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? about frequent strep

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I used to get strep 3 or 4 times a year from 2001 until 2006. I haven't had it since I moved. Very strange. My doctor seemed to think it can hide out tonsil area, etc., never fully healing and flare up periodically. She wanted me to get my tonsils out, but since I haven't had it in 2 years I've back burned that option.

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My ds(8) seemd to get strep a lot. WE started giving him acidophillus(sp?) to strengthen his immune system and hasn't had it since.

I use to get a sore throat every 6 weeks or so until I started taking acidophillus, and since then I haven't had a sore throat but once or twice since last September.

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I used to get strep 3 or 4 times a year from 2001 until 2006. I haven't had it since I moved. Very strange. My doctor seemed to think it can hide out tonsil area, etc., never fully healing and flare up periodically. She wanted me to get my tonsils out, but since I haven't had it in 2 years I've back burned that option.



This used to happen to me until I relocated to Califorrnia 12 years ago. My doctor said the same thing, and I could definitely see a connection between the strep flare ups and stress. I was also advised to have my tonsils removed, but never did. I've only had strep once or twice since I've been here.

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When I was in Jr. high and the first two years of high school I had strep at least once a month. I would also get tonsilitis frequently. It was horrible. I was supposed to get my tonsils out but my dad had a fit about it to the ENT citing that "God gave us tonsils for a reason, so they're not going to be removed".:001_huh:


I lived with that for years with no clear explanation. But while I still get very minor frequent sore throats, they are not strep and I haven't had strep since High School. I don't know why it just went away?

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Thanks ladies. This time, the quick-strep test was negative (it has always been positive before). We will get the final results in a couple of days.


I take acidophillus, so I can just start giving it to my son as well.


I will also have our family tested if he comes back positive this time.



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He could be around an asymptomatic carrier. We carpooled with a child who had strep but no symptoms. Her dad worked at the CDC and was doing an epidemiolgy computer program at the time and figured out the problem.


This happened to me. I had strep three times in 6 months. It turns out my 5yo was carrying the virus and didn't have any of the usual symptoms. Our pediatrician caught it when ds had his yearly checkup. Once he was treated, I stopped getting it.

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Nathan, my 8 YODS, has had strep three times in less than one year. This seems odd as no one else here ever gets it.


Has anyone had experience with this?


For the most part, no one here gets sick here.


Yes, ME.


I had something like 9 separate documented cases in 12 months when I was a teen. Then I got Scarlet Fever. My pediatrician finally threw up his hands (this was 1981, I am allergic to penicillin, and that's all there was for SF back then, so I had to be monitored with each shot) and scheduled me for a tonsillectomy.


When the surgeon got in there, he discovered that my tonsils were were just masses of pus and scar tissue. Rather than acting as a filtration system (their purpose), they were behaving as infection factories.


The surgery had to be extensive, and ended up taking quite a bit of my tissue (I actually have a "hole" where one of them was because there wasn't enough left to stitch up - kind of like when you pull pizza dough too thin).


The good side? I never again got strep. I don't even get sore throats. Every one around me will be sick as a dog, and I haven't gotten a single infection (other than sinus) for 27 years. I consider it a decent trade off.




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Well, three times in one year, believe it or not, is not considered all that terribly much for a child.


I do think it's wise to go ahead with acidophilus, definitely have him swabbed again after you've completed the antibiotics to make sure it's been killed (but talk to your pediatrician about how long to wait -- the strep culture can actually give you a false positive if administered too quickly after an infection is treated), and you may indeed want to have the rest of the family tested too.


Also, toss all the toothbrushes in the house after he's been on antibiotics for 24-48 hours and replace them with new ones. If there's a toothbrush holder or water cup in his bathroom, make sure you thoroughly disinfect (tossing 'em in the dishwasher should do).

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When we lived in VA last time my son was 7 and he got strep all the time. He had it 8 times within 4 months. He'd be done taking the antibiotic and within days he'd have another sore throat we'd go in the Doc and he'd test positive for strep again. They suggested taking his tonsils out that following summer and since then he hasn't had Strep once.

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She had many strep throat infections (and some complications as a result including scarlet fever and Henoch Schonlien Purpura (okay the spelling is off)


Two years ago we had her tonsils removed as the doctor said that some kids tonsils are the culprit to repeat infections.


So far that's been true in her case.

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He could be around an asymptomatic carrier. We carpooled with a child who had strep but no symptoms. Her dad worked at the CDC and was doing an epidemiolgy computer program at the time and figured out the problem.


This is what happened to us. We were home for nearly 8 weeks with someone(s) having strep about six years ago. All the kids had it -rotating of course and I caught it twice. We finally had dh tested and he was the evil carrier. He'd never had symptom one. Once he was treated, things were good.


Hope you can figure it out - strep is miserable.

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Strep can house in your sinus cavities and keep reappearing. Has he had sinus infections??



I honestly wouldn't know how to recognize one. The last two times, with his sore throat, though, he has had a bloody nose and was spitting up blood. Could this be a sinus infection? I would think they would have checked him for that when he was there. BTW -- I mentioned the blood both times.

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Nathan, my 8 YODS, has had strep three times in less than one year. This seems odd as no one else here ever gets it.


Has anyone had experience with this?


For the most part, no one here gets sick here.

From my experience -- don't mess around with treating strep. When I was 7-8 yrs old I had strep on and off all winter long. Finally they got it beat.


B U T . . . 25 yrs later the doctor's decided that either the strep had settled into my heart valves or I had actually had rheumatic fever.


Don't settle for anything less than "cured." I wouldn't have had open heart surgery for a valve replacement at 27 if my mother would have been a bit more insistent. BTW it affected 2 of my valves and we're just waiting for the next surgery to happen.


It's your child's health and perhaps their future. Nothing to mess with.

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Headaches, pain in the teeth, stuffy runny noses that go on and on... My middle boy ended up in the hospital for 10 days because an infection in his sinus cavities went undetected and ate its way onto the optic nerve. Looking back, he had some headaches and that was all the indication I had.

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Guest Katia
From my experience -- don't mess around with treating strep. When I was 7-8 yrs old I had strep on and off all winter long. Finally they got it beat.


B U T . . . 25 yrs later the doctor's decided that either the strep had settled into my heart valves or I had actually had rheumatic fever.


Don't settle for anything less than "cured." I wouldn't have had open heart surgery for a valve replacement at 27 if my mother would have been a bit more insistent. BTW it affected 2 of my valves and we're just waiting for the next surgery to happen.


It's your child's health and perhaps their future. Nothing to mess with.


Oh, I SO agree with this post! My fil died from an untreated strep infection that moved into his kidneys, and my dh's boss died from an untreated strep infection that went into his heart.


Strep is nothing to mess around with. Go for the 'cure'.

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