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You shouldn't "tease" your hair-you might hurt its feelings

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Indy and I went to Ramstein yesterday and there was a lady there with BIG, BIG hair (it was almost gravity defying) and he asked me how women got their hair so big. I told him they teased it to make it high, kind of like I sometimes do on the back of mine to get a little lift (not big or puffy, just not so flat). The lady in front of me in the checkout line turned around and said that with all the bullying going on in schools and so many kids committing suicide I shouldn't use the word "tease," but rather "back comb." WHAT? I blinked at her and then assured her that if my hair ever became suicidal over the teasing I'd have a nice long talk with it and assure it I really loved it. She harump'd and looked at me like I was the crazy one before turning back around muttering something under her breath. When she was gone, Indy leaned over and said "That lady was nuts!" Indeed.

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We just need to promote more back combing and the world will be a better place. :D


But back combing sounds too much like back talking, which we can have none of, so that negates the use of that term.


We could say "uplift through the use of a follicle untangling device", that is much more PC. :tongue_smilie:

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I love the title of this thread!


What with all the bullying going on in schools, she may also think that we shouldn't "beat" eggs, "whip" cream, "hang" clothes, "shoot" the breeze, or do dozens of other harmless activities. She should support homeschooling since it helps protect children from bullying, (as long as their mothers don't tease.)

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