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DS8 has apparnetly inherited DS13's superpowers

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We just had a drunk dad at the door fuming mad that ds8 pulled a knife on his kid. FUnny since ds8 has been in the city 2 hours away for weeks now and isn't coming home until the middle of next week. Even after repeatedly telling this dad that ds8 has not been home for weeks and there is no way on earth it was him he kept threatening police action blah blah blah. His friend kept telling him it was time to go, the my son didn't do it. To which drunk dad invited us over for a pool party (his one son is one of ds13s bullies) and shook my hand for being the one bringing boy scouts to town.


Between the woman threatening a mob on my lawn th other day because my ds13 hit her son after her son spent the whole time at the park telling random people that my son was the one that burned down the house in town and that I was a no good B*****. This carp has to end.


I went and spoke with the mother of the main girl that told this drunk dad (it was her friend's dad) that ds8 had pulled this knife on the group of them. The mom says "oh when she gets home I will talk to her about it". Okay her dd is 6. If someone just came to your door and said your daughter says someone pulled a knife on her and pointed a finger at my son, yet said son is out of town. Would you not go flying over there to get your dd in order to A determine if there really was a knife and if she is okay and B confront why she would point the finger at an innocent boy.


I also let the mom know that I would not allow this to continue. Her dd has blamed ds8 for many things including assault to her which were outright lies. Her dd is going to ruin some young man's life with her lies and I sure as heck will not let it be my son's.


I doubt drunk dad bothered to tell any other adults at the home this apparently happened at that it was not my son. So we will be stopping by there on our dog walk today to make sure it is abundantly clear that ds8 was not even in town to have done such a heinous thing and that they need to either find out who really pulled a knife or confront these girls about why they would make up such a horrid lie. THe oldest of the girls was the 6 yr odl mentioned. THe rest were 3-5 and accordiing to drunk dad pretty much said the same thing 6 yr old girl said. I suspect 6 yr old girl concocted the whole thing for attention and to get ds8 in trouble. I am so ticked right now.


I am so sick and tired of my boys been the object of rumors of destruction and mayhem and violence in this town. These idiot parents take everything their idiot children say at face value and will not listen even when presented with the truth. The woman the other night would not listen to the fact I have had nothing but issues with her son gossiping and standing at my hedge making rude comments, even when the boy confirmed it to her. She still would only see her poor innocent boy was attacked and my monster son did it and I was making excuses. FTR ds was not off the hook for hitting the boy, but when she started threatening mobs, police and CPS I told her to keep her 2 boys away from my house or I would be making that call first since they are the ones that have been trying to make this fight happen for MONTHS.


The worst part is if the family had called the police and accused ds nothing would have happened to them filing a false report as they were going by the word of the child. And the child being only 6 is too young to even get in legal trouble for such heinous lies.


This girl is going to grow up to be the one that cries rape and has some innocent young man arrested and listed as a sex offender out of whatever psychological damage she has.


So yeah apparently ds8 has inherited ds13's superpowers of being in 2 places at the same time. Out of town and yet able to commit illegal acts while in town.

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Call CPS or the cops whichever is appropriate whenever something like this happens again. 6 years old can be held to some accountability or at least their parents can if a four year old can be sued for accidently knocking down an older person on a tricycle. At least you'll have a record that these people are harassing you and if or when her lies which seem to keep getting bigger paint your son as the person to blame no one will believe her.

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Oh it gets better. I did tell the mother she needs to get better control of her dd or I will be making those calls. Mom and her dd come to the door and tell me, oh no it wasn't today he pulled a knife it was 2 months ago. Then the girls story changed 4 times on my door step as I poked holes in it. First she said he was by himself at the park and did this. To which I replied he is not allowed at the park alone. So she says oh, he was with dd12. To which I reminded her that if he had a knife dd12 would have told me, she is always tattling on him. Then she says no wait it happened at so and so's house, which is past main street outside of his boundary area. Then she says no wait it was on the road between the park and the friend's house. Then comes the form of the attack, first it was a huge sharp knife and he was on his bike but she didn't really see what it was because it was in his pocket with his shirt on it, then he threw it and she looked at it but she doesn't remember what it was. Then she says no wait he choked me. SO I repeat her supposed story "so he did this at the park at your friend's house on the street, with a giant sharp little knife in his pocket that he threw at you, that you never saw while he choked you?" Her mom was BELIEVING the whole thing. The girl was making it up as she went. So I say IF he has a knife or other sharp item in his pocket while he is on his bike he would have had cuts on his own body, which he did not. As well when she said the choking, I reminded the mom of the last TWO times she has claimed that once when I was right there and once when she was and both times ds8 was no where near this girl.


The mom kept saying "I don't know, she says it happened..." SO I ask what did her friend that was with her that day see. The mom says "she says she only remembers what her dd has said" In otherwords your dd is lieing through her teeth and her friend is going with it.


In the end as soon as I warned her that I would get CPS involved if this continued. Specifically because if she feels my ds is such a danger to her dd perhaps she should be supervising her dd. (again 6 years old allowed to wander town all hours of the day and night with no supervision). THat made her back pedal very quickly and made her dd apologize for lieing. When I was babysitting her, the mom had told me CPS had taken the girl for a year when she got caught for neglecting her so it is a very real fear for her to be caught neglecting her parental duties again.


At any rate, for the time being at least the lies and rumors will stop from this family regarding ds8. And I am not playing around about the consequences if it starts up again. This is not the first time this girl has cried wolf about ds8, but it is the first time with such a horrific accusation.


Oh and for those that followed the cat saga, this is the family I got him from

Edited by swellmomma
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Wow! the only drama I have to worry about is why the farmer two fields over is out driving his tractor at 11pm at night? The noise and lights have all my animals in a tizzy, the kids won't sleep, and I keep looking outside to see if it has come closer. :glare:

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I don't envy you having to deal with neighbors like that. I would wonder what is going on in that home to have a 6 year old coming out with stories like that.


who the heck knows. Mom told me back when I used to babysit the girl that she had been an alcoholic since she was 11. That is one of the reasons I fired them as a babysitting family. She wouldn't pay me claiming she didn't have enough money and an hour later I would see her walking past with a case of beer from the liquor store.


Dad is a carnie and gone for summers. He is really creepy looking. Back when CPS was involved with them, mom was a carnie too and she used to leave the daughter then a baby alone in the camper while the 2 of them worked. One day little one was gone she had left the trailer and was missing long enough for them to call police. Anyway, 1 of the stipulations of getting back the dd was having a stable addy no more carnie for mom. That was a few years ago now, I watched the girl when she was 4.

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I'm so sorry! :grouphug: That is awful. You need to keep a voice recorder handy so you can tape the nonsense next time. It would be beneficial to have the authorities hear the girl praddle on with such nonsense. Just in case she were to get her act together by the time mommy and daddy took her in for a statement. Also, if this becomes a regular thing for them, you would have a nice arsenal of backlogged carp to show the authorities.

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Ugh. What loonies.


On a lighter note, can your boys teach me to use that superpower?! I'm going out of town this week and I would be tickled pink to be able to "reach out and smack" a couple of folks while I'm gone ;)

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Ugh. What loonies.


On a lighter note, can your boys teach me to use that superpower?! I'm going out of town this week and I would be tickled pink to be able to "reach out and smack" a couple of folks while I'm gone ;)


Well you know it is more of a genetic thing than a teachable one. You see back when we lived in the city, our psycho neighbor there was convinced I controlled the police force and made them steal her son's bike (when it fact she stole it and they took it and returned it to the rightful owner) I have my own amazing powers and now I have passed the gift to them.

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Well you know it is more of a genetic thing than a teachable one. You see back when we lived in the city, our psycho neighbor there was convinced I controlled the police force and made them steal her son's bike (when it fact she stole it and they took it and returned it to the rightful owner) I have my own amazing powers and now I have passed the gift to them.


Well darn, that could've come in handy. But it wouldn't be much fun if EVERYONE could do it :) Controlling the police. Now that's a good one. You must use your powers for good, not evil LOL although I'd be tempted to try just a little evil.....

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Well darn, that could've come in handy. But it wouldn't be much fun if EVERYONE could do it :) Controlling the police. Now that's a good one. You must use your powers for good, not evil LOL although I'd be tempted to try just a little evil.....


I try to do mostly good deeds, but sometimes it is so much fun to be bad

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I would wonder what is going on in that home to have a 6 year old coming out with stories like that.


The first thing I thought of originally was that this was a traumatized little girl.

Then the mother's admission the child had been in foster care....it is very likely.

And dealing with children with trauma is *hard* (very very very hard).

Mom better figure it out. Fast.

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Wow. Just wow. I'm sorry. We have a few crazies around us, but they don't bother us much. I'm sorry!


We seem to go through crazy cycles. For a while they all leave us alone and then all of a sudden they all come out of the woodwork and we make it onto their crazy radar and then it goes quite again for a while.

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That's small town for you


:iagree: Except that in MY small town, I'm related to most of the loonies :glare: That makes it extra hard, because they all gang up and get offended if you acknowledge one of the other ones loonie-ness. :lol: Apparently, "good family" never points out that you might be just a little bit crazy.

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:iagree: Except that in MY small town, I'm related to most of the loonies :glare: That makes it extra hard, because they all gang up and get offended if you acknowledge one of the other ones loonie-ness. :lol: Apparently, "good family" never points out that you might be just a little bit crazy.


thank goodness I am not related to anyone here. We are outsiders. I just tell my kids it is due to excessive inbreeding that the people are so nutty. :tongue_smilie:

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