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WWYD if you were hsing come childrenin and ps for others and the

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State legislature decides they don't like the school calendar and makes the school change it suddenly and you had already planned a vacation for the October week the ps was to have off. would you just take ps kids out anyways and ejoy your vacation without guilt of them missing 3 days of school or canceltrip? I know last year in another school disctrict the students only had part week off but many acqaintances took the entire week without a second thought. Part of me is rebellious:001_rolleyes: and wantswill go anyways and part of me is a rule follower and wants to avoid conflict at all cost. :leaving:

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If you can easily reschedule, it would be easier for your kids. If not I would go but be sure and let the teachers know when you scheduled the trip. I wouldn't count on the kids for the information to get through. Some teachers don't give work to make up until students are back so take that into account. I hope it works out well.

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It would depend on the grade level of the children. For elementary age, I'd do it without a second thought. For high school age, I'd have to think about it more.


If you can easily reschedule, it would be easier for your kids. If not I would go but be sure and let the teachers know when you scheduled the trip. I wouldn't count on the kids for the information to get through. Some teachers don't give work to make up until students are back so take that into account. I hope it works out well.




Reschedule if you can to the week they are now off of school.


I would not have my highschooler miss 3 days of school for a non-emergency.

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I would find out your schools' policy for missing school days for vacation and make sure I did those and then enjoy my vacation.


I have kids in a couple of different schools with different calendars and stuff sometimes comes up where I can't coordinate to fit each child's schedule. So, sometimes kids miss a day or so here and there. They are rarely sick so that isn't an issue either.


So, enjoy your vacation.

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Several months ago, we took my dd10 off of gluten. She had been dealing with stomach aches for 2-3 months every morning. We tried dairy free but that didn't make any difference with the stomach aches.


Within a couple of days of gf we noticed a huge improvement -- no stomach aches, laughing a lot more, less glassy eyed, clearer complexion -- basically a new child. We never cheated.


As time has gone on dh let her have some gluten.It started with 1 donut, a couple of weeks later she had a slice of gluten bread and she has never had a reaction. Since then she has a small amount of gluten about every 2 weeks. She doesn't suffer any stomach aches or show any other signs of gluten problems.


We continue to be gluten free at home. We aren't really interested in changing that. I am curious if anyone else has experienced a similar occurrence where you added gluten back to the diet and never had to go gluten free again or if you had to stay on a minimal gluten free diet.



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How sudden are we talking?


2012/2013 calendar was set and approved locally before end of school year. Long story short the new school guidelines were given by the state a few weeks ago and local schools had to change their calendars, extend summer vacation by 2 weeks and took out the October break we've had for years.

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