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what is your favorite handwriting program?


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I loved Handwriting Without Tears--especially the teacher's guide. Gave me so many good ideas. In retrospect, I didn't need all of the wooden letter pieces, etc. The key parts for us were the teaching guide, workbook, and songs, although I had the entire kit. You can do the trace/erase in a cookie sheet filled with stuff, shaving cream, or on a dollar store chalk board. For the letter shapes, play dough snakes work great...pieces of string....cut outs of construction paper...etc.


DS1, however, was never good at printing, but really took to cursive. We're not going back to do GD Italics so he has a printing font that looks good for when he doesn't want to write in cursive.

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I've used HWT to teach 4 children. I like it very much.


Right now Handwriting WIthout Tears has a kindergarten kit on sale. They only do this once a year.


We use the slate, chalk, workbook, wooden pieces and laminated letter cards beginning in Pre-K.


I also really enjoy the pre-K music CD. I prefer it to the Kindergarten CD because the Pre-K CD is not so "loud" sounding.


Some don't like the look of HWT, but I've found that each of my kiddos develop their own style of writing. I am happy that they have neat, legible handwriting.


I've found it easy to start this program in preschool because the methods used are so appropriate for little people.

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Guest DsnyMama

Is there a need to start with the HWT preK program (get set for school), or is the K version of HWT simple enough to start with a preK student?

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I like getting one of those tablets with all the letters on them, and writing a capitol and a lower case letter to be copied repeatedly, and writing a sentence to be copied perfectly, every day. The sentence should have spaces between the lines so it can be copied easily.


Simple, cheap, effective.


This is a good idea.


I think that, unless your child is struggling with handwriting, HWT can be overkill. My dd loved writing from an early age, so I just printed off handwriting worksheets (free all over the Internet) for awhile, and now we just do copywork.

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I agree about looking at the styles first. I didn't do this and started with HWT even though I didn't care for the way it looked. The look of the print is one of the reasons we switched mid-year.


I had heard such great things about the program (HWT), I just thought it would work for us. It was definitely overkill for our family - way too many extras with it, I couldn't keep up. I ended up switching about halfway through the year to Getty Dubay Italics and now I'm very happy with my choice :)


I really wish I would have checked out the print styles first and gone from there.

Edited by SewingMom2many
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