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Stomach Disturbances

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My son has always had a sensitive stomach since he was a baby and I first introduced foods to him. I tried taking him off foods, and then reintroducing them, sticking to brat-diet etc, but he has such a hard time making a solid #2.


He was about 75% potty trained when he went to visit his BD in Sept, and he came back home 0% potty trained. Since he has come home, he has had 4-5 BM a day.


This is a kid that I can stick on a brat diet for 2+ weeks and see no improvement. I am at my wits end.


I haven't tried the brat diet again, and I think he had allergy testing run a year ago (sigh...I don't remember what they ran tests on, but I know nothing was positive) so yeah, any ideas?

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Start with dairy. If you are dealing with constant runny stools, you should see an improvement in 3-4 days would be my guess.


When we were doing elimination diets with DD, we would usually give it a week to see improvements. Most of the foods showed an improvement much sooner than that.

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Please get him seen by a ped. GI doctor before you change his diet. There are things that cannot be diagnosed if you have already eliminated things from your diet. For example, the symptoms you describe sound like possibly Celiac Disease, but you cannot know for sure if you have already eliminated gluten.

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Please get him seen by a ped. GI doctor before you change his diet. There are things that cannot be diagnosed if you have already eliminated things from your diet. For example, the symptoms you describe sound like possibly Celiac Disease, but you cannot know for sure if you have already eliminated gluten.


Last time I saw the pedi, she offered a referral to a GI Dr. but made it sound like it was a waste of time, so we never went ahead with it. I think I've mentioned before that I am really specific about who my kids see at their pedi's office because half the time we get crock advice. (One Dr. told us when we discussed DS's difficulty chewing meat that he was probably just a vegetarian) :confused:


I have a call placed in to the nurses' line at my pedi's office to see what she says.


Also try a chiro. If these problems are being caused by his lower back being messed up, they can fix it. If they aren't, you've narrowed down the search.


How do you find a good chiro? The reason I have not sought out a chiro is that I am flat out afraid. I would love one for myself, too.

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