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Do you like Neufchatel cheese?


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I bought a couple packages of it on accident last week. I put it in some brownies last night, and they came out great. I think it tastes slightly more sour than cream cheese. I actually bought it for a cookie pizza I am making this weekend and wondering if I should use it or go buy real cream cheese....

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We use it in place of cream cheese. I've never heard a complaint from the ranks, and don't notice the difference myself.

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Depending on what I have on hand, I use it in the place of cream cheese, but I also use yogurt cheese in the place of cream cheese. They all do have variations in their taste, but we kinda enjoy the variety.

Since I'm making my own, we get to play with it a little and see what we like for flavor. Mine doesn't taste the same as the store bought stuff. It's sweeter.

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Great! I had read that you could substitute it directly for cream cheese. I think I will use it. The pizza has all kinds of berries and orange peel and drizzled chocolate, so I am thinking any taste variance shouldn't be detected. :)

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Yes. We use it in place of cream cheese.


:iagree: Same here. The only time I buy cream cheese is if I need the whipped cream cheese (which is a-MAZ-ing, btw :D) for a recipe. I don't know, I suppose I could try "whipping" the Neufchatel cheese, but that sounds like more messy work than I'm willing to deal with.

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I've never used anything else for baking. I just could not possibly justify the added fat of using original cream cheese in baked goods where no one is likely to notice the difference.


In fact, I think the only time I've ever eaten regular cream cheese is at a bagel shop where they spread it on for you. I just grew up using low-fat versions of high-fat condiments/ingredients, and I can't imagine why someone would purposely use full-fat anything. Yeah, I know, the taste, oh well, I wouldn't know.

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I like it fine for baking. I generally don't use it for spreading on bagels because I've found it spoils after a few days (pink mold), whereas cream cheese seems to stay fresher longer. In other words, when I use open the package, I want to use it all at one time.


I can't imagine why someone would purposely use full-fat anything.

Even oil? ;)


I would rather skip some things than use low /non fat alternatives, or use less of the full fat thing. I hate most low fat packaged dressings, for example.


Neufchatel cheese is not really a low fat cream cheese, it's something else that tastes like cream cheese, right? :huh:

Edited by stripe
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