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Why do my cookies keep reappearing?

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After I have manually deleted cookies, they reappear the next day, even when I haven't gone to the same websites. I am using Safari, and I've googled and seen that others have this problem, but I haven't seen any real reason why or how to fix it. Anyone?

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I don't have an answer for you, but I loved your title! My first thought was, "Man! The cookies just disappear at my house! How does she get more to appear?" LOL (And I gave you a bump.)


I'm sure my kids would love it if cookies keep reappearing! :lol:

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Have no answer but thought I would find out how cookies keep reappearing in your house. In my house that usually means they have been lick tested and then laid aside somewhere like *MY DESK* no, not a tasty present for mommy just a nasty licked cookie that taste like it was licked:tongue_smilie: Wanted to warn you!! Don't eat the reappearing cookies!

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I seriously for a moment thought you were talking about actual cookies when I read the title, and I was wondering why this would be a bad thing. I'd love for more cookies to appear after I've eaten them all.



I also use Safari and don't know how to delete cookies.

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I don't have an answer for you, but I loved your title! My first thought was, "Man! The cookies just disappear at my house! How does she get more to appear?" LOL (And I gave you a bump.)


:iagree: :lol:


My thought was...maybe you're not a very good baker...but the PP's answer was nicer.

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After I have manually deleted cookies, they reappear the next day, even when I haven't gone to the same websites. I am using Safari, and I've googled and seen that others have this problem, but I haven't seen any real reason why or how to fix it. Anyone?


Just to give you a laugh, when I saw the title of your post I imagined a cookie jar near empty, you thinking, "Wow, those are finally gone." You come through your kitchen a few minutes later and the jar is once again full of cookies. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I know, I know, not very many get the way I think. :lol::lol:

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Just to give you a laugh, when I saw the title of your post I imagined a cookie jar near empty, you thinking, "Wow, those are finally gone." You come through your kitchen a few minutes later and the jar is once again full of cookies. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I know, I know, not very many get the way I think. :lol::lol:


Oops, maybe I should have added TC: for techy content!

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It happens because the software is lying to you. It "says" it's deleting the cookies, but it doesn't really do it. The reference is still being kept in the memory and Safari carefully restores them to Cookies.plist.


What sometimes works is to quit Safari immediately after deleting the cookies (before it can restore them!) and reboot the device.



And - on another note - cookies keep reappearing at our house too! I have banned DH from buying any, but DS20's darling girlfriend just showed up with the most yummy cookies ever! And I couldn't hurt her feelings, could I?

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