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When a friend has a baby...

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A friend of mine recently had a baby. We're not close friends but she's one of those people I know we'll always be friends- we won't ever fight or allow the friendship to get so distant that we just drift apart and never talk again. In the long term we may end up only talking a few times per year but I know that's okay for both of us. :)


I know she's had the baby because she was due back in May and if she hasn't then she's reeeaaaaalllllly overdue. ;) But, she hasn't called or emailed to let me know and neither of us is on FB. We also don't have any mutual friends so I have no way of finding out for sure if she's had the baby and what she had.


I'd like to bring over a meal for her and her family as well as something for the baby but don't know how to go about doing so. I don't want to call and ask her as I know she's very busy and I don't want her to feel bad for not having called me.


I'm happy waiting for her to contact me somehow but feel that that's not entirely proactive of me. What if it's in a couple of months? I'd feel weird bringing over a meal when baby is 15 weeks old. :tongue_smilie:


What's the proper thing to do?

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Call and ask how she's doing. There is the remote possibility of complications with the pregnancy or delivery.


And 15 weeks old is right about when I REEEEEALLLLLLY needed a good meal. All the "new baby" attention was long over, and the hard work was beginning.

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If you normally talk on the phone with her when you do talk, I'd call and say something like, "I hope things are going well with the new baby. What would be a good day to bring over a meal?" If email is your usual form of communication with her, I'd send an email saying the same thing.

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Call and ask how she's doing. There is the remote possibility of complications with the pregnancy or delivery.


And 15 weeks old is right about when I REEEEEALLLLLLY needed a good meal. All the "new baby" attention was long over, and the hard work was beginning.


:iagree: Call and tell her you've been thinking of her, and wanted to find out how she was doing. If there were complications w/ the baby, it might not be best to immediately ask about the baby. Then I would offer to bring her a mea,l or sit w/ her dc while she showered, or run errands for her, or whatever she needs that you can do.

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Gosh..this brings back a terrible memory...I had a seen a distant friend at the grocery store...knowing that about 2 months before, she would have had her baby. She was checking out and I said "Oh hey! How is baby boy doing? You had him in June right?" She turned away, shaking her head 'no' with big tears in her eyes. I had NO idea that the baby had passed on. We didn't have any mutual friends and it was in a neighboring town so I never saw it in the paper. I felt HORRID. I later found out he died a few weeks after birth from a severe birth defect that they had not detected through ultrasounds. It was a shock to them. Anyway....beside the point but I remembered that when you asked what to do. With that in mind, I would call her up and just ask her how she's doing and if you can drop a meal by. I'm sure the baby is fine, but on the off chance that it is not, this cover's both circumstances.

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