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Question about the BFG (book)

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Updated on post 21


Help. My youngest made a comment today about some pants of hers that we were cutting up. There was very little left of the pants and she wanted to wear them. I told her no and she said she could wear them as a thong. She has made some very bizarre statements over the past six months and I'm trying to track them down. I asked her where she heard the word thong and she couldn't remember. I told her she needed to remember and she said that one of the monsters in the BFG wears a thong. I have never read the book and I'm hoping someone can clarify.


It's important as I'm making a list of these things to discuss with her pediatrician this Friday. I know it may seem like a little or silly thing, but I would appreciate anyone who could answer this question.

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No. There is no character I can think of in the BFG that wears a thong, though there is a (slim) chance I am mistaken. I've read that book multiple times, and honestly can't remember any mention of anything like that. :confused:


ETA: I was wondering if I was wrong, so I did the keyword search inside thing on Amazon, and no results for the word thong.

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Guest inoubliable
Anybody know about this? Thongs would make sense.


I haven't read the book, but wasn't Roald Dahl British or Australian? Every Aussie I ever met called flip-flop sandals "thongs".

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There is no mention of the either "thong" or "thongs" in any recent edition of the novel, and I have no reason to believe there was in the original edition.

Edited by nmoira
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Roald Dahl does NOT mention underwear in the BFG.


Sophie does wear a nightie for most of the story but underwear does NOT recieve a mention and, as mentioned, THONGS as footwear is ours (Australian), not British, Norwegian or even New Zealand (Jandles).


(We double-take at the 'F' word you use for backside, which is the rude word we know for 'girl's front-bottom'.)


Here's a funny on the topic..



ETA: that link did not work sorry, try this...





I think your dd may have been giving you a false lead.

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THONGS as footwear is ours (Australian)' date=' not British, Norwegian or even New Zealand (Jandles).


(We double-take at the 'F' word you use for backside, which is the rude word we know for 'girl's front-bottom'.)



I remember using thongs for flip-flops as a child, I think it changed in the 80s in America. I trained myself not to use it and then I moved here and I'm still trying to get used to it.


I had no idea about the other word! Now I'm hoping I've never used it but the only time I would use it is to refer to a f-pack, what do you call that here?


OP, it is interesting that she said he wore "a thong" and not "thongs" because that implies underwear, obviously not from the BFG book. She had to have gotten that somewhere.

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Thanks for the replies. I suspected a "false lead" and read through page 100 in BFG last night (speed reader). The monsters wear sandals, not thongs.


I asked her where she saw the word 'thong' in the book and she pointed to a picture of one of the monsters wearing a loin-cloth (for lack of a better description). She couldn't find the word and finally told me she heard about it in a dream.


My oldest sees a psychiatrist due to her autism/anxiety and I talked with him this morning. He's made a referral for a female psychiatrist to speak with my youngest daughter about our ongoing concerns.


Thanks for all the replies and help, I really don't want to discuss it further. :grouphug: Not trying to offend anyone. :grouphug::grouphug:

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