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Drag Her Outta Bed or Not?

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Diva is a huge pita to get up in the am. It's a lot of nagging, etc.


Here's the thing: she volunteered to do something at church this am. She argued against going to bed last night, didn't want to turn out her light, etc.


I've attempted to wake her once already. Church is in 90 mins. Do I try to wake her again, or just let natural consequences be in effect? If she sleeps through, she'll miss church, and disappoint some ppl.


I'm just tired of the battle.



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Well, if it was me, I'd wake her.


And then, when we're away from the situation, and it's not crunch time (kwim?) I'd have a clear conversation about her taking responsibility for waking on time, and that you would no longer "help" her.


But my kids are ALL morning people, so this might be worth bupkus.

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I would allow natural consequences to handle it.


In our house that would include not being able to enjoy privileges such as TV, Computer and Video Games. All personal responsibilities have to be taken care of before we can do the fun stuff.


But my kids are ALL morning people, so this might be worth bupkus.


This made me chuckle, I have one morning child...the other is not. The battle isn't worth it here, he learns by missing out later.

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Well, if it was me, I'd wake her.


And then, when we're away from the situation, and it's not crunch time (kwim?) I'd have a clear conversation about her taking responsibility for waking on time, and that you would no longer "help" her.




I feel like if I have ok'd my child volunteering for something, that I have a responsibility too to make sure that they do not let people down. (This would be different for much older teens.)

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If there are others depending on her, yes, I would definitely get her up. I would make the rest of her day miserable (loss of privileges, TV, computer, activity of choice) though. I'm all for natural consequences when I can allow them without others being hurt in the process. I also feel like when my kid volunteers or signs up for something, it's on me to make sure they arrive at the right time ready to work.

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I feel like if I have ok'd my child volunteering for something, that I have a responsibility too to make sure that they do not let people down. (This would be different for much older teens.)

Well, she didn't ok it w/me first. She informed me of it afterwards.


And, she's up. I went to wake her again, and she was laying in bed, reading. Her comment? "I thought you weren't going to wake me up again" :glare:

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Yeah, my daughter and i in the teen years . .it was ugly. BUT . . she needed 11 hours a night. and she could NOT fall asleep before midnight, no matter what time she turned out the lights. Going to public school, she kept getting the flu because of her chronic exhaustion, and it made her moods much worse too


I think you need to definitely have a talk with her - but not, from my pov, an angry talk. Often teens need more sleep. Most teens natural body rhythms switch to a later cycle. If she needs more sleep in the morning, thats ok as long as she still fulfills all of her obligations. If she can still get all her school work done, and still keep any obligations to other people, she can sleep as late as she wants.


If she agrees to do something in the morning - at age 13, i'd wake her as many times as it takes. And then remind her that it SHOULD be her responsibility, that as an adult she will be expected to be responsible for her time, but that you WILL enforce her being responsible until she shows she can do it herself.


My daughter turns 20 this week and she's been doing really well. But she started to university last week, and its rush time at work, so she's been working a lot of shifts, sometimes closing one day and opening the next. I've had to wake her up twice this week. But havent we all overslept occasionally?


I try to push and steer my kids to be responsible without being mean to them . . . do i really want to model being mean or being helpful?

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