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WWYD--Dental xrays without consent

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My ds had the last stage of a double root canal this morning. The endodontist did some xrays in conjunction with this, and gave me copies to take with me.


We went straight from the endo to the ped dentist, who we have been with for years. She is wonderful and really sweet and we really like her a lot. We went there for her to do the post-root-canal fillings and do some repair on ds' fake teeth (composites attached to the stumps that had the root canals). We also went for a routine cleaning for both of my kids.


The ped dentist did xrays on both kids because it had been two years since she did this. It is their policy to inform the parents ahead of time, but today I was not asked or informed. I found out later when ds mentioned it to me.


I am upset:


--Ds had JUST had xrays at the endo. I didn't really want his head irradiated that many times in one day.


--In the last two months, ds has had xrays for a broken nose, and two xrays (2 sessions, 3-4 positions each time) on his broken arm, in addition to the endo's xrays and the ped dentist's xrays. This is more radiation than I am comfortable with, and it's expensive.


--They didn't ask. Since this is just a routine check for cavities, I would have asked that they wait another six months.


When I called the ped dentist, she tried to sweetly help me understand how little radiation it really is (it's digital, so that's one comfort) and how necessary it is for her to have the xrays to do her job well. She did apologize for the lapse and said she would not charge for the xrays. She's really sweet.

So, now here is the quandary.


Should I offer to pay all since we would have done this at some point this year anyway?


Should I offer to pay dd's xrays, since I would have given consent for her, just not for ds at this time?


Should I leave well enough alone?


Like I said, this dentist is really, really sweet. We've been with her a number of years, and she has been accommodating of us at different times. She allows parents to come back with the kids and she is GREAT about explaining what she's doing and has a great bedside manner. I hate to take advantage of her, especially because this was likely an honest mistake. Yet I am also unhappy that ds had these xrays this morning.



Edited by strider
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I would just drop it. If she said she wouldn't charge for it, I would take her at her word unless you are billed for it. Then I would remind her about what she had said. If she's as professional as you say, I'm sure she will honor her word.


If you feel uncomfortable about it all, go by (or call) and thank her for her understanding why you were unhappy about the x-rays. You can offer to pay at that time if you want.

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I'd leave it. Fact is, she performed a medical test on your minor children w/out consent. She had no business, regardless of how sweet she is, in performing any testing/treatment w/out your consent.


:iagree: If she had asked you, you could have handed over the x-rays from earlier in the morning. There is no reason you should pay for those.

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I work for a company that sells the state regulations for our state. People tell me all the time that they just do digital x-rays. Digital is just a way of looking at the x-rays. The machine still emits waves into the human body which is why our state regulates that activity. Tell them under no circumstances that they may do more x-rays without permission on your son. Sorry this happened to you. I hope your son is feeling better soon.

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I would pay for the X-rays for your daughter. Personally this isn't something I would leave a good dentist over. I can see how some parents would want to be asked about X-rays, but if My kids had been going to a dentist for years getting the regularly scheduled X-rays I wouldn't expect to be asked for permission each time since X-rays are a routine part of dental checkups.

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just my 2 cents...


it is possible that the xrays that were done at the endo were different types of xrays than are performed during a routine cleaning. the endo would need the particular tooth- root and all- and the routine xrays get in between the teeth (bite wings) where the dentist cannot see. some dentists prefer to get those every 6 months if the child's teeth are really close together regardless if they "never" get cavities or had them 6 months ago- just to cover themselves. cavities can develop over the course of a year. they are both necessary. If she is truly as wonderful as you say- just let it go. In my area, I have to travel 30 away from my home just to find a pediatric dentist that nice and will allow me to go back with my kids. it means she has integrity in her work and doesnt have anything to hide. i know the contraversy surrounding xrays/radiation, but it really sounds like a fluke that the endo did it the same day as the dentist. i would imagine you signed something at some point (maybe even at new patient registration) stating some generalization about accepting the xrays.


i'm one to care more about a nice dentist than the amount of xrays my kids are exposed to.

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well, the xrays that they just did for a root canal is not sufficient for checking for cavities in the interproximal areas of your child's teeth. It truly is minimal radiation but I understand your concern with the recent history. I would have allowed the xrays for my children regardless.


If she offered to not charge for the xrays, so be it. I wouldn't feel obligated to pay for them because digital xrays don't cost the dentist any more than their initial cost of equipment and software. There will be times that xrays will have to be used mid treatment that you will not be notified of and not charged for such as checking crown margin lines, apex of root canal, extraction proof, etc. These random xrays allow the dentist to do a great job and double check their work.


ETA: I worked for a dentist that would take xrays every six months regardless of charges to insurance. They would write off the cost of the xrays. The benefit of xrays was greater than the cost of writing them off. It allowed the dentist to catch cavities early and protect their bottom line. Some patients will get upset if a large cavity "appears" even if they are the ones refusing xrays in the first place.

Edited by Mandylubug
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just my 2 cents...


it is possible that the xrays that were done at the endo were different types of xrays than are performed during a routine cleaning. the endo would need the particular tooth- root and all- and the routine xrays get in between the teeth (bite wings) where the dentist cannot see. some dentists prefer to get those every 6 months if the child's teeth are really close together regardless if they "never" get cavities or had them 6 months ago- just to cover themselves. cavities can develop over the course of a year. they are both necessary. If she is truly as wonderful as you say- just let it go. In my area, I have to travel 30 away from my home just to find a pediatric dentist that nice and will allow me to go back with my kids. it means she has integrity in her work and doesnt have anything to hide. i know the contraversy surrounding xrays/radiation, but it really sounds like a fluke that the endo did it the same day as the dentist. i would imagine you signed something at some point (maybe even at new patient registration) stating some generalization about accepting the xrays.


i'm one to care more about a nice dentist than the amount of xrays my kids are exposed to.


I do understand that they are two different types of xray, and I would have had NO issues with doing an xray at his next cleaning in six months. However, I do have issues with the multiple xrays on one body in the course of two months, and multiple xrays in one day. We take really good care of our teeth, and my son has not had any cavities since he was 2yo. I really don't think there would have been any harm in just checking a little later.


Also, I would never, ever accept a dentist xraying my kids' teeth every six months. That is excessive and expensive and unnecessary.


That said, dh leans towards paying because she is great, and because I would have consented for dd, and would have had it done in six months anyway. The message has been sent, so it would be gracious to keep the relationship happy and just pay it.

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Just as as an aside, it is also possible for the dentist to use a thyroid collar but at least where I live I've never had one offer it without me having to specifically request it. While it doesn't address all of the problems concerned with xrays it may be something to ask for in the future.

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