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Kiddo started weeping quietly this morning because it's too late to change his birthday plans and he has a better idea. Then he started crying because he wishes he could do fun things for school all the time. Then he was crying because I frosted his birthday cake without his input. Now he's crying because we have to leave really soon and he's not anywhere near done.


I yelled at him, "If you weren't CRYING about NOTHING you'd be able to SEE the worksheet and you'd HAVE it done by now!"


Then I felt awful, and told him I obviously needed some time alone.


It's my hot button. I hate spoiled, dissatisfied people who can't find the joy in their obviously fortunate circumstances. And while I was trying to calm down, my two-year-old threw the coffee carafe across the kitchen. There is glass in teeny shards everywhere. I cut myself three times trying to get it under control.


And my five-year-old keeps trying to sneak in to the kitchen despite my warnings. And when I carried him back to his room and shut the door, I saw that all of the toy bins have been dumped out, every last one. The kittens that are litter training will poo all over that stuff if I don't get it up before I go.


And then my partner called and said that the car seats are in the car a relative borrowed to take out of town this week. We have to leave NOW to get to my bank in time to make a deposit to cover an overdraft charge I created by clicking the send payment button for just a little bit too long, thereby inadvertently telling the bank's computer to send two checks instead of one.


I want to give up. I want to walk away and never come back.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I once heard a six year old girl stamp her foot and say indignantly, "I am not in the mood for today!" Some days are like that. Just stamp your foot (not on the broken glass) and say, "I am not in the mood for today!"

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Oh dear:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:! Days like that are simply rotten. I hope it gets better for you!



Thank you, Melissa. I'm calming down already. I know I'm super fortunate to have paper towels and rubbermaid bins and a coffee pot and car seats and these crazy children. I feel guilty that some days it feels like an advanced form of torture just to get from lunch to supper.


Oh god. My two year old just walked in with a cup of orange juice. He must have poured it himself. Dare I go into the kitchen?

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I'm sorry you are having a bad day! I hope the kittens don't poop and you get to the bank in time.


If it is any comfort I yelled horribly at my 17 yo who was displaying such a petulant, spoiled attitude this morning that I totally lost it. I am still trying to recover my sense of perspective. And I think I really bummed out my dh who is already in grief over his mom dying and worried sick about his dad, plus he has to take care of his incredibly manipulative grandmother. He did something he never does, he called me in the middle of the work day just to tell me he feels really down. I felt so guilty that I lost my temper this a.m. He can't stand fighting like that, it really upsets him.




Maybe there is something in the stars that made this an uberemotional day? I need to check the calendar. Full moon? Sun spots?


Anyway, I hope things go better for you.

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Aw, man, I'd give everyone at time out, including yourself. I resemble those days from time to time. Sometimes I literally scream STOP, we're going to start this day over.


May the glass on the floor be gone, like the cat poo. May the toys be magically go back into their bins, by children with smiles of gratitude on their faces.


Instead of Nanny 911, they need emergency Nanny. She can only be used on "those days".

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Oh, I feel your pain! The glass is the worst! I had it happen the other day with a Mike's Mojito-sticky, plus the little shards everywhere!! I said "God, I know my floor needs to be cleaned big time, but couldn't you have found another way to give me a hint?":confused:


Speaking of Mike????? Keep him in mind for later.

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I have never understood why on some days the rain comes down looking a whole, whole lot like the stuff we flush! Sheesh!!! It's like we're wearing a big sign that says, "Kick Me! I'm already down."


Please know that I understand. Please know that you're not a bad mama, and that your kids aren't bad kids, it's just that some days are full of poop. Happy Birthday to your big guy, and I hope the sun shines a little brighter (as in no more stinky stuff falling from the heavens into your life) tomorrow.



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Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! I hate days like this. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope it's better tomorrow.



(And, I am glad that I am not the only one with a child who can cry over any. little. thing. My 8yo is so good at that; some days school takes for bloody EVER because she has to weep, wail and gnash her teeth over everything I ask her to do. Also that I'm not the only one who responds less than gently from time to time.)

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Kiddo started weeping quietly this morning because it's too late to change his birthday plans and he has a better idea. Then he started crying because he wishes he could do fun things for school all the time. Then he was crying because I frosted his birthday cake without his input. Now he's crying because we have to leave really soon and he's not anywhere near done.


I yelled at him, "If you weren't CRYING about NOTHING you'd be able to SEE the worksheet and you'd HAVE it done by now!"


Then I felt awful, and told him I obviously needed some time alone.


It's my hot button. I hate spoiled, dissatisfied people who can't find the joy in their obviously fortunate circumstances. And while I was trying to calm down, my two-year-old threw the coffee carafe across the kitchen. There is glass in teeny shards everywhere. I cut myself three times trying to get it under control.


And my five-year-old keeps trying to sneak in to the kitchen despite my warnings. And when I carried him back to his room and shut the door, I saw that all of the toy bins have been dumped out, every last one. The kittens that are litter training will poo all over that stuff if I don't get it up before I go.


And then my partner called and said that the car seats are in the car a relative borrowed to take out of town this week. We have to leave NOW to get to my bank in time to make a deposit to cover an overdraft charge I created by clicking the send payment button for just a little bit too long, thereby inadvertently telling the bank's computer to send two checks instead of one.


I want to give up. I want to walk away and never come back.


Oh my! Now that is handful! Sounds like you did the right thing by taking a grown-up time out. Here's hoping things get better!!



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I will offer a :grouphug: as well and ask if you have tried calling the bank. I'm forever doing stupid things like that with my checking account (or a store is doing it to me, by accident). They are usually very understanding and do not charge me the overdraft charge and even stop payment on the extra check, charge or what-have-you. Hope you are well on your way to a happier day by now.

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when my dd10 took over your poor ds's body?


Been there, done that, and in fact, have probably used your exact same words. However, it sounds like you were much quicker to return to reason. Good for you!


I'm sure today is much better! :grouphug:

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