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What is the purpose of shelf paper in cabinets/cupboards?

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We are moving into a new construction home in a week. I have never used shelf paper. Does this make me a bad person? :confused: I don't understand what the purpose of it is.


I will say that our old home had laminate in the bottom of all the cabinets. The builder did this so shelf paper wasn't necessary. I don't think I knew that shelf paper was necessary.


Can someone please "edumacate" me on this topic, please?

Edited by Hoggirl
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In solid wood cabinets, shelf paper can protect the wood from wet dishes that didn't dry all the way. Some people use it becuase it's pretty. It's easier to clean than straight wood. I'm sure there are more reasons, but those are just off the top of my head. Oh, and It can make it easier to see in really dark interior cabinets!

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I have always lined my cabinets with that non-skid meshing type of liner. I think that it keeps my plates and glasses from slidding out when a kid get a plate or glass. I use the mesh for plates/glasses and the regular shelf paper on pantry shelves.


:iagree: I don't want my dishes directly on the wood. Mine is a mesh rubbery type of liner. I have it in my drawers too. It keeps the silverware containers from moving around too much.

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I have always lined my cabinets with that non-skid meshing type of liner. I think that it keeps my plates and glasses from slidding out when a kid get a plate or glass. I use the mesh for plates/glasses and the regular shelf paper on pantry shelves.


I'm glad you mentioned this. I used it once before and really liked it but had forgotten about it.


Is regular shelf paper adhesive? I not getting how it's easier to clean. Doesn't it slide around if you wipe it?


Sorry to be so daft. :o

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In our new construction home, I saw no need for shelf paper. Now that my home is almost 10 years old, i wish i had lined just one particular cabinet, the one with my coffee mugs. Because most of the mugs have a curved bottom, when i remove them from the dishwasher they often have a little water on them. I just shake it off and put the mug right side up in the cabinet instead of drying it...not the best for bare wood. The rest of my cabinets and drawers look as nice as the day we moved in...minus the new wood smell;)

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I have always lined my cabinets with that non-skid meshing type of liner. I think that it keeps my plates and glasses from slidding out when a kid get a plate or glass. I use the mesh for plates/glasses and the regular shelf paper on pantry shelves.


I'm glad you mentioned this. I used it once before and really liked it but had forgotten about it.


Is regular shelf paper adhesive? I not getting how it's easier to clean. Doesn't it slide around if you wipe it?


Sorry to be so daft. :o

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I used to always use it, but when I got married my husband said not to, as it attracts roaches and bugs. I didn't believe him, but sure enough, when I researched it, he was totally right! I hate it when that happens! The bugs like to hide under the paper or liner or what not, etc.

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I'm glad you mentioned this. I used it once before and really liked it but had forgotten about it.


Is regular shelf paper adhesive? I not getting how it's easier to clean. Doesn't it slide around if you wipe it?


Sorry to be so daft. :o


I've only ever used the adhesive kind, though I think there is a kind that isn't. The adhesive kind doesn't budge when you wipe it. I don't think it's easier to clean, though you can *see* that it is clean which is nice.


I used to always use it, but when I got married my husband said not to, as it attracts roaches and bugs. I didn't believe him, but sure enough, when I researched it, he was totally right! I hate it when that happens! The bugs like to hide under the paper or liner or what not, etc.


Never had that problem, though if I had bugs in my kitchen at all, the shelf paper would be my last concern. :lol:

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