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Should we buy a freezer?

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Does it make sense for us to buy a freezer? Currently we have four people living at home. Hopefully, in Jan, we will only have three. Then in fall of 2015, we will be down to two.


We have a refrigerator with a fairly small freezer. I would like to have more freezer space but am thinking will it be a good idea for only two people.


Any thoughts?

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I think it is always handy to have a freezer. In your situation, I'd get a small, frost free, chest freezer.


I have a large upright freezer. It is always full because I buy a lot of meat and veg when it is on sale, and I just bought a 1/4 of beef cow. I also freeze a lot of cookies during the holidays. I store a bag or two of ice, lots of bread and ice-cream, and soup, chili, and spaghetti sauce in there, too.

Edited by RoughCollie
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My inlaws have no children at home and have 2 freezers AND two full refrigerators :lol: And they keep them stocked. The benefits for them are the fact that they can hit the sales at Krogers and stock up on meats and such at low prices. The plus for us is that they always have something yummy to eat when we come over :tongue_smilie:


We have an extra freezer and frige and I LOVE it.

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My inlaws have no children at home and have 2 freezers AND two full refrigerators :lol:


My Grandma had 3 huge refrigerators - one for beer, one for soft drinks, and one for real food. She also had an upright freezer full of real food. We have a very large family, and they visited her at least a dozen at a time.

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Our first Christmas after we got married my mom bought us a freezer. I chose a smaller one (16 cu ft) since we were living in an apartment. My only regret was that I just didn't go for a big one (25 cu ft) right off the bat. It was always full. I'd make a meal, freeze half for another day. Stock up on sales,freeze some seasonal fruit (for instance, store frozen strawberries are pretty yucky tasting compared to fresh picked and frozen, at least in my experience). Freeze extra bread because when there was only tow of us we'd never finish a loaf before it molded (we aren't big sandwich eaters).


So yes even with only two people a freezer is definitely worth it.


My parents have 2 full fridges and a dorm fridge plus two upright freezers and a chest freezer. It's really nice in the winter because if the weather is bad they don't have to run the grocery store very often.

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We are a household of 2 since our kiddoes have all left home. However, they are all married and when they come home there is more of them!

We have always had a freezer. It allows us to stock up on sales,shop at Costco, buy beef in bulk, freeze baked goods, leftovers, etc. Currently it is not overly full, but we are buying beef soon, so I am letting it empty out so I can defrost it. I can't imagine running my household without a freezer.

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Has anyone done a cost comparison of buying the freezer, the power to run it, and losing the contents when the power goes out..... The grocery store is five minutes away, and I tease that my freezer is at the store!


I have the opportunity to split a cow though, and would need a freezer to do that. And I would have to pay to have an outlet put in the garage.

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We are a household of 2 since our kiddoes have all left home. However, they are all married and when they come home there is more of them!

We have always had a freezer. It allows us to stock up on sales,shop at Costco, buy beef in bulk, freeze baked goods, leftovers, etc. Currently it is not overly full, but we are buying beef soon, so I am letting it empty out so I can defrost it. I can't imagine running my household without a freezer.




One of our first purchases after our wedding was a 13 cf upright freezer. We lived in a 12 x 60 mobile home at the time (just two of us) and put that thing at the edge of the kitchen practically in the living room. (Of course the fridge we had at the time just had a silly little icebox in it.)

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I would. We just bought our first chest freezer a couple of months ago and it is great. We shop at Costco and it was tough juggling the two refrigerators. My MIL with no dc at home has the smaller one with only two of them at home and it is well used. I'm not sure MIL could survive the holidays without it. Even when she is traveling to our house, she makes gifts for others and will bring frozen meals, bread, and treats for us all the way from VA. She is also the queen of making and freezing meals for when she's too busy to cook or for DFil when she's out of town. My parents also bought a new one after their ancient one died. They often buy a half a cow so they need it.

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Thanks, all. We had one that came with the house we rented in Northern VA and I loved it and we used it a lot. We did have five people then, though. But I know that dh keeps asking why I am not buying more things in advance and it has to do with no separate freezer and this freezer in our refrigerater is smaller than the one we had in VA too.

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