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Well, dd starts ps tomorrow.

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She's actually very excited. The "locker night" went well, and her orientation, too. She's decorated all 5 of her binders, gotten all her school supplies, has a new outfit for the first day, knows where to catch the bus home, cleaned her lunch sack and planned out her lunch...She even finished her summer book assignment. At least it was a good one--she read Little Women.


I am...ok. Resigned a little bit, but ok.


I thought about starting a blog--Confessions of a Reluctant Publicschooler.

CARP for short. ;)

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@Lee--yep, still walking the doggies! :D

@Denise--IDK. Locker night is when you turn in paperwork (don't get me started on our experience with THAT!) and then receive your schedule, locker # and combination. I made dd practice opening her locker several times, then she decorated the inside with a mirror, magnets made from bottle caps, a small pencil cup with a magnet to adhere to the door, and a blue shelf for the bottom (so she wouldn't have to put books on the "floor" of it). Some kids bring a tiny rug for the bottom (shag, usually!), little curtains (think those 60's beads) and even lights for inside.

Here's an example to give you a good idea.



She's up and at'em for the day--too excited to eat but she did pack a healthy lunch and has everything but her gym clothes (have to buy today at school). Going to drive her and let her take the bus home.


Here goes.


Hug yours tight!!

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We don't call it locker day, but we have something similar called Sneak a Peak or Meet and Greet. My ds does not have a decorated locker. No shelves. No rug. No mirror. No magnets. However, all the girls around here do.


Chris, I hope your dd had a wonderful day. I wish I could take you out for coffee. Maybe I could send Mariann a Starbucks gift card and she could take you out for coffee for me.

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She had a really good first day. All her teachers seem nice. She has 8 classes, but it is block scheduling, so they are every other day for 90 minutes. Today she had English, Science, Gym and Intro to Foreign Language. Tomorrow she has History, Math, Orchestra and something called Hawk Time, where they go to two of the classes and do extra stuff (it's confusing, but it means getting extra time in a class every two weeks).

She had trouble finding her bus for the way home, but had plenty of time to look, and she asked a bus driver for help--so different from the way my other kids would have handled it! lol

She was full of talk about school when she came home, and I'm so glad I was here to listen.


Thanks for letting me "talk," too.

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This is Day #6 for younger ds in public school. I will definitely join your CARP group.


He enjoyed it last week (not much homework), but tonight he had a bunch of pointless math homework. The homework is what I was dreading the most. Well, that and hardly seeing him at all :crying:


He has a block schedule as well, which I am thankful for.

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