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Internet Explorer or Firefox?

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Hey computer guru's, I need some advice. I am still running IE6. I know, it's bad. I hang my head in shame. In my past life, I was a programmer/analyst. You would think I could make software decisions like this but...I just can't bring myself to switch to Firefox.


My main concern is that I don't know which websites I will lose. So the question before us today is: IE7 or Firefox?


I would make it a poll but I haven't the time this morning to play with it. I am upgrading the browser tonight!

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I didn't understand when you said you would lose websites though...


I read on the Firefox website that you might not be able to access some websites. That they won't load on any other browser then IE. I don't know anything more then that. Sorry. But that is what I am nervous about.




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I do keep IE on my desktop because there is one site my husband visits that won't work with Firefox. Actually, the site works, but there is a videocam of a fishing pier he likes to check out that won't work on Firefox for some reason. The rest of the website is accessible. That's just one site out of many.



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Sometimes there are a few things that won't load into it, but I just copy and paste the url into my IE browser tab THAT I HAVE IN FIREFOX and it work just fine.


Also Firefox will save all your log-ons and passwords (If you want that, I LOVE it) without you having to press a single key.


I heart Firefox! :D

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Hey computer guru's, I need some advice. I am still running IE6. I know, it's bad. I hang my head in shame. In my past life, I was a programmer/analyst. You would think I could make software decisions like this but...I just can't bring myself to switch to Firefox.


My main concern is that I don't know which websites I will lose. So the question before us today is: IE7 or Firefox?


I would make it a poll but I haven't the time this morning to play with it. I am upgrading the browser tonight!


We have been running Firefox for a couple of years and have been very pleased. Every once in a while I will run across a website that will not load (normally is is something with video), but there is an "add-on" you can add that will let you right click on the mouse and choose "view this page in IE." It will open that page in IE without any copy/pasting. HTHs

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