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Update on my father

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Since some of you helped me in understanding my father's situation when he was hospitalized on the 20th because of uncontrolled diabetes, I thought I'd update you, in case you were wondering.


He's still in the hospital. They expecting to release him tomorrow.


They've had some trouble getting his blood sugar to go down. Their target was around 150, but they changed that to under 200. They also needed to get his electrolytes balanced. They've made both goals.


They are also getting him back on his blood pressure and cholesterol meds that he quit taking when he lost his job and insurance. They gave him resources for helping him get the meds he needs despite his job situation.


Then the doctor asked him if he did his follow up after his kidney was removed (cancer), and he hadn't. So, they scheduled a ct-scan while they had him. They found a 6-7mm mass on his pancreas. They are doing a biopsy tomorrow. It's possible that his kidney cancer has metastasized before they removed the kidney and latched onto the pancreas.


Anyway, he seems to be in a better mood than he's been in for a long time (it got so bad that I blocked him from my newsfeed so I could choose when to see his updates). It sounds like he's listening to the doctors. It sounds like he'll finally look into getting the services he (and my aunt and grandmother, who he supports) need. He's been unemployed for over two years but unwilling to look into state medical, food stamps, or rent assistance...but I think he will now and the hospital gave him all that info.


So, while it's not good news, there is good news in there.



He was jokingly dismayed to find out that I will insist on feeding him a proper diabetic diet when he visits. :lol:

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That does sound like better news! Wonderful!


Speaking from experience here - uncontrolled blood sugar does make most people into the world's largest grumps. When I was first diagnosed, my readings were over 350 and I had been miserably angry for several months. When they finally got it down in the hospital to under 200, I felt like a whole new person! I could actually THINK and PLAN again - I had just been getting by with reacting to everything for months, irrable and irrational.


Hopefully your dad will feel better too!

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That does sound like better news! Wonderful!


Speaking from experience here - uncontrolled blood sugar does make most people into the world's largest grumps. When I was first diagnosed, my readings were over 350 and I had been miserably angry for several months. When they finally got it down in the hospital to under 200, I felt like a whole new person! I could actually THINK and PLAN again - I had just been getting by with reacting to everything for months, irrable and irrational.


Hopefully your dad will feel better too!



That's good news!


My dad has always been a critical/grumpy person but it's gotten really bad lately. And he sounded more pleasant than he's been in a long time. Maybe he'll have better luck finding a job once he's got things under control. I've always suspected his attitude was part of the job search problem.

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It really is hard dealing with adults who won't take proper care of themselves.


So true. When I saw him posting diabetes symptoms on Facebook, I debated even commenting on it for a while. I even asked a friend for advise. He usually responds negatively when I try urging him to take care of himself or ask for help. I finally decided that I would regret not saying something if the worst were to happen so I decided that I would post one carefully worded comment and one reply to whatever he said.


Fortunately, he went in.

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Hopefully, since he heard the urgency of the matter from *someone else*, he might take it to heart this time.


Or not. I have two family members with diabetes who do not obey ANY instructions. I have a family member who survived a massive heartattack...a MIRACLE! And after *initially* losing weight and doing much better, is back to pre-attack ways of living even though the cardiologist warns him. I guess it's the Tyranny of the Urgent...and once the *urgent* has passed...well, we all make our own decisions don't we?



They don't realize how hard it is on those who care...or maybe they do but it doesn't feel *urgent* enough.

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He had his first normal blood sugar reading this evening (88) and didn't have to give himself that shot. He did have to give himself his daily long-acting insulin, which is apparently a high dose.


When they went to biopsy the mass on his pancreas, they found something in his esophagus to biopsy. It's likely from acid reflux (he's been popping Tums like candy for at least 20 years). They did an ultrasound once in his stomach and saw an unhappy, inflamed pancreas. They biopsied the mass on the pancreas using a needle through through thestomach wall.


It sure seems like a lifetime of abusing his body and ignoring stuff is catching up to him.


I'm worried about how my kids will handle really bad news, if it comes to that. I'm fine with stuff like this as long as it isn't my husband and kids.

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