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Old/new general board and new chat...difference


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Looks like the old "general" board will be for general *education/homeschooling* questions and this one will be for kilt pictures and zork discussions.



:iagree: The problem is, are rants about pubescent teens education/homeschooling or chat? In fact, are any questions specifically about our kids education/homeschooling or chat? Look at my signature quote - general life and homeschooling are pretty intermingled in my mind.

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:iagree: The problem is, are rants about pubescent teens education/homeschooling or chat? In fact, are any questions specifically about our kids education/homeschooling or chat? Look at my signature quote - general life and homeschooling are pretty intermingled in my mind.



Rants and "frustrations" belong on the General Board. This one is for chat.



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Color me confused! Not upset, just a bit confused. So....crockpots and kilts go here? :)



Wait, when does a question about ornaments break from homeschool (arts and crafts) to just general chat?


I am sure I will find my sea legs eventually!

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Looks like the old "general" board will be for general *education/homeschooling* questions and this one will be for kilt pictures and zork discussions.



Good night! HOW/WHEN did you get to over 20K posts? WOW! Thanks.


Waaaah! I'm not sure I like this.



Right, we'll just have to "try" it and see how it goes.


The problem is, are rants about pubescent teens education/homeschooling or chat? In fact, are any questions specifically about our kids education/homeschooling or chat? Look at my signature quote - general life and homeschooling are pretty intermingled in my mind.




Yep. I think that many issues are intertwined. But, it's true not all perhaps.

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Bill...not exactly. Here's the description...





"For just hanging out and chatting. Looking for exercise tips, recipe suggestions, general advice, travel hints, or just that hard-to-find kilt picture? This forum is for you."


So if you want to rant and frustrate about an education issue, do it on the General board. If you want to rant and frustrate about insurance or your pet, do it here.


Of course there's overlap between education and more general issues, so if you want to rant about your pubescent teen, pick whichever board feels most comfortable for you. We'll give you some wiggle room.


Once again--intent here is to keep education-related threads up longer before they are buried with "What's for dinner?" threads.

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Bill...not exactly. Here's the description...

"For just hanging out and chatting. Looking for exercise tips, recipe suggestions, general advice, travel hints, or just that hard-to-find kilt picture? This forum is for you."

So if you want to rant and frustrate about an education issue, do it on the General board. If you want to rant and frustrate about insurance or your pet, do it here.

Of course there's overlap between education and more general issues, so if you want to rant about your pubescent teen, pick whichever board feels most comfortable for you. We'll give you some wiggle room.

Once again--intent here is to keep education-related threads up longer before they are buried with "What's for dinner?" threads.



Darn. I was hoping we we isolating the rants and frustrations in their own sub-forum.


A man can dream :D



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Right, we'll just have to "try" it and see how it goes.



Yep. I think that many issues are intertwined. But, it's true not all perhaps.


I'm all for trying things to see how they go.


Definitely it is easy to see those things that are not intertwined at all. It's the grey areas that give me pause but since Susan said they'll give us wiggle room, I'm good!

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Thanks all. Bill and Susan cleared it up for me. I'm literal many times and like you, Jean, do not want to "mis" place a post.


Education-related on education forum.

All others in chat.

There some carry over in both directions.


Is this right?


Kilts? Mel Gibson in Braveheart, definately. :)

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What about rants about crockpots or frustration that we don't see enough men in kilts? Bill, are you doing your part in bumping up kilt sightings?



If only I'd followed my original plan of ordering up a kilt for my wedding, I could have made real contributions to this effort :D


Bill (part Scottish)

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:iagree: The problem is, are rants about pubescent teens education/homeschooling or chat? In fact, are any questions specifically about our kids education/homeschooling or chat? Look at my signature quote - general life and homeschooling are pretty intermingled in my mind.



I was thinking the same thing even though I suspect the other forum is for homeschool related rants, questions, panic attacks. So we now have to carefully evaluate if anything related to homeschooling is the main point or not. It will be easy for me since my ds is 21 and our homeschooling days are long over. I suppose I will nestle in here and make myself comfortable. :laugh:

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Or what if I am so busy with school that I forget to set my crock pot humming for dinner and now I don't know what to serve for dinner because we have to get out the door for a spelling bee?





This falls under chat IMHO because you are now looking for a fast recipe and not homeschooling advice. :laugh:

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