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I really don't understand Facebook. Can someone explain?

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:lurk5: I don't know either! I'm honestly getting sick of all those plant, water garden, etc requests. I think it was Mrs Mungo who said each time she goes over there she gets a little nervous. Last time I logged in I had 30 requests. Ugh! No multi accept function. :001_huh:

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I frankly don't get it either. I joined because a friend from where we used to live said "it will be a great way to stay in touch". NOT!! No one talks, they simply send cookies and tiaras. So now I can see what all of my old friends and aquaintences are doing, but I feel even more lonely. I go there once a day, only because I feel obligated. :glare:


ETA: I just and saw all of my old friends had a 4th of July party together, Great.

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I enjoy Facebook because we moved away from our family and it's a great way to stay in touch. I can see at a glance what my daughter's family is doing, view the pics my neice posts, check in on some of the friends my kids have ( I do not solicit them as friends but do add them if they make a request of me), and see what my kids are up to.

I ignore almost all requests by letting them pile up and going in once a week and hit ignore. I do not want to send virtual flowers or join mob wars. I do not want to keep in touch with old school friends.

If my family lived closer than 850 miles away or my teens didn't Facebook, I wouldn't either. But in ten minutes I can check in with everyone and for me it's time well spent.

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I love Facebook. It's been a fantastic way to keep in touch with friends and family. Whenever someone updates their "status" I know what's going on and can comment or not. I've seen pictures of my cousin's kids that I never would have had a chance to see if we weren't both on Facebook. Actually, 3 of my cousins are on Facebook and they all live across the country from me. I've "talked" more with them in the last year online than I have over the last 10 years. It's been very cool to get caught up with them. I play Scrabulous regularly with one of them as well.


I'm also on with a few friends who I had been in touch spordically. One friend I see once a year or so and talk to probably twice a year. Now we send each other notes and chat on Facebook - plus I get to see all the pictures of her 1 year old son.


I don't have a wall where you can post videos or anything crazy and I don't take part in the aquariums or anything else. I just have a regular Facebook account so that I can share pictures and chat with family and friends.


Oh, my mom and my sister are on as well and they love seeing pictures of the kids and getting automatic updates when I write on my blog.

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My dh is a Middle School minister, and we are very involved with all of the youth at our church. Using Facebook allows us to "keep up" with what is going on in their lives. Most of them use facebook more than emails, and we can interact with them in a way that is non-formal. That said, I don't love the platform, but I do love knowing what our youth are up to and how they are feeling (which a lot of them feel freer to share on facebook, for some reason)

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For me, it started with a young man in our church getting very seriously injured in a car accident. His sister began a group on Facebook to keep us all up to date on what was going on (he nearly died, but has made absolutely amazing progress). From there, I began chatting with other friends. It's mostly silly fun for me. And, yes, I indulge in trout slapping and sending gifts and flowers. Maybe I'm trying desperately to stay young?:001_huh:

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I hate all the stupid requests and all the things ppl have on their walls....it just makes it so busy, and it's really annoying and silly. I hate having to scroll waaaay down to find their wall. It's just way too myspace-y when they do that. One of the things I like about facebook is that it isn't so trashy and skanky like myspace....but some people who have the photo applications have trashy pictures up and that is just ugh!



But I do love it for keeping in touch with old friends and current friends.....it's a lot faster and easier, and quieter LOL, to facebook someone to get together instead of on the phone.

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I don't understand what you mean "keep up." That's very attractive to me, but I don't understand how this actually happens. Maybe you all are really using it and the people with whom I'm "friends" just sort of do silly stuff on there and aren't really posting what's going on in their world. So, if you can tell me how you use it, that would be great.





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I haven't read the replies yet - But I don't get it either. I have a big question mark with my name, and I don't get why I would post what I am doing, or what I am feeling in little "sound bites" all the time.


And if you do get it, doesn't it take alot of time to keep up with everybody? It would mean less time on TWTM board, wouldn't it!!?

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:lurk5: I don't know either! I'm honestly getting sick of all those plant, water garden, etc requests. I think it was Mrs Mungo who said each time she goes over there she gets a little nervous. Last time I logged in I had 30 requests. Ugh! No multi accept function. :001_huh:


I don't care for that either, I ignore those requests, just because I don't want to load up my page with all that stuff. I like seeing friends pictures and being able to write a little note to them.

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Lol, I enthusiastically started reading this thread thinking someone would enlighten me on Facebook too....but, alas, it was not to be. It is a pointless as it appears.


I do have cousins etc and friends on there, but I dont care that much, really. It was nice to see the baby pics of my cousin, but I could just as well have asked to see some by email. My SIL has the most awesome blog ever for keeping family up to date, so i don't see the point of her throwing me sheep or whatever on facebook. I do live a long way from all my family, but i dont find Facebook a very good way to stay in contact. Email is just fine.


On the one hand I am disappointed that Facebook is as lame as it seems to be, for me...on the other hand, its good I don't have another excuse to spend too much time online.

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keeping up - in some ways it is kind of weird, seeing people from high school that I wasn't that close with, and now looking at their pages and chit-chatting with them. I'm doing Facebook while I type this so I can see if I can say how I keep up :001_smile: I just looked at a page of one of my babysitters from church. We missed church on Sunday, and she had a little update on there about what the lesson was about, so I just posted something on her wall about how that sounded fun and we overslept on Sunday. I have a friend who is pregnant with her first baby and just moved far away, so I'm looking at her page and asked her how she's feeling, and am looking at photos of their house/life down there. I have some old friends from youth group that I haven't seen in a few years - some of them are involved in missions, so this is a way to just chat with them and say Hi, and to keep updated on what they are doing and where they are. I'm looking at pictures of another friend I don't see very often, just making little comments on some of them.

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I joined just to see if one of my siblings was on there as he has his myspace set to private...but you can't even go to their page unless you "friend" them first...and the profile pics are just too small to see clearly if it's my sib or not (this sib being one that we have spoken with in 5-6yrs).

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Originally, Facebook was designed for college students to keep an online yearbook that they could share with others. Not an immediate messaging type of service, but more of a what's going on overall with my life. I really think it is more geared toward high-school and collage-agers who see each other every day, but want another link to one another. For example, I can send some silly item to someone - I don't have to have a meaningful conversation. It really isn't a forum for sharing deep thoughts. But I can check in, send some silly bumper sticker to one of my middle schoolers, and just let them know that I'm "there". I don't think I am explaining this very well -


Here's one example that comes to mind: Yesterday, I had a friend email me, asking me to pray for her. She is feeling alone and irritable. I replied to her, and we had a great conversation together. Most of my students would not have done this. But I can post on a wall or send a bumper sticker, and they appreciate the attention.


??? I am not sure I helped, but this is my take on Facebook. ;)


ETA - as for folks that I went to high-school with, I don't really ever "talk" with them on Facebook. It is not a good way to catch up with folks.

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I'm "friends" with several people, but I just don't understand it. What's the point?



I have been enjoying FaceBook for almost a year now. One of my cousins started a group for family, and asked me to join. I have reconnected with many people who otherwise I would not have. I am going to see some cousins I haven't seen in 20 years this summer. (Yes, I could have done this without FaceBook, but I don't think I would have.)


I have also reconnected with numerous college friends this way. It's been very enjoyable.


I don't do the virtual flowers and other stuff. But I do enjoy sharing family pictures. Some of my family still have dial-up internet connections, and it's time consuming for them to get pictures via e-mail. They can just look online and not take up their memory.


My dd has a MySpace account, and her friends' sited drive me crazy- I hate the ones that have flashing stuff or loud music. Ugh!

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So much so that I have completely neglected these boards for several weeks now.


I actually post what I'm up to in my real life. As a result, people who were in my friends list have had an opportunity to start discussions with me. Now they are "getting" it and posting about their real lives too. I have been really enjoying having real conversations with friends I haven't seen for twenty years.


Plus, people post lots of little things that may not be worthy of a full length conversation, but knowing these little things about them helps me to understand them more intimately, which affects our relationships in a positive way on the whole.


I don't send out a lot of requests, nor do my friends, but we enjoy the playfullness of superpoke, just to let each other know we're thinking of one another.


I like to send a little "hi" to friends who are online at the same time as me, but I don't have any other messanger system, so ymmv.



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