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Please say a prayer for me tomorrow

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I am going for my first visit at the high risk OB. I have to have one because I am type 2 diabetic. My regular OB confers with them on everything and they also do all of my sonograms. Tomorrow is supposed to just be a consult, but I'm really hoping they do a sonogram. I just want to make sure that baby still looks good. You know these first few weeks when you just don't know what is going on in there! I will be about 9w and 5d. If they don't do the first trimester screening tomorrow I will have to go back in the next two weeks to get it done so I really hope they just do it tomorrow.

My blood sugar is still acting crazy and I'm at my wit's end trying to control it.

I am just asking for prayer that I still have a growing baby with a strong heartbeat and nothing abnormal with the screenings. Thanks everyone!

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