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Spelling curriculum for 2nd Grade


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It might be helpful to know what you've tried (if any) and what you are looking for. We tried Spelling Workout, but it didn't have enough review for my dc to retain. Last year we used Spelling Power which has lists and routines and practice ideas to last you through adult-hood. I like that you do it every day for just 15 minutes.


Part of me has been re-thinking how much focus spelling needs at this point. It is one of those things that I think they would/will learn faster as they get older....


AAS is popular here and gets a lot of positive press, but it sounds like a monetary commitment and perhaps a time commitment? For some kids it is exactly what they need.

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My second grader will be using Rod and Staff's Spelling by Sound and Structure, as will her three older siblings. We're very happy with it. The instruction is solid, effective, and to the point. There's nothing fluffy or shiny about it, but it gets the job done well. :001_smile:

:iagree:Fast and effective for my natural speller. We just finished week 4.

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I've used Rod and Staff with a second grader, and it gets the job done. I didn't like their 3rd grade book, although now I don't remember why.:lol:


We're using Spellwell and we really like it. you might want to check it out. It has levels instead of grades which has really helped my non-spelling kid.




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We've done Spell to Write and Read (SWR) and Spelling Workout. My son did very well with both of them. SWR worked great, but was a bit time intensive for my son who seems to be a natural speller. I really like Spelling Workout, but we are currently doing spelling through dictation with Heart of Dakota curriculum. I kept the SWR, I would always go back to that if my kids began to have any trouble spelling.

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Julie, if you haven't ordered your Spelling Workout books yet, keep an eye on the sale boards - one of the items I'll be listing later this week is Spelling Workout B (and I'll include Spelling Workout A if you want it even though it's been mostly completed (in pencil)).

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We've only used AAS and love it. You'd have to start with Level 1 and you'd move through it quickly (assuming your DD is reading well). So most likely you would need Level 2 before the year is out. That $$ adds up quickly, but it's non-consumable and it looks like you've got another child who can use it later. It's easy to teach but is teacher-intensive, meaning you can't just give it to them to complete, you are involved in the whole lesson. That may figure in your decision as well.

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I ordered the first two levels together for that very reason - I knew we'd go through both of those levels fairly quickly from looking at the materials on the web site, and it saves on shipping costs. When it's time to purchase level 3 I'll probably order multiple levels again. In the long run I'd rather store them for a while (I've got a shelf set aside specifically for that) than pay postage twice.

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My DS loved Soaring with Spelling last year. It is a very nice booklet that is spiral bound at the top. Not too much work per day and he didn't mind doing the work. He could even do it on his own.


The cost is very low and the quality is good. Just basic spelling and vocabulary. We're planning to use it for this 3rd grade year too.

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