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What to bring for kids to do at Grandparents house?

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We have to go to my ILs this weekend. There is nothing for the kids to do there. The house is very kid unfriendly and the yard has been converted into a water feature, so there is literally no where to play inside or out. With my boys, it is very much like bringing a bull to a china shop.


So, I am wondering what in the world I can bring to occupy these kids for the few hours that we have to be there (do I sound as excited as I am :glare:). Anything that can potentially damage floors or walls is out, so no crayons, cars etc...I am coming up with nothing. Ideas?

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You know, in that situation for that short of time, I would suggest television or video games. I know it is looked down on, but if I have to keep my girls confined for a few hours, this is the easiest (and happiest for them) way to do it.

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Ukeleles, harmonicas and kazoos :lol:



:lol::lol::lol: I also would permit some dvd's/videos under these circumstances. How about Lego's, drawing paper and colored pencils (potentially not as messy as crayons) books (of course;) Maybe you could make a trip to library ahead of time and pick up some new to them items? Is there possibly a park nearby that you could escape to? Or some long walks around the neighborhood? And play-dough is always a possibility:tongue_smilie:

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Could you just keep leaving to take them to a park?? :D


"I'd love to stay & visit but the boys need to run around..." :lol:


Otherwise, I agree with Meagan - tv and/or computer...




When ds was that age and Grandma's home was not kid-friendly, we'd bring board games for everyone. One for Grandma & grandchild like Chutes & Ladders and a family group game like Chicken Foot (Dominoes) or Crazy Eights with a deck of cards. She always had a puzzle out. We'd walk around the neighborhood once a day. She would do a cooking lesson like baking cookies. Many times, grandson just had to adjust hanging out with the old folks and make do. Which is why I invested in a Nintendo DS for those times boredom set in -- it does work as an incentive!! LOL


When son got older, he would read books when boredom set in. You learn to adjust with older folk and learn their ways. Grandma passed on a year ago and now ds is 17. He misses those times with his Grandma.

Edited by tex-mex
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A backpack with coloring books, a small box of crayons, some jigsaw puzzles, some books that have multiple stories. Maybe granny can give them some of her paper to write on and ask them to draw a nice, complicated picture. If you have DSs or the like, that would probably be good too if the goal is keeping them uninvolved in their surroundings.


I agree with leaving to take them for a walk rather than forcing them to sit still against their inner nature. :001_smile:

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Good ideas about the park and computer! I think I will check the library to see if there are any movies we could borrow that they have not seen :) I am quite sure we will not be missed if we leave for a walk. Sadly, my ILs usually ignore the kids unless they are getting too close to the tiffany lamps or the curio room :glare:


Ukeleles, harmonicas and kazoos....tempting!!! :lol:

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Good ideas about the park and computer! I think I will check the library to see if there are any movies we could borrow that they have not seen :) I am quite sure we will not be missed if we leave for a walk. Sadly, my ILs usually ignore the kids unless they are getting too close to the tiffany lamps or the curio room :glare:


Ukeleles, harmonicas and kazoos....tempting!!! :lol:


Excellent! Then they should definitely stay home. And, of course, you will need to stay home with them...;)

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I have a tub of special legos I only bring out for grandma's house, so they think it's exciting. So maybe some and different box of manipulatives. Also - highly recommend the "Stomp Rocket"!!! Check it out. Get the bigger version for heavier kids. About $15-19, and so much fun! It's an outdoor toy.

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