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I have to have a HIDA scan on Monday

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to see if I have a leak in my billary ducts. Just what I need right now :glare: I searched the boards and found a few post about this test and now I am really worried. I am claustrophbic and can't imagine a 2 hour test!?!? I think I wont be having the stuff that contracts your galbladder, so I wonder if that will make the test shorter? ANy helpful adive?


Prayers and good thoughts are very welcome!

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And posted the horror story. So sorry to have scared you. I do think that it is better knowing what you are going into though. Tell your Dr. ahead of time that you have claustrophobia issues and ask for a Xanax or Valium ahead of time. Also have someone else go with you and stay with you for the procedure. It should he shorter if you don't have to have the stuff that causes the contractions because that takes up a lot of time. It is not really painful just anxiety causing. I am not really sure what else they could possibly do if you have already had your gall bladder removed. I would make sure I understand the purpose before agreeing to this. I am wishing your luck with this and will be thinking of you. :)

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Sorry to hear you have to do this. If it's any consolation, I've had one and it's nothing like an MRI (where they put you in a tube). I remember having to lay still for a long time, and enjoyed the opportunity to do so.


Hopefully, you'll get a nice, uninterrupted nap out of the deal.

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Quiver, prayers going up for you!


I had to have an MRI a couple of weeks ago, and found it quite relaxing, lying there smack in the middle of the day with no children in sight (I am not clautrophobic). I mentioned this to the tech doing the MRI and he laughed and said he had a woman recently who had just had triplets, and when she was done with the MRI she offered him $20 to give her another!


Seriously, I will pray for your peace during the test, and for some helpful results.


:grouphug: Amy

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I've had two - one when my appendix rupture, and the second for, well, I think it must have been gas :blush:.


When my appendix rupture, I was misdiagnosed and in so much pain I was pretty much incoherent. I remember yelling at the poor radiology guy for more pain meds. And I remember that blessed ER nurse coming with more, and that's it till the next morning.


The second time it was not claustrophobic at all (and I would be the one to FREAK OUT if it were). You just have to be very still. You can sleep. Just try to enjoy yourself!


Prayers for an uneventful test and excellent results!

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I am not really sure what else they could possibly do if you have already had your gall bladder removed. I would make sure I understand the purpose before agreeing to this.


They think I have a leak in the bilary ducts-either from the GB surgery or from, I don't know whatelse? So that's why the test. I did find out that the machine they use is not like an MRI machine but rather it comes down from over head. He said my head will be out of the machine and there are windows in the room and very open area. I feel much better knowing that! Also, he said I should be done in an hour.

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I'll pray for you. I know what it's like to have a never-ending gall bladder saga...



I was thinking of your story when they told me I needed more test. I hope this is the end of test/procedures for me! How are you feeling today? I hope you are resting and healing well. :grouphug:


Thank you everyone for the prayers and thoughts. :grouphug:

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They think I have a leak in the bilary ducts-either from the GB surgery or from, I don't know whatelse? So that's why the test. I did find out that the machine they use is not like an MRI machine but rather it comes down from over head. He said my head will be out of the machine and there are windows in the room and very open area. I feel much better knowing that! Also, he said I should be done in an hour.



I will be thinking of you. Please let us know as soon as possible how it went. :grouphug:

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