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Women only, femine products for daughters....

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what do you have your daughters use? Has anyone introduced them to a menstrual cup? at what age?


I've used one the past 8 years or so and would have used it sooner had I known about it. I started out using pads and HATED them, I bought tampons with my own money as soon as I could. Anyway, I would really like to have dd use a cup when she starts, but is it odd or would she be freaked out?



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I had never heard of a menstrual cup prior to reading this post. For those of you who are also wondering, "What is it?" here's a link that tells you all you ever wanted to know...




Maybe you could show this site to your daughters.


I'm thinking that this could really save money, over a lifetime (we have three girls). Do you realize how expensive pads are? Where do you get these cups? How do you know what size/shape to get? Do they really work? I really have never heard of this before.

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I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I'd give her pads. That's what I still use to this day because tampons hurt. I've never figured out *why* they hurt... I mean, I'd had babies, for crying out loud (one of them weighed over 10 lbs at birth) but tampons are just completely uncomfortable and I'm a little squicked out by the menstrual cup (like, if you're at the library or something, do you go out of the stall and take it to the sink to rinse and then reinsert it?!).

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I'd just start her off with pads and let her try out the other options as she chooses. A box of tampons and one of Instead won't cost that much, and they can just be available. For myself, I'd be squicked out as a young teen by the cup (I tried it about 10 years ago and it was a nightmare). But I'm like Ashleen, tampons have never worked for me. (Not only do they hurt, they leak. Totally useless.)


Get the "superthin with wings" sort of pads, those are such an improvement over the old-style ones...

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Started with cloth or disposable pads. Eventually added conventional tampons along with menstrual sea sponges and rolled up infant socks, both of which function as tampon. Never bought my daughters the menstrual cup because I hated mine.


My teens definitely prefer the disposable products :(

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I would be careful with the sea sponges though. I have several friends (not second hand but very good friends) who used sea sponges and ended up with vaginitis and other irritations.


That said- it took me a good 6 months before I figured out how to use a cup. I love it now though. I also love my cloth pads- much softer than anything disposable!

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I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I'd give her pads. That's what I still use to this day because tampons hurt. I've never figured out *why* they hurt... I mean, I'd had babies, for crying out loud (one of them weighed over 10 lbs at birth) but tampons are just completely uncomfortable and I'm a little squicked out by the menstrual cup (like, if you're at the library or something, do you go out of the stall and take it to the sink to rinse and then reinsert it?!).



Thanks everyone. You don't have to remove your cup every time you go to the bathroom. When using a cup, it's like you aren't even on your period. You can't feel it, nothing comes out until you empty it. My routine is, insert it when I start, empty it once a day when I'm on a heavy day, if not, I empty it in the morning, shower, insert it in the shower. Empty it at night before bed. That's it. It's so simple, if it leaks, it's too full or not inserted correctly. If you can feel it, it's not inserted correctly. It is SO much better than dealing with a "bloody" mess all day.


Here's a great site: http://sew-in-love.com/menstrual-cups.html

Not sure about where the greatest price is. Is started out with a Keeper, but now use a Mooncup and like it better, it's just softer.

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Mine used tampons from the beginning. Regular tampons didn't make the cut. New teens need a rounded plastic applicator with a very slender tampon. They quickly move on from that though. Since you use a cup, I'd say go ahead and purchase one for her. Explain how it is used. Provide teen tampons, pads, and the cup. Let her go from there.

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I had never heard of a menstrual cup prior to reading this post. For those of you who are also wondering, "What is it?" here's a link that tells you all you ever wanted to know...




Maybe you could show this site to your daughters.


I'm thinking that this could really save money, over a lifetime (we have three girls). Do you realize how expensive pads are? Where do you get these cups? How do you know what size/shape to get? Do they really work? I really have never heard of this before.



Thanks for this link. I've never heard about this either!

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Um...that really works?? And it's easy to get out?? And it doesn't spill when you take it out?? I've never saw such a thing in my life! I think I'm a bit weirded out by it only because it's so different from anything I've ever seen.


Going back to the original question - after seeing that and knowing about tampons - I would start my dd off slow. I'm planning on starting her with pads until she gets used to having her period. Then I planned on introducing her to tampons when she was a bit older. But I will also be showing her these cups and let her decide.


It shouldn't be much longer for my dd before she starts hers so this thread was very timely for me.

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You don't have to remove your cup every time you go to the bathroom. When using a cup, it's like you aren't even on your period. You can't feel it, nothing comes out until you empty it.


Thanks. That sounds a lot better than what I was imagining!

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