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Possible showing tonight, and I'm sick - what to do?

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OK, hive - chime in -


I just got an email from a fsbo person - they want to see our house, will drive by tonight, and will probably want to come inside. I've been sick all week, hubby's not been here. House is not a wreck, but isn't great either.


What say ye?


1) Whatever. Ignore it. Tell them to come tomorrow afternoon.


2) Let them in, just pick up the floors.


3) Bribe the kids with a really, really yummy dessert if they help me vacuum, dust, and swiffer the nasty kitchen floor.


4) Take a bubble bath and lock out the world. :D


I'm feeling to crummy to try a poll.

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ugh. Without dh, I think I"d see if they can come another time. Just tell them you're sick. If they are really interested, they will come back. If they are just looking just to look, then they weren't that interested in the first place.



We're trying to sell our house right now, too, so I totally empathize!

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Get the kids to help throw things under the beds, in the dressers, run the dishwasher, and take out the trash. Spray some lysol and let them come. In this day and age I wouldn't put off any potential buyers, they might not come back.


Then eat yummy dessert after they leave. Hope you feel better soon.

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Start shoving stuff wherever it will fit. The trunk of the car? Laundry baskets? My kids actually respond well to this kind of emergency--explain it clearly, then say ready-set-go! Keep checking and barking out military-style orders to keep them laughing. You'd be amazed at how much can get done in an hour or less.

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Get the kids to help throw things under the beds, in the dressers, run the dishwasher, and take out the trash. Spray some lysol and let them come. In this day and age I wouldn't put off any potential buyers, they might not come back.


Then eat yummy dessert after they leave. Hope you feel better soon.


I agree.


Remember, I got my house ready and sold it by myself while my husband was deployed back in November. I know how you feel but you need to get it presentable and show it, sick or not.


Then treat yourself to a bath*and* dessert. I'm sorry you're sick. :grouphug:

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Aww, Heather,


I am so sorry you are sick and have a house to show. I hope you feel better soon.


I agree with the above posters that said to do what you can and show it tonight. Plus anything you do to pull the house together for tonight's showing will also benefit you for the weekend.


Hang in there.

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Do whatever it takes! Depending on the market, you may not be able to ask someone to come back later. In our housing market, that can't be done no matter what. (I had a friend actually walk in my room while I was taking a bath. Our times were confused. Great way to make friends though!!!)

Do an ice cream drive through for DCs and let know DH he owes you a big, luxurious back rub when he returns home.


Let DCs pick up the obvious stuff and head out.

In the meantime, sending you get well wishes.

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You guys are great!


My kids are even better - I ran to the store for dinner fixin's, and they really, really made the house spiffy.


Then -


We saw a truck drive by at 6:15 p.m., peer out their windows -


and keep going.


GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :banghead:


As my 11yo ds put it - "Well, Mom, at least the house is clean!"


DH is home, we had a yummy salmon dinner, I'm going to put on my pj's, and we're all watching Enchanted tonight.


Ah, the joy!

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You guys are great!


My kids are even better - I ran to the store for dinner fixin's, and they really, really made the house spiffy.


Then -


We saw a truck drive by at 6:15 p.m., peer out their windows -


and keep going.


GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :banghead:


As my 11yo ds put it - "Well, Mom, at least the house is clean!"


DH is home, we had a yummy salmon dinner, I'm going to put on my pj's, and we're all watching Enchanted tonight.


Ah, the joy!


Thanks for the update, though. And I hope you'll be better tomorrow!

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You guys are great!


My kids are even better - I ran to the store for dinner fixin's, and they really, really made the house spiffy.


Then -


We saw a truck drive by at 6:15 p.m., peer out their windows -


and keep going.


GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :banghead:


As my 11yo ds put it - "Well, Mom, at least the house is clean!"


DH is home, we had a yummy salmon dinner, I'm going to put on my pj's, and we're all watching Enchanted tonight.


Ah, the joy!


That just means they aren't *your* buyers. ;) Seriously. For now, enjoy your clean home!

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I'll give them credit - she emailed me tonight, and let me know that our house was just too close to a major road. At least she gave me that courtesy!


Back to bed - I think I'm gonna call the dr. in the morning - this is just NOT getting better -

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I'll give them credit - she emailed me tonight, and let me know that our house was just too close to a major road. At least she gave me that courtesy!


Back to bed - I think I'm gonna call the dr. in the morning - this is just NOT getting better -


That was a very nice thing to do. I do hope you feel better soon.

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