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hard boiled eggs....deviled eggs....question...please advise...

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First off...no matter how hard I try...or whose advice I follow, I can never boil a dozen eggs and end up with the same amount of eggs that peel and look nice for deviled eggs....UGH....I just wanted to say that I am TOTALLY frustrated.


Secondly, why is there so much water inside my eggs when I remove the yolk?? It is sort of gross. The eggs smell fine..they aren't rotten or anything...what causes that??


I am serving these at a church potluck tomorrow...and I want them to taste and look good...and not make anybody sick.

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First off...no matter how hard I try...or whose advice I follow, I can never boil a dozen eggs and end up with the same amount of eggs that peel and look nice for deviled eggs....UGH....I just wanted to say that I am TOTALLY frustrated.


Secondly, why is there so much water inside my eggs when I remove the yolk?? It is sort of gross. The eggs smell fine..they aren't rotten or anything...what causes that??


I am serving these at a church potluck tomorrow...and I want them to taste and look good...and not make anybody sick.


We have chickens and were having a horrible time getting the fresher eggs to peel well, w/o big chunks of white coming off with the peel. I finally read somewhere to add a little bit of baking soda to the pan of water, have the water boiling, and then add the eggs (using a spoon) from the refrigerator (so the eggs were still very cold). I've had a few shells crack a little when they hit the water, but not many. Then cook for 15 min (I'm at high altitude), drain, fill with cold/ice water and let the eggs cool, then peel. Since I've been doing that, the eggs peel easily (my kids were amazed that it was even possible after all the trouble we'd had previously).

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I've only had luck with nice looking deviled eggs when I make sure the eggs have sat in the fridge for at least one week. Then I bring to boil, cover, remove from heat, and let sit for 15 minutes. They immediately are moved into ice water to cool. I've had zero problems when peeling if I do this every time.

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Don't use fresh eggs. A week old will make them peel so nicely!


Put the eggs gently into the pot, then cover with cold water by about an inch. Bring up to a rapid boil, turn off the heat, and let them sit in the water for 15 minutes. Remove them and plunge in ice water immediately. Once cool enough to handle, peel and store in water until ready to eat.

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I've never had any luck adding things to the water, but eggs peel well for me when I peel them as soon as I drain them. I don't soak in cold water or ice water. The boiling water gets emptied, and occasionally I'll rinse and drain them once with tap water. I start peeling them while they are still hot enough to scald my hands.

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my eggs weren't fresh...and I did put them into really cold water...but not ice cold...does that really make THAT big of a difference??


I always had trouble even with our "fresh" eggs that were a couple weeks old. And store bought eggs before that, I think. So the age of the eggs didn't make a difference here. I don't know if it's the ice cold water or the baking soda for me.

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my eggs weren't fresh...and I did put them into really cold water...but not ice cold...does that really make THAT big of a difference??

No. I've been cooking eggs for almost 38 years and never worried about just how cold the water is that I start the eggs in.


I cook a dozen eggs, but only 8 of them go into the cute Tupperware deviled-egg taker. :-) That gives me lots of yummy egg filling, and if a few of the whites are weird, it doesn't matter; at least 8 of them will be good.


My eggs don't seem to cook if I bring the water to a boil and let them set for 15 minutes;what works for me is to bring the water to a boil, and as soon as it does, I cover the pan and turn the heat down as far as it will go and let it *barely* simmer for 15 minutes. Then I take the pan off the heat and run cold water into the pan.


I always peel the eggs as soon as I can handle them. I think they're more difficult to peel if they're cold, and the longer you let them set before peeling, the more you get that blue-ish/green-ish coloring around the outside of the yoke, which changes the color of the egg filling just a little.

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Well, I had an overabundance of eggs, so decided to hard boil some. This time I just used the baking soda and only rinsed them in cold water afterwards and am peeling them now. They're peeling fine, without letting them cool completely or using ice. So it has to have something to do with the baking soda.

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Use the Alton Brown oven method for hard boiled eggs. I've had nothing but good results even using farm fresh eggs.





Yes, I would recommend oven cooking them! We did 7 dozen eggs at Easter, and they were easy to peel and tasted great. We used this website for instructions:


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I've only had luck with nice looking deviled eggs when I make sure the eggs have sat in the fridge for at least one week. Then I bring to boil, cover, remove from heat, and let sit for 15 minutes. They immediately are moved into ice water to cool. I've had zero problems when peeling if I do this every time.


Yup, this is the way that always worked for me too.

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I'm going to try baking them next time. Never heard of that before! I guess I would have thought they'd explode :) I inevitably put the eggs on to boil, and forget about them, and then suddenly remember, and if I'm lucky the water hasn't boiled completely away. :tongue_smilie: The oven method seems much easier.

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