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My first brag (I think)...

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Ds won 1st in one class and 2nd in another at his 3rd ever AKC agility trial! He far exceeded his expectations. Yesterday was the first time he was able to keep his dog from running out of the ring. Ds has a tendency to get stressed when something goes wrong and then give up, but not this time. I'm so pleased at Ds for not giving up on his dog! His dog is a rescued Cocker Spaniel (in my avatar) who was more than afraid of his own shadow when we got him. He used to shake all over when we took him somewhere new. They have both come a long way!


ETA: Linking a photo of Ds's Cocker on the A frame earlier today...




Edited by shanvan
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:party: I'm so proud of your son! Learning perseverance is so important - good for him! And as the owner of a rescue pup, :hurray: for the dog, too! :001_smile:


Thank you to everyone.


Yes, Elinor, seeing him persevere was such a relief. twice his dog sniffed and got sidetracked by smells, but Ds got him to come back and finish the course. In the past, I've seen Ds give up. He has that tendency in many areas, not just dog training. I have even had other people comment on it to me. He's a bright, capable kid, but gets easily frustrated and doesn't reach his potential b/c he has a hard time handling frustration. I was beginning to feel very discouraged that it would be a pattern set for life.


The ribbons were nice, but seeing him overcome was the best. I'm hopeful he can transfer his new attitude into other areas. Dog training has done so much to train my Dc. I just thought they would have fun with it as an extracurricular. I had no idea it would force them to learn how to handle their weaknesses.

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BRAVO to your son and to you for that awesome photo. Do you have a blog with more photos, etc.?


Thanks, but I didn't take the photo. I have taken some nice photos, but not that nice. At a trial I stay away from the ring and watch at a distance so Ds's dog won't see me and want to come 'visiting'. The photo was taken by a photographer who travels to agility trials and sells his photographs and various photo products. We are going to order some prints for Ds to celebrate. I'm hoping the day will come when I can get up close and take some photos of my own.

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