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Adoption shower gift ideas (foreign adoption)

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Some folks from my church are adopting two kids from Russia (ages 3 and 5, siblings). I am super excited about this adoption but am having a hard time coming up with ideas for a gift. I was thinking about some of the DK-type book, such as My Big Book of Everything, but it appears to be out of printand I don't want to get them a used book. But it doesn't have to be this - that's just an example of what I was thinking about.


Ideas for me?

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Whatever you buy, I would suggest keeping it low key and not overly stimulating. It will take time for the children to adjust to our typical presents and activities for kids. Consider books and quiet, simple toys at first.


ETA: It would be a great gift to mom and dad to offer to run errands, cook, etc. to give them time with the children. That early bonding time is so critical and precious.

Edited by emzhengjiu
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It has been a while since I adopted my two from Kazakhstan, but the oldest was 4 and spoke Russian. There is a book titled something like My First 1000 Words in Russian or something like that and it had pictures with common things and the Russian and English words.


I will also tell you that my oldest was mesmerized by the movie Finding Nemo. Nothing else would hold his attention but he adored that movie. I've heard other parents say the same thing, although I'm not sure why that particular movie was such a hit.


I would stick to basic, educational toys. One particular favorite was an Animal See and Say. Teaches basic animal names and the sounds they make (because believe it or not, in Russian, frogs don't say "ribbit" - they say "niddip":lol:). Anything that teaches animals, counting, colors, etc. would be a great gift.


Sticker books would also be great.

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Thanks for all the great ideas! Lots to think about.


What genders and do they already have other children and perhaps books and toys already? That will affect my answer :)


These will be the first children in the family. So, no previous experience on the parents' part, no toys, etc in the home yet. Well, they may have started collecting, I don't know what they may already have, but assume starting from scratch.


5-year-old girl, 3-year-old boy.



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Some really good ideas on here so far! Agree with the Lincoln Logs, Melissa & Doug wooden fruit, etc.


Maybe some wooden puzzles. Perhaps a very, very soft "lovey" type blanket or stuffed animal (which could be good or not so good depending on sensory issues), etc.


Are you wanting toys, books specifically to give to the children? Other ideas for the parents (if the shower is without the kids) would be kids cups or plates, a gift certificate to a shoe store, gift cards to restaurants, house cleaning, etc. Anything to take something off their plate as they adjust to having their children. (And it takes a lot longer than most think it does!)

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I'm agreeing with the quiet, educational toy idea that emphasizes the acquisition of new words.


Also, consider this, they may need gas cards and such. Many, many, many children adopted from Russia arrive with medical conditions that have gone untreated. Lots of time spent in the pediatrician's office is normal and all of that eats up gas money.


Homemade, tied, fleece blankets are nice as well. Many of the children are overwhelmed by everyone who wants to snuggle them, but yet need something soft and snuggly to sleep with. If the children are from an orphanage, they've had to share everything their whole lives and a lovey blanket is extra special.



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I love this book. I invested in one when we first adopted our two(foster adopt) and we wore it out. It has such wonderful stories, one being Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. There never was a time when I gave my two a choice of stories that this one didn't make it in the mix.

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