners often even break up their long runs into 2 segments as it can be hard to get a 3 hour run in on a busy morning.



I did 4 miles today...

1 mile warmup at 9:38

3 mile intervals at 7:48 each (23:23 total)


My plan called for an active 800m recovery. I was on the treadmill with the kiddos at home and no sitter so I did my recovery as I walked about the house and picked up or helped the kiddos with something.


I hope to do another 2-3 miles tonight with the kiddos in the jogger but it will depend on how things fall together.

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I consider way more challenging than running outside. I think it's the monotony that gets to me, even though I have the TV going. Plus the kids are upstairs and poke in and out with their annoying questions.


Whereas outside, I'm free from the kids, enjoying the outdoors, motivated by other runners on the trail. 3 miles on the treadmill feels like 6 on the trail. :)

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I have been back from vacation for almost two weeks now and have only gotten out six times to run. It is just too darn hot by the time I make time to do it!


But...this morning, I got up early and ran for 3 miles (about 35 min). The air was so cool- of course, I was still sweating like crazy. I had to walk a little bit, but I ran longer today than I had since leaving town. It suprises me how fast my body catches back up after training. Each day I feel so much stronger.


I just need to keep reminding myself how good it felt to complete my first 5k at the beginning of June. That motivates me.

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Did 4 miles in the middle of the day today - ugh. Too hot, too late, had images of my kids becoming motherless as I perished by the side of the road of heatstroke and remembered that I STILL don't have any identification on my shoes. Must do that. I do much better first thing in the morning, but missed the window and just had to do it at mid-day. I walked ~ 1/2 mile of that 4 miles. But I put in the mileage. Tomorrow is "fast" day - lower mileage, but fast (for me). Saturday will be 4.5 miles.




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Well, I'm very annoyed at myself for eating 5000 calories (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a tad) at a covered dish lunch I went to today. Walk 5 miles--eat 5000 calories. Good grief. I just. could not. resist the sweets.


I am excited to be doing something for my body though....Thanks for all your updates through out the day.

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Well, I'm very annoyed at myself for eating 5000 calories (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a tad) at a covered dish lunch I went to today. Walk 5 miles--eat 5000 calories. Good grief. I just. could not. resist the sweets.


I am excited to be doing something for my body though....Thanks for all your updates through out the day.


Oh the kiss of death!!!! Those big lunches are SO HARD to behave at!!


Whenever I run, I have a GINORMOUS appetite. I try to eat as much as I want of what's good for me so I don't let myself get too hungry. The minute i'm too hungry, Oreos somehow move up to the #1 spot on the food chain :D

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I ran c25k week 5 day 1 today. I track my time (21 min in intervals plus 5 min warm up) but I think I went about a mile and a half. I hit a wall about halfway through, and never feel like I pushed through it...but I didn't quit and I am proud of myself for that!

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I did 3.5 this morning and now I am going out to do another 3. I am going because my four year old is driving me bonkers and if I don't get away from him, I am afraid that I will hang myself in the garage.:willy_nilly:


Single, full-time, no-break parenting is for the birds.:glare:

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I'm thinking about just going out and taking a walk anyway.


I have chronic back problems and nothing, aside from just standing in one spot, makes it worse than not moving regularly. Running ~ or walking fast ~ helps ease the pain, as does stretching, when I take time to do that. Particularly since you injured your back while typing, I think sitting and typing may only be prolonging your problem. I do hope you feel better soon!

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I have chronic back problems and nothing, aside from just standing in one spot, makes it worse than not moving regularly. Running ~ or walking fast ~ helps ease the pain, as does stretching, when I take time to do that. Particularly since you injured your back while typing, I think sitting and typing may only be prolonging your problem. I do hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! I never did get out today. It started hurting again, and silly me thought oh well, better take a muscle relaxer and sit back down. :glare: Now that you say it, maybe I'm doing the exact WRONG thing. I'll be walking tomorrow, no matter what. And I'll be doing the stretches that Crissy sent me afterwards. I'll report in afterwards.


Thanks, Col, for keeping it real and being honest with me :)

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I was SO upset after yesterday's run when I had to stop and walk a few times. It just felt like two steps backward after working so hard!


Yabbut, you were still doing a 8:20/mile pace, which is nothing to sneeze at. And there's no reason to feel bad about walking a bit now and then. A lot of training programs (Jeff Galloway's, for instance) incorporate short walk breaks.

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Laney, are your guys on their own when you run, or do you have someone available to stay with them?


I usually leave them on their own. My 11 year old likes the responsibility of looking out for his brothers. He knows what to do should an emergency arise and my neighbors on either side of us are always here during the day and they keep an ear out. I take my phone with me when I run and I feel feel confident that things will be O.K.

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