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Great curriculum product(s) you bought (with good intentions) but never got around to

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Just wondering if I'm the only one who does this! I will buy something that sounds so perfect, but in the hustle & bustle, it sits on the shelf and never gets used, and then before I know it, the kids have outgrown it, grade level wise. It's happened more times than I care to remember, most often with literature guides, writing programs or materials, and science experiment guides/kits. But sometimes it's other things. For just ONE example: a few years ago, I bought the whole set of Clarence Carson's A Basic History of the United States and also the entire 10-volume set of Joy Hakim's A History of US and have yet to even pull any book from either set off the shelf! We use something else for our history spine, and these were intended to be supplemental materials. But we haven't used them at all. :(


Surely I'm not alone! What wonderful things have YOU bought but never used?

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Handbook of Nature Study Units from Harmony Art Mom. I buy them faithfully, and have never, ever used them. I still love them though, which proves my overall insanity.


Fun question, in an odd sort of way... lol



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At least I'm not the ONLY one. But judging by the number of responses, I guess I AM in the minority. Oh, well. :coolgleamA:


Oh, I don't think you are in the minority at all. I think it's more like most people...


1. don't want to think about the $$ spent on things never used.

2. don't want to feel like they've failed b/c they didn't get to teaching all that great material, or haven't used the wonderful approach in x,y,z curriculum.

3. don't want to think about having to clean out shelves and having to be faced with the decision of whether to let it continue to sit on the shelf or sell/donate it.


Not that I, personally, would know anything about it. :tongue_smilie:

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My list is so long, I don't have time to list everything. I did get rid of a few things last week. I've decided giving it away is easier than selling.



I'd rather just send someone a happy package:D. I have shelves and boxes and more shelves of good intentions. I am drowning in them! this year....no purchases until we use at least some of our shelf stuff.


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... Maybe a small part of me is still hoping to use it all since I did pay for it. "Look kids, I know this is stuff you should have done umpteen grades ago, so it will be really easy to whip through it, right?" :lol:



You know, I've almost talked myself into doing this! At one point I even piled up some books and thought about making a plan to get through them real quick and then move on to more grade appropriate choices for Dd. Thank God, I came to my senses and got rid of those books and moved on!


One of the most freeing thoughts for me was the realization that the youngers don't have to use the same stuff the olders used---even if it was enjoyable. They are each going to have their different educational paths and that's not really a bad thing. That thought helped me let go of some books Ds used that I never got around to with Dd. I also realized Dd had some experiences/curriculum she enjoyed that Ds never had.

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Oh, I don't think you are in the minority at all. I think it's more like most people...


1. don't want to think about the $$ spent on things never used.

2. don't want to feel like they've failed b/c they didn't get to teaching all that great material, or haven't used the wonderful approach in x,y,z curriculum.

3. don't want to think about having to clean out shelves and having to be faced with the decision of whether to let it continue to sit on the shelf or sell/donate it.


Not that I, personally, would know anything about it. :tongue_smilie:


Haha! Yes, especially #2.

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I do/have done the same thing. I have umpteen jillion boxes of curriculum sitting in a closet waiting for me to make a decision of what to do with it all.


Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get together and have a sale. Oh wait, that would defeat our purpose, wouldn't it? Maybe it would work if we could find some nice, wealthy, unsuspecting newbies to sell to, lol.

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Some of the things I didn't get around to with oldest dd (mostly due to her choices) are turning out to be great choices for middle dd. At the moment, one example of that is Art of Argument. I suspect its follow-up programs will be the same. Omnibus is the same.


I do have several years of Artistic Pursuits on the shelf that I'm not willing to part with because I really do think it's a great program. And I have four more years with middle dd, so maybe she'll use it.



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