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Fun thread - Share your parenting wins and losses of the day

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Just for fun. I know we all have times during the day when we shake our heads at things kids say and we think we've utterly failed them. Then there are times we they make us so proud.


Let's all share those moments from today.


Win - DD is turning into a huge LOTR fans and is making a list a her favorite characters. She told me she's on Team Elf. :001_smile: Me too, kid. Me too.


Fail - She was listening to Little House in the Big Woods and asked me if this happened before or after we walked on the moon. :glare: Guess we need to work on history a bit more.

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Just for fun. I know we all have times during the day when we shake our heads at things kids say and we think we've utterly failed them. Then there are times we they make us so proud.


Let's all share those moments from today.


Win - DD is turning into a huge LOTR fans and is making a list a her favorite characters. She told me she's on Team Elf. :001_smile: Me too, kid. Me too.


Fail - She was listening to Little House in the Big Woods and asked me if this happened before or after we walked on the moon. :glare: Guess we need to work on history a bit more.


Ah, my son asked me just yesterday if I was born when the Indians owned the United States.... so that would be my fail...


win: my shy gals that have been homeschooled for all but half of kindergarten actually went up to a friend in gymnastics today before practice and was interacting like a "normal kid" ha ha. They have always been with their older brothers and cousins and have just never reached out to other kids no matter how much I pushed them to interact... So, it was great to finally see them walk up and say "hey, ____ how are you?" I was also proud that they remembered the girls first name and addressed them so politely. I had one son that told a kid to go away as soon as he said hi at gymnastics one week :001_huh:

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Win - ds came up with some great ideas for our Nanowrimo collaboration. I'm his ghost writer. We got 400 more words on a page and he edited a few printed pages of work we've already completed. He's a great idea guy.


Fail - while explaining why it's important he study for history test he remarked he doesn't care about history. He's said it before. Then he made some remark about forgetting all the history we're covering. We're moving into our Great Books study next week and I think that will liven up the subject, he loves when we do books together.

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Win: boys compromised on a movie when we realized we werent going to make the Wreck it Ralph showing that I had promised them, adn they didnt get upset and are happily sitting on the couch eating popcorn.


Fail: Finally told my youngest that he needed to stop blaming other peopl when things go wrong, and stop saying "But what aboutu L***, he hasnt done anything!!!" when i ask him to do a chore. This isnt exactly a fail, but it's probsbly something I should have done 2 years ago, more consistently. He whines too much. :glare:

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Win - my younger dds both got 100 on their math work :)


Loss - my oldest (almost 16 years old) got her clothes hamper stuck-ish on her head and cheese grated her nose trying to get it off. :001_huh: I'm not sure how it relates to my parenting, but I'm sure it was a failure on my part...somewhere :tongue_smilie:

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Win- I had a learning record meeting today and realized I had hardly done any Science. I printed up several pages of worksheets for the 2 youngers to do, in an hour or so. They did it. I think I really need to up the output of work I expect from them


Lose- I hardly did Science with them last month


Win- the two youngers wrote long creative writing stories and impressed our ES, she remarked on how much my son has improved in writing since last year.


lose- my son was in a jerky mood and barely polite I thought to the ES. I don't know what to do with him, sigh.


Win- my dh was not home today and teen had to pick up son from lacrosse, this was accomplished and no one was lost or late


win- I made french toast for dinner, since dh was not home.

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Wins - Nathan was picked as an assistant captain on his hockey team today. James wasn't, and handled it perfectly. In the car on the way home, he said "It's good that they picked Jack as the captain because he sweats the most." :D


Loss - Molly whined for about an hour straight at the rink and I responded by buying her a slushie. Stellar parenting, I know.

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Win: I listened to a book on CD with my 9yo ds who has auditory processing problems -- and he both followed and enjoyed it. I also read science to him, and he got more comprehension questions right than I dreamed he would! I don't know how, but this issue is improving. (We haven't been doing therapy yet because the one option we learned of is too expensive and we need to hunt down more options.)


Loss: Hardly did anything else due to all-over pain that I think is Lyme-related. Discouraging.

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