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Does your dh teach your kids any special skills?

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My dh has always handled my dd's music "careers". They just got back from Irish music camp, which they have been doing together for the past 4 years. He takes them to Irish Seisuns on a regular basis, and does "gigs" with them. He plays the fiddle, but mostly guitar when they do gigs.


When people ask him what role he plays in their education, he always loves to answer with, "I take them to pubs to pay music and drink beer." :D


He loves the look on their face after he tells them, "No, I'm really serious!" LOL

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Well, my dh is a tank commander in the US Army. I'm not sure I want him to teach our kids any of his "skills." ;-) Wait a minute, he did give my 14 year old a land nav. lesson the other night.


I feel your pain.... my dh is a Marine Sniper! Those are skills you really want passed on to your dc, right? He is teaching them about gun safety and working with dd on her marksmanship, but other than that.... they watched him build and fiberglass a boat (they're still a little young to help with that one), he's teaching them plant taxonomy (he used to run a landscape business), how to skin and process game (deer, rabbits, dove, etc), fish, etc. I guess they're mostly outdoor skills like gardening, which woodland plants are good to eat & which ones are poisonous, how to tell an animal has been by and which one, how to notice the little things in your surroundings and such.

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Bill (who [working up his best Clint Eastwood voice] says: "A man's gotta know his limitations :tongue_smilie:)


This is one of my husband's all-time favorite quotes! My DH handles any and all instruction in fishing (specializing in fly fishing), gardening, and nature walks. He also acts as bucking bronco, as Mommy's back just can't take rough-housing on the floor. :)

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So is "the verge" what we in the US call "the curb"?


I'm forever fascinated by our tiny differences in language. I've never EVER heard the word "verge" used as a concrete noun, only an abstract one. "He was on the verge of giving in, but he remembered Ginny's warning from the day before."


Uh? I call it a "curb" over here on the east coast. Hey Peela, is that some sort of weird Western Australia dialect word or a typo?


On topic: My dh is the one with the strategic mind. Dd is only one, so he's starting off with the basic skills: dice rolling. She's pretty good at that and spends half her week walking around the house with dice. Daddy is so proud :) When she's older it'll be board games, card games, role playing games. About the only thing he won't play is chess. Too much like work, he says. He's one of those people you can teach a game to, and they immediately kick your butt at it. He memorises all the statistics and formulae or something. I don't know. My brain doesn't do that!




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My dh is the one with the strategic mind. Dd is only one, so he's starting off with the basic skills: dice rolling. She's pretty good at that and spends half her week walking around the house with dice. Daddy is so proud :)


Nice! He needs to get workin' on the high-stakes poker skills, PDQ. Think of all of the books you could buy with her winnings!! ;)

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Basic plumbing and house repair, wiring. Tool use and care. They help him out on AC/furnace/refrigeration jobs sometimes. Car care-inside and out.


The plusses and minuses of self-employment. :001_huh: Dealing with people in a service business.


He's great for going on spur of the moment educational field trips when we are on the road. My dad would NEVER stop until his destination when we were growing up.


That family ties are important. You take care of each other, and make time to see each other. (Both of us are very close to our families.)


Leads by example: strong work ethic, attending church, treating mom and others well, donating time and/or money to causes you believe in, etc.


What can I say about an A type personality?! ;)

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His heart is in the right place, and he tries really hard. But the last significant educational opportunity I can remember -- my son ended up learning how to make fart noises with his armpits. :D


This sounds like my hubby!


He teaches him about guns, which I'd rather he didn't until he is much older. And he will teach him Biblical Greek when he's in high school. But other than that, they just wrestle and watch tv and make gross jokes. So much for my efforts to teach ds to be a gentleman.

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Uh? I call it a "curb" over here on the east coast. Hey Peela, is that some sort of weird Western Australia dialect word or a typo?





Must be....they call them verges here in Perth, although curb is used as well- mostly I hear verge.


But I am originally from Sydney- I have to educate these Perthians a lot. :001_smile:

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Between the two of us, I'm more likely than dh to be doing anything handy around the house. Not that he's hopeless at it, but I'm more inclined to it. I don't know who will teach those practical skills to the dc though.


He does plan great Daddy Dates for each of them. Lots of snuggling and swimming. As the kids get older he'll be the one that does Logic and Philosophy and things like that. He'll probably be very involved in Latin too.


Right now the joke is that I teach them their letters and he teaches them to burp. Sounds like a lot of families have the same pattern. ;)

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My husband has taught our of kids to sail. That's what he does nearly every weekend... either take them out on our big boat in San Francisco Bay, or take them sailing/racing in our little 15' Catalina. :D


The older three are skilled at crewing our big boat, and our oldest can actually singlehand it if need be. Plus, they're also accomplished dinghy sailors, thanks to dh.

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History and geography are the official things he covers. :) Then there's the cryptozoology and paranormal investigation interest he's passed on to dd. :001_rolleyes: He's working on getting her to be as obsessed with the Steelers as he is. Oh, and he got her hooked on Dr. Who and Robin Hood from BBC (can't say too much on that, though, he got me too! :D)

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