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Paperback Swap members: requestor conditions?

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I've been a PB Swap member for some time now, and always had good experiences. But yesterday, something weird happened. First, I got an e-mail notificiation that one of the books on my wishlist had been added to another member's bookshelf, so I responded that I did want the book.


Soon afterward, I got a "Cannot Mail" message from the member who had posted the book: "Sorry I don't mail to people with any conditions."


What??? I went back and checked my requestor conditions, and all I have there is "books from a non-smoking home only, please." It's not like it's a long list of picky conditions. I don't think she even read it. Otherwise, she would have responded with, "I can't send the book because ours is a smoking home." Right?


JAWM, I guess. Maybe I'm just miffed because I'm not going to get the book, and I feel like I was slighted. Has this ever happened to you?

Edited by ereks mom
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Well, I think that's stupid. But I also roll my eyes when I see that someone has a condition (before I read it). I've gotten some crazy particular ones before. I got a really nasty message from one person who said that it didn't meet the general conditions (she didn't request any specific conditions) - it had one line underlined on one page. I felt so bad because I forgot it was there. But she made it seem like I was trying to get one over on her.


It makes me nervous because what if I overlook a particular request on accident? I never knew if she was going to report me to the paperback book swap police. Then, I would never be able to swap books again!


But... I agree with you. Just read the request.

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Conditions make me nervous because I get so many of my books used. I don't live in a smoking home but it could have been in one previously.


Some people word the condition to state that they are only asking about the current home of the book and I don't have a problem with doing that. I feel confident that I meet the condition.


I would never tell someone that I'm not mailing because I dislike conditions in general but many times when a condition makes me nervous I decline and say "doesn't meet condition" even if it might. I don't like to take a chance.

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I haven't had that one, and there's only been one time I've denied a request due to their conditions. In that case there were three paragraphs of painstaking detail describing precisely the practically brand new condition he/she would accept. My book had a crease across the front cover. I hit the "does not meet conditions" button, filled out the form explaining why it didn't meet conditions, and shipped it to the next person in line.

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I understand how you feel, and also how they feel (though I think it was rude how they responded). I have the same condition listed as you do. I have only complained about a few books,


1. The book had about 20 pages cut out of it.

2. The book had half of it doused in what looked like coffee and had mold growing on it.

3. The book was in such bad shape that the pages fell out every time you opened the book and glue crumbles fell out with them.

4. The book that smelled like an ashtray even with my condition listed.

5. and lastly the book that was not the book I requested.


I have been with PBS for a few years now, and these were the only complaints I have made.


However, I am seeing some really extreme conditions that some people have. For example, it must have a dust jacket, it mustn't have bent pages or any wearing of the cover, it cannot be an ex library book, there can be no smudging of a page, no smoking, no pets...no...no...no:lol:


When a person lists just one of these I think, ok an allergy or just a major preference, but when I see a paragraph long list of conditions, I do not even attempt to send them my book. One really bad day I received a request for a book I had that was in really good condition, but the requester was so extreme, I replied that I could not send the book because the book was used.:tongue_smilie: I guess I just felt snarky that day.


I will say that the most complaints I have gotten have been from people with lots of conditions. I think others are tired of getting reported for someones extreme expectations and are just skipping over those who have conditions at all. It is sad, because PBS can be great if people just use the system properly by not sending books that are completely trashed or nasty, and by not complaining about receiving a book in used/decent condition in a used book swap!:glare:

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I do have a condition that binding be intact, and the book not be falling apart. I put this after I received a book that looked like it would turn to dust. I then missed out on a book, because the sender was unsure. I was so upset about missing out on the book I really wanted. I have since put in a note that a sender PM me before canceling my request, as I may remove conditions after we are able to PM.


This has worked great, and I have not missed out on a book since (8 months).



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I've only ever had one problem with paperback swap and that was when a poster sent two books out at the same time and swapped the addresses. The other person who got the wrong book and I both sent each other the books and we were both credited rather than debited since we still had to mail a book out. It wasn't a big deal. It was just confusing when I opened it and there was a book inside that I'd never even heard of.

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I've been a PBS member since 2005. I've seen the site change quite a bit. Early on, everybody seemed a little less uptight about conditions. Now, it seems like everybody wants new books.


Some users have completely stopped sending to people with conditions. It's due to people who have conditions like, "I cannot accept books that have EVER been in a smoking home". I have many used books. How can I guarantee, despite no smoking in my home, that the book has never been in a smoking home?


I'm sorry you're not getting your WL book. I'd be bummed, too.

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I added several conditions after on multiple occasions, I received books that had missing pages, workbooks that were written in, etc. I got several books that violated the rules for what condition can be sent. I haven't used PBS in a long time because I got so tired of dealing with it all.

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I can see why someone may feel like they have to add some basic conditions. I've received about 5 books that I felt did not fall within the condition guidelines recommended by PBS. I send out books that are in very good condition, so to use my credits on books that are in very poor condition makes me mad. I have noticed people going crazy listing a few paragraphs of conditions, and I tend to decline these requests. I've received many compliments on the condition of the books I mail out, but I don't want to deal with demanding perfectionists.

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I usually turn down any requests with conditions. Sometimes even smoking ones, unless it has the word currently. I know the smell is gross, I've gotten one before myself but I also know some people are so allergic they don't want something that has ever been in a smoking home and I get most of my books used so therefore have an unknown history. It's easier just to mail it to someone else.


I removed all my conditions after being on their forums and learning that many people automatically turn down requests with conditions though a lot do give a pass on the smoking ones.


I don't complain when I get books that are technically unpostable unless it's really bad and I am careful with what I send out but I've overlooked things before and been called out on it. I don't mind that as long as it was something against guidelines not someone being overly picky.:)

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