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bad timing, just a vent I guess....

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So...10 days after having my baby I end up at the dentist with an emergency visit for a toothache. It was excruciating. I told the dentist that I had given birth to a 10lb baby at home with no drugs, and this pain was worse. They checked it out and I have an infected tooth and need a root canal. I guess there is a filling that isn't sealed well anymore and a cavity was growing under it...not way for me to have prevented it...no way to reach it by brushing/flossing/etc.


Keep in mind i never even had a cavity until my son was born...then I had 7 at one time! Then I had my daughter and a few more. Now this. I hate dentists. And as I'm sitting there he tells me that the procedure will be "a difficult one" and will take about 3 hours. I broke down crying right in the chair. My baby is less than 2 weeks old and nurses every 1-2 hours during the day usually. He has never had a bottle and my kids are notoriously difficult to get to take a bottle. As I'm trying to explain that they are looking at me like i'm an alien...sigh. Then the dentist offered to just extract it instead..um..NO that is not better! I'm in my 30's, I don't want to go around without a molar, I use that tooth! I finally pulled it together and asked for a referral to an endodontist, with the idea that a specialist will be faster.


Meanwhile, the antibiotics and vicodin and motrin have been helping a lot. But I ran out of motrin so my last dose was just 2 pills instead of the 3-4 I was taking...and now it hurts again. Which means i need to go get more. And today is my first day home without my husband to help with the baby, and my 13 year old is at his fathers. Should be interesting :)

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Your dentist should be able to do your appointment in two parts. Someone could have the baby in the waiting area, you could stop and nurse and then start again for session two. Don't give them an option, tell them that it needs to happen.

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Your dentist should be able to do your appointment in two parts. Someone could have the baby in the waiting area, you could stop and nurse and then start again for session two. Don't give them an option, tell them that it needs to happen.


:iagree: and :grouphug:

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I would get a second opinion. I have had numerous root canals and even a surgical removal of a root, and NONE has taken even close to 3 hours.


Good luck. If they insist that it takes this long, ask them to break it into two parts so you can take a break and nurse. But I would highly doubt that it does.

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I've had several root canals done in past years, and I don't numb easily (sometimes not at all!). I found an endodontist in Orlando that can get my mouth numb, and gets the rc done pretty quickly. His name is Aaron Isler with Orlando Endodontic Specialists on N. Mills Ave (407-423-7667).


Colgate makes Orabase Paste (Max. strength Oral Pain Relief) that helps me deal with the pain until I can get into the dr's office. You can get it at Target, Walmart, CVS, etc.


I hope you get some relief very soon. :grouphug:

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