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What is a Hot Sandwich-some CC related stuff

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We are visiting a new church tomorrow and they have a meal after services. The menu on the web site says " Hot sandwhich Sunday" . What is a Hot Sandwich???


Being our first visit to the church, should I even plan on bringing a meal? Or just go and see what happens? I think having such a large family it would be awkward if we did stay and hadn't brought someting to share, but they have a meal each week, so I would feel awkward leaving too LOL. When talking to the pastor ahead of time, it sounded like he expected us to come for the meal.


WWYD? Thanks :)

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Why don't you bring a side dish? Chips/veg dip??


I think I am going to bring some chips, bulkie rolls, a plate of the cookies I made today and something to drink. Once I know the routine I can plan better. I just had no idea what they meant by hot sandwhich LOL.

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Is it a potluck sort of thing? Is everyone supposed to bring hot sandwiches to share, or are the hot sandwiches provided and everyone is supposed to bring a side dish to go with them? Or is it a full meal provided by a committee/group of volunteers and no one is supposed to bring anything?


If it's potluck style, I wouldn't feel comfortable staying if I didn't take something to contribute *unless* I hadn't known about the meal ahead of time and someone told us about it when we got there and invited us to stay. But that's just me. Could you call someone and ask what you should bring? Good luck!

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Is it a potluck sort of thing? Is everyone supposed to bring hot sandwiches to share, or are the hot sandwiches provided and everyone is supposed to bring a side dish to go with them? Or is it a full meal provided by a committee/group of volunteers and no one is supposed to bring anything?


If it's potluck style, I wouldn't feel comfortable staying if I didn't take something to contribute *unless* I hadn't known about the meal ahead of time and someone told us about it when we got there and invited us to stay. But that's just me. Could you call someone and ask what you should bring? Good luck!


I don't know if it's pot luck or if they provide it or not. That was half the worry right there. I guess I could call, but I wish I had thought of it sooner. I don't have any meat in the house so I'd have to run to WM tonight to shop. If I just bring rolls and stuff I can grab them on the way to church in the morning.

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Well just speaking for the churches I've been in. If we had guests in our midst the Sunday of a potluck, they would be heartily welcomed and encouraged to stay even though it's unlikely they would have known to bring anything. :) So even if you go emptyhanded, if you feel welcomed and want to stay, then a good church will be thrilled to have 12 extra guests at the table. And I hope it's just that kind of a church, Jean!



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I agree with Jami. I would go empty-handed and see if you are invited to stay for lunch. OUr church has frequent pot-lucks and we always extend an invitation to visitors. Unless it is a very small church I don't think 12 extra mouths to feed would be burdensome. At our church of 100-125, there is always plenty of extra food.


I hope you like the church and have a good Sunday. :)

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Just wanted to update that we visited the church and we all liked it . We are going to pray and seek His will for us, but as of right now, we plan to go back.


The really neat thing was there were tons of kids! lol and 80% of the families home school. There were a few large families so we didn't stick out like a freak show :D


And they invited us to stay and told us not to worry @ bringing food etc so we stayed and had a wonderful time in fellowship.

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Just wanted to update that we visited the church and we all liked it . We are going to pray and seek His will for us, but as of right now, we plan to go back.


The really neat thing was there were tons of kids! lol and 80% of the families home school. There were a few large families so we didn't stick out like a freak show :D


And they invited us to stay and told us not to worry @ bringing food etc so we stayed and had a wonderful time in fellowship.



Glad to hear you had a great time! This church sounds like our church: lots of homeschooled kids and big families. (Though we pray all the time for more older folks and singles and other types of families to help us be well rounded--we're the church of Christ, not just the church of the homeschooled!) We are accustomed to large families and guests are actively discouraged from bringing a meal their first time. :D

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That's awesome, Jean. I hope you've found a church home at last.


But the pressing question...what *were* the hot sandwiches??




LOL it was pulled pork or shredded chicken in BBQ sauce and all the fixings. I was picturing open face hot turkey sandwhiches and gravy. I had no clue LOL.

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I'm glad it all worked out, Jean. It sounds like a nice church.

We have a potluck once a month and we would never expect them to contribute any food. There's always enough to share. We'd be glad to have a family of of any size join us.

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Just wanted to update that we visited the church and we all liked it . We are going to pray and seek His will for us, but as of right now, we plan to go back.


The really neat thing was there were tons of kids! lol and 80% of the families home school. There were a few large families so we didn't stick out like a freak show :D


And they invited us to stay and told us not to worry @ bringing food etc so we stayed and had a wonderful time in fellowship.


I'm glad it went so well! It's always nice to find a place where you feel welcomed. :001_smile:

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