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What time do you start your day and morning routine?

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We've always been relaxed about starting school. (It may be 10 a.m. before we're actually ready.) I'm not a morning person. :tongue_smilie: However, as we have more to do - the only way to get it done is to start earlier.


This summer we had to be at swim practice at 8 a.m. every morning. That was great motivation. I was amazed at how much we accomplished by getting up by 7 every morning.


I'm curious as to what time others actually start their day and what is your morning routine? Do you fix breakfast every morning? (I have a 13 yr old, 10 yr old and 4 yr old.) Or, do they fix their own food? Do they do morning chores or is that left for later? What subjects are your priority for the day that must be accomplished in the morning? How much time do you alot for each subject and for music practice?




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I'm curious as to what time others actually start their day and what is your morning routine?


Keep in mind I'm a morning person! I'm up by 6 am, walk with our dog 1/2 an hour, back to make coffee, cruise the newspaper, and check email until 7. DC are usually up about 6:30 to 7.


Do you fix breakfast every morning?


Most mornings we have a hot breakfast. Sometimes just toast and fruit made by DC, sometimes pancakes, eggs, or waffles made by me. I usually start reading aloud while they eat, then we end up on the couch for a bit more reading.


Do they do morning chores or is that left for later?


Chores are usually spread throughout the day, but right after breakfast there is often emptying dishwasher, gathering clothes for laundry, cleaning up from breakfast. I like to start serious schoolwork by 8.


What subjects are your priority for the day that must be accomplished in the morning?


Morning priorities - math, grammar, spelling, logic, writing. Often throw in Spanish, typing. History and science usually happen later in the day. Reading is done throughout the day, often in the car or at lunch or whenever. Getting my DC to read is not a problem. Getting them to leave their book for other subjects is.


How much time do you alot for each subject and for music practice?


Time depends on child, subject, and day. For example, DS11 might take 1/2 hour for math or 2 hours:glare:. If it is going overly long, it becomes "homework". Piano practice is about 1/2 hour a day, although DS11 will be upping that this year.

Afternoons are a mix of history, science, activities, field trips, and swim team practice.

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We get up at 7 on school days, unless we have to take dh to the Metro, then we are up at 6. We eat (and the dc watch cartoons), then I get ready for the day while they play. Dd starts schoolwork at 8:30 (independent stuff). Ds starts after I have had time to do a few chores, like starting the day's laundry. I am trying to be done with school for the day by 2pm, so that we can do errands after or do something fun like go to the pool.

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During the school year, I'm an early riser because DS16 takes a jazz band class and has to shower, eat, and be at school by 6:30. After I get him off to school, I log on to the computer and start work (I work from home).


I generally wake up DD11 at 8am and she starts her school work by 9, give or take a little.... She tries to get her *thinking* subjects done before lunch (math, english, piano) and then does history and science after she eats. I'm usually done with work by noon, so it all works out pretty smoothly.

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You sound so much like me! I have never been a morning person. For five weeks this summer, I have to wake up at 7:30 (I know it's not incredibly early, but it's new for me).


I love it. I was actually thinking the other day that I think I will stay in the habit even after summer camp ends because it will help our homeschool so much. I know I can be more consistent with working out in the morning if I get up at 7:30.


I'll probably let the boys play on Minecraft while I work out from 8-9, then they'll start independent work at 9:00. We can then start together at 10:00.

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I'm curious as to what time others actually start their day and what is your morning routine? Do you fix breakfast every morning? (I have a 13 yr old, 10 yr old and 4 yr old.) Or, do they fix their own food? Do they do morning chores or is that left for later? What subjects are your priority for the day that must be accomplished in the morning? How much time do you alot for each subject and for music practice?


I let the dc sleep until they are finished sleeping on most days, which is usually 7:30-8. I fixed breakfast on most days, as dds were lactose intolerant and cold cereal wasn't a possibility, usually a hot cereal, or eggs, or whatnot. :-) Since I showered at night, I was able to get dressed before I came out of my room (after having made the bed, of course, lol--see the thread about bed-making). We ate breakfast, dds got dressed (they bathed at night, too) while I cleaned the kitchen, and we were ready for the day between 9 and 10. However, we could leave the house earlier if we needed to for appointments or field trips or whatnot.


We didn't really have "morning chores." Major housework is always on Friday; during the week it's just a matter of keeping up on things.


No specific amount of time for Official School Work. Mondays and Tuesdays were set aside for that, and we stayed home, all day. Whatever we did was whatever we did. :-)

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I get up at 6:30, everyone else is up at 6:45. Dh makes breakfast while I get babies dressed then breakfast is at 7:00 all together (everyone showers/bathes at night so 15 minutes is plenty of time for them to make their beds - yes, every bed gets made in this house, lol! - get dressed and help a younger get ready). We mass bake the first weekend of each month and freeze waffles, pancakes, breads, etc. so that we can easily pull together breakfast.


Chores have been done right after breakfast for as long as I can remember however this next year that will change when chores are done right before lunch. I found that trying to get through chores and start school on time was too stressful; doing chores before lunch will work better because if the dc go slow then they cut into their lunch time rather than school time. ;)


Subjects that are covered in the morning are language arts and math; if I can get these done first then I breathe easy for the rest of the day. I also get History/Literature done in the morning however that doesn't happen until after math/reading are finished.


Each subject or "block" takes about 50-60 minutes. We start at 8:00 and finish at 3:30 with two breaks for snack (15 minutes each) and 45 minutes for lunch. Chores take 15 minutes or so.


We start earlier in our day so we can have free time before dinner and not have to school or do chores in the evening. It's hard, sometimes, getting up and going but it is worth it, imo. :)


We didn't really have "morning chores." Major housework is always on Friday; during the week it's just a matter of keeping up on things.


No specific amount of time for Official School Work. Mondays and Tuesdays were set aside for that, and we stayed home, all day. Whatever we did was whatever we did. :-)

Do you remember my messages to you about your schedule? I tried...I really did! This type A personality just couldn't do it. How I wish I could, though! Edited by LuvnMySvn
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I'm curious as to what time others actually start their day and what is your morning routine? Do you fix breakfast every morning? (I have a 13 yr old, 10 yr old and 4 yr old.) Or, do they fix their own food? Do they do morning chores or is that left for later? What subjects are your priority for the day that must be accomplished in the morning? How much time do you alot for each subject and for music practice?


We started at 10:00 before too, but now with adding another kindergartener into the mix, I fear we'll have to start earlier. Like 9:00! (OY!) My kids (ages 4-9) fix their own breakfast - cereal, oatmeal, scrambled eggs (oldest DD will make), grits, fruit... I make a strawberry/oat bran/cottage cheese smoothie also and everyone has some of that most mornings.


Chores are sprinkled throughout the day. They might do 2 subjects, then do their laundry, then do 2 more subjects, then set the table, etc.


Our mornings are for our Jewish religious studies, 3 hours total (probably 3-1/2 w/adding more time for the youngest now). Secular is after lunch (another 3ish hours). Every other Wednesday is music/history/science/art day where we only do those subjects. Music they do 10-30 minutes per day on their own depending on their age + music class all together 2x/week (we do Orff-style stuff, singing, movement, etc.).

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What about outside time? When do you fit that in around schoolwork, particularly in the summer, when between 10 and 3, it's too hot and sunny for them go out? Do you try to get in a bit of outside time before starting schoolwork (maybe with a mid-morning snack before starting schoolwork), or do you just save it for the late afternoon/evening?

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