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Did you feel different before labor....

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I'm trying to remember from past pregnancies how I felt but I really cannot remember much. However, odd to me in the last week or so I've been feeling entirely different. I'm actually feeling pretty darn normal, except for the fact that I'm HUGE. I've had a lot more energy, my brain is working decently again and emotionally/mentally I feel almost like myself(although a *teensie* bit on edge!).


I'm feeling neurotic about the house, which is good and bad. I don't want to go into labor with a dirty house. I'm even trying to think of extra things to clean as well because I'm thinking I won't have the time or energy for deep cleaning for a good while after the baby is born. I'm feeling a need to organize something. I like organizing. I just finished organizing my Google docs and now they are nice and neat into little folders!

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The day I gave birth with each of mine. I felt a little "off"...I wasn't sick but just didn't feel right. Each time it wasn't until looking back that I realized I felt this way and thought "duh" because it wasn't anything specific. I went through the phase of cleaning and nesting prior to that though and had a lot of energy.

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Well, you're definitely nesting! That's a good sign, right? I guess the best signs are physical (like losing the plug). If you do learn you feel different, let me know. I'm expecting #5 in April - of the four children I have who are here, I went into labor with 3 of them while wrapping or unwrapping Christmas presents. I don't know how to tell for an April baby!

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For me the nesting phase was a couple of weeks before I went into labor. The only thing I noticed about impending labor was the meal or two before it actually started my stomach was off and food made me feel kind of icky. It was different than the loss of appetite I had for a week or so beforehand more like I might have the flu feeling (but only when I was eating the rest of the time I felt perfectly fine).

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Oh yes, the nesting. I had that with all three. Funny thing is with the first two I cleaned house just days before they were born. With the third I had the house all cleaned up and she didn't show up for another few weeks. I kept telling dh the house was cleaned, where's the baby? Well, she did arrive on her due date so . . . :tongue_smilie:

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you're nesting!


I tend to stay in the nesting stage for a month or 2. Maybe 3


I'm pretty sure I won't be nesting for a month or 2 or 3. I'm 38 wks :) I've had a 38w3d, 39w2d and 41w baby. I don't think #3 would have been late though had she been positioned good I had her the same day, 5hrs later, when we worked on belly binding to help her position.


With my other babies I did nest a lot more but I just haven't this time. I had some nesting in early 2nd trimester but I haven't felt up to it again until this week.


Whatever the reason I'm happy I'm nesting, more energy and a cleaner house is nice :)


The only thing certain about labor is the uncertainty!

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The first time I was sort of in denial. I felt off but didn't know why. Well dh took me out to dinner and my water broke right when I walked out the door to Cheesecake factory. He had to run and get the car while I stood there with wet jeans. That was awesome.


Second time somehow I knew. I made a bunch of food, and got everything ready for ds to stay with my parents. I went in to labor that day.

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The first time I was sort of in denial. I felt off but didn't know why. Well dh took me out to dinner and my water broke right when I walked out the door to Cheesecake factory. He had to run and get the car while I stood there with wet jeans. That was awesome.


Second time somehow I knew. I made a bunch of food, and got everything ready for ds to stay with my parents. I went in to labor that day.


OH, that is awesome! I would freak out if my water broke it always breaks during late pushing. I'm not feeling like labor today but I also wouldn't be surprised if it started at any time though.

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:lol: My water broke too. But that at least happened at home. And it was a trickle not a gush. I actually couldn't tell. I decided I thought it might have broken so I went to the hospital and sure enough that was the case. I still never went into labor on my own (took three days of induction).


Mine was a GUSH. I'm talking my light colored fat jeans were freaking soaked. I made DH take off his sweater and I tied it around my waist. He had to run to the car in a little under shirt:lol:


I can imagine I just looked like a moose that peed my pants.

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Time will tell I guess but I'm pretty certain the baby has moved down. I'm 3 in smaller around than I was and I'm having some good aches and pains. Dh and I worked on some positions last night to get her back in good position as she had moved to posterior over the weekend. I really didn't want to go into labor with her posterior!!! Now let's hope she is engaging and stays that way!


It is so amazing to have some energy back. Here I've felt like a lazy sea slug a lot of this pregnancy and now there is this switched flipped and I feel back to normal- it really wasn't me but the hormones of pregnancy! I'll take that any day!

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Time will tell I guess but I'm pretty certain the baby has moved down. I'm 3 in smaller around than I was and I'm having some good aches and pains. Dh and I worked on some positions last night to get her back in good position as she had moved to posterior over the weekend. I really didn't want to go into labor with her posterior!!! Now let's hope she is engaging and stays that way!


It is so amazing to have some energy back. Here I've felt like a lazy sea slug a lot of this pregnancy and now there is this switched flipped and I feel back to normal- it really wasn't me but the hormones of pregnancy! I'll take that any day!




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