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I am officially 1/2 marathon ready and slightly rambly...

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First, you might think that since I have done P90X, martial arts, Insanity, Asylum forever, I have actually been running longer although I do not consider myself a runner, that this is natural. It is not. I do not have the love nor talent that some ladies here have and I certainly do not have the physique. Good thing NONE OF THAT IS NECESSARY! I had a limit of 6 miles before diarrhea or plantar fasciitis got a hold of me. I just accepted since not everything is for everybody and distance running does not have to be for me.


Second, I posted before about having run 11 miles. I kind of thought that was a one time deal. I had just come from a music hiatus for Lent and so I was raring to go! Plus I had eaten about a million calories the night before and needed a run to assuage the guilt. I missed all my favorite workout music and so I just kept going and going. That epic run just seemed like the pinnacle of my running habit and I didn't need to think about it anymore.


This morning I was really kind of non-commital about running. I decided to just get out there get a little sweat on, 30 minutes. Of course that is bunk because I never run for just 30 minutes but I guess my thought was just that it was going to be a non goal oriented, lackadaisical run. I told my husband I was doing a short run and he scoffed at me. He knows me better than I know me, I guess. I started out and immediately I felt really strong. My heart rate was nice and high (which meant that I had a challenging pace) and I busted out 5.5 miles like it was nothing. I stopped to drink, stretch out a few kinks, and allow my heart rate to drop. Then I kept going, lap after lap after lap after lap, only pausing to drink or adjust my iPod. I didn't want to stop. I finally had to give in because I ran out of water and didn't care to have a heat stroke.


10 miles in the hot son. I had so much salt crust in my hair and around my eyes, I am sure I looked a fright.


Part way through the run, I realized that I could easily handle a half marathon and I started to tear up a little. I remember the days when such a thing seemed really impossible. I mean, today, I had proof that I could do it. No flukes.


Let me reiterate that I have NO RUNNING TALENT. I don't even like running. I am short, squat, heavy in the thighs, and highly prone to plantar fasciitis. The only thing that got me to this point was perseverance and YEARS of trying and failing. I just failed forward.


To commemorate this milestone, I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon which is in two weeks. Starting today I am doing a small giveaway to ANYBODY who has signed up for their FIRST 10K, 1/2 Marathon, or marathon. PM if you want the details. You aren't buying anything from me, btw.

Edited by LG Gone Wild
I really need an editor.
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That's awesome! Great job!


On June 13 I will be signing up for my first 1/2 marathon, the Tinkerbell 1/2 and I CAN'T wait!!!!


I decided I was going to become a runner, so I'm working on it. I ran a 1/4 marathon ( 6.55 miles) two weeks ago just to see what a real race was like. It was AWESOME!!!

Edited by Munchkins_mama
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LG, I've always thought that you ROCK and now it sounds like you're getting a taste of it! I remember you posting about using running as cross-training over on our social group but I just can't get into anything else like I can with running. I've been on hiatus due to schedules and injury but your post is encouraging. Go get 'em girlie!!! :grouphug:

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Way to go! Sometimes you just need to get out there. I started running at the first of the year. Ran my first 5k in February and completed my first half at the end of march-- I still don't know how I did it and I'm ready for another!

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:hurray: I think it's great!


I enjoy running, but I don't have the running "physique". I'm tall, but I have poor muscle tone and knocked knees, which cause issues with my Achilles and feet. But I still run. I don't think shape is important, only that you go for it. Who cares if your the fastest or slowest?


Have a great 1/2! Don't forget to come back here and give a race report. You may get addicted. The 1/2 is a great distance.

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